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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Destruction of the US Constitution So ‘Equality’ can be Forced Upon the Masses for the Benefit of Leftist Government and their Political Allies.

[some links are broken] 

Karl Marx was very correct in his summation that “The history of all hitherto existing society [2] is the history of class struggles.[1]” The footnote “[2]” relates to some sophomoric writings that “showed” that communism was the primitive early human ground state before government and capitalism destroyed that pristine system and forced antagonism among the newly formed classes. This is in fact a truism if you stipulate that the ‘poor’ have not benefited from the elevation of humans from ignorance, fair  government and trade from the pitiful ground state of poverty and disease. But, this form of egalitarian politics cannot allow such an advancement as it only widens the spaces between the inevitable social strata that spontaneously form.  The elites must intervene and conquer or suppress capitalism if they are to restore ‘natural’ society.

Our social systems were founded not upon equality, as there is no such thing in groups above a count of say 20[2], but on capitalism[3] [even in primitive societies] where jobs and performances on those jobs were assessed by local leaders and adjustments to the work force  made if necessary.  In cases where individuals have an ‘equal chance’ to be decision makers, this notion  allows blunders, sometimes fatal to the community, and burdens those remaining to suffer from bad decisions  resulting with  an alteration  of the food supply or war with other locals.  We are clearly not equal as we can see form standardized cognitive skill tests [IQs] [4] that are now suppressed belief that  they ‘discriminate’ against certain minorities. This a fact because, strangely, IQ tests sort out people by the cognitive tendency “g” and indeed sort out averages[5] in races according to the average scores for any tabulated society taken from those tests. The fact that Asians score an average of about 101-102 compared to 100 for  Caucasians[6] is not illustrative for the left who know that many of their constituents, aligned in racial groups, have an average of only IQ = 85, a full standard deviation [15 points] below whites and Asians. Indeed, if even part of the IQ differential is accepted by the left then that argues for more ‘education’ to help bring up the average.[7] The salient fact that IQ can be accurately measured in 5-7 different ways and does not depend on advanced education is ignored. The nostrum that IQ can be enhanced with education is a farce that is perpetuated by liberals.

Marx and his rants may be taken at face value only if we ignore capitalism. Thus, we note that capitalism is the premier barrier to advances in the so-called socialist theories of governance.  Marx is focused on demonizing those who are successful in assembling teams with jobs given to match those with the appropriate attributes because such teams are frequently successful and, in competition on any scale, rise above the chaos of primitive socialism.

The placement of people in key jobs is central to the notion of efficiently and this effect tends to allow a concentration of wealth among the gross masses if interactions among classes are allowed. This interaction allows the evil ‘exploitation of the masses’ to proceed and the zero-sum rule is necessary to add in with the complaints as proof that any comparison of assets among all groups is proof that that wealth was gained unfairly.

The solution to this dilemma is two fold: [1] destroy capitalism and [2] institute a government of enlightened persons who will force a sharing of wealth so that every citizen might be essentially ‘equal’ to all others. Now, back in 1775 when those skilled in history and politics began to construct our Constitution these forces were clearly understood. King George III was a leader at the top of the feudal system in England and made decisions along with Parliament about laws, taxes and such. The methods used by  this king and others are typical of tyranny and the Constitution was written so as to remove those powers that might allow the American Colonies in this experiment to ward off such advances in offensive government. Thus the Constitution ad the Bill of Rights became a barrier to those who would usurp power and advance toward tyranny.

Government was then changed into a form where the separate colonies operated a federal union with a host of barriers against the growth and power of government tending toward tyranny. Thus the representative governments in several states might use their power to control the federal government and prevent abuse to the citizens.

This process did what it was supposed to do: it enabled capitalism and proscribed the power of government that might threaten this economic process and hand power to a few who would ‘govern’ according to whatever they thought to be correct at the time. This process made the USA the biggest and most successful nation in history and almost any positive average of any attribute can be found to be the highest or near the top for the US.  This is unacceptable to the left because the US is an engine that tears apart any notion of equality and dwarfs nations who leaders select socialist options. They are publicly punished by the US successes.  Publicly demonstrating that the social works and expensive legacy of leftist elites are worthless only invites a crusade to curtail capitalism and that means circumventing the Constitution in the courts or with Executive Orders. Thus they turn vicious and demonize capitalists wherever possible.

This leads to phony interpretations of the law as we see in the case of defeating 7 million votes in California who voted against gay marriages:

"Proposition 8 violates the equal protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution by taking away the right of same-sex couples to marry, without a sufficient governmental interest," Brown said.”[8]-- District Judge Vaughn Walker, a gay who should have recused himself.

This ‘right’ is arbitrary and could be applied to any endeavor such as smoking dope or prostitution or sexually abusing children. All it takes is some radical activist judge to ‘find’ that right somewhere in the dumpsters and change the law. They found such a stooge.

Apart from that, the far left needs to buy off the voters with monies stolen or abstracted from the right and the current notion of paying off mortgage holders whose mortgages are  higher than their current house price is a classic:

An estimated 15 million U.S. mortgages – one in five – are underwater with negative equity of some $800 billion. Recall that on Christmas Eve 2009, the Treasury Department waived a $400 billion limit on financial assistance to Fannie and Freddie, pledging unlimited help. The actual vehicle for the bailout could be the Bush-era Home Affordable Refinance Program, or HARP, a sister program to Obama’s loan modification effort. HARP was just extended through June 30, 2011.

“2) Wall Street banks are alerting their clients privately to this possibility. Here is what some are cautiously saying publicly. This from Goldman Sachs:

GSE [e.g. Fannie Mae ed.]  policies are one of a dwindling number of policy levers the administration has left to pull, so it is conceivable that changes could be made, though there is no sign that a policy change is imminent. The Treasury’s essentially unlimited ability to provide financial support to the GSEs creates an interesting situation over the next twelve months: the GSEs could potentially be used to provide additional support for the housing market and, to a lesser extent, the broader economy in 2H 2001.”[9]--An August Surprise from Obama? AUG 5, 2010 00:26 EDT By James Pethokoukis

This would be  a direct transfer of money to potential constituents using debt as the vehicle and sticking the taxpayers with even more debt that the 14 trillion they have now that equates to 14 t/65 m or $215,384.62 for every taxpayer above the median. [10] This is a socialist’s dream come true.

This is how it works so get set to watch more of your wealth and assets transferred to the ‘poor’ guided by the gentle hands of the liberals.

rycK Comments to

[1] Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Manifesto of the Communist Pary 1848. The footnote [2] refers to some attempts to show that communism was common and natural before government and capitalism destroyed this savannah. With the dissolution of the primeaval [sic] communities, society begins to be differentiated into separate and finally antagonistic classes. I have attempted to retrace this dissolution in _Der
Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthumus und des Staats_, second edition, Stuttgart,
1886. [Engels, 1888 English edition]

[2] The Futile Attempt of Forcing Equality Among the Masses.

[3] The Pyramidal Theory of Capitalism Explained in Simple Terms.

[4] Unintelligent Design in the World Economic System and the Economic Path Downward.

“One of the main follies in the human process is that workable ideas and social systems cannot work effectively for everybody so the necessity to redesign or improve the existing system draws power and strength from the dissatisfied.  When given a chance to vote, the lower classes always strive to vote money for themselves.[4]This process proceeds even though the disgruntled may become worse off from the effects of the new design. The solution thus, monotonously, becomes an urgent need for more government.  When we hear that we must ‘do something for the people,’ the people, whoever they are, eventually absorb the full brunt of the failure from this ‘something’ and suffer from starvation, government, poverty or disease. Part of this frantic quest for alternatives to proven viable economic and social systems has produced disasters like the French Revolution[4], the Russian Revolution, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution[4]  and many others. Many of the citizens of these movements fell under programs like The Reign of Terror[4], Dekulakization[4], The Russian Purges,[4] the famine in the Ukraine known as Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор translation: death by starvation)[4] and events such as in the sadistic genocide of innocents by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge political party in Cambodia[4], There are too many examples of this madness to even list by title. So, the quest for power and wealth by political operatives goes on under new names, the current one being ‘economic stimulus’ or, in my wording, unintelligent design.”

[5] Not individuals.

[7] Johnson asked the academic community for an answer as to why his programs failed and Arthur Jensen of University of California at Berkeley assessed the reason as being related to low cognitive skills of African-Americans. His article: How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?” caused a political fire storm and was instantly refuted by ignoring and making excuses for the standardized test results. The data were reinvestigated and reanalyzed at Harvard and further substantiated in The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life , which was also ‘refuted’ with emotion and political action. The attack on the authors was actually an attack on legitimacy of the testing data, known well since 1905 and discussed in a book entitled The Measurement Of Intelligence by Lewis M Terman.  Nobody had questioned the facts about cognitive differences among races until it became a hot political issue. Thus, the refutation of hard scientific facts such as IQ testing now follows by strident political mechanisms as we see in the phony Global Warming Follies and other political nostrums.  If the truth from sound scientific data violates some leftist political tenet then they must be lies and some counter process is needed to ‘correct’ the political view. 21,000 scientists can take issue with Al Gore on global warming, which recently had to be embarrassingly changed to ‘climate change,’ but he declares the matter ‘settled.’ His adventure is in the realm of global taxes—not science. He is the new Lysenko.

[8]  Prop 8 Ruling Divides Political Candidates Posted by Stephanie Condon

[9] An August Surprise from Obama? AUG 5, 2010 00:26 EDT By James Pethokoukis
[10] People below the median pay little or no taxes so out of 130 million workers the upper half will be stuck with repaying the debt.

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