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Friday, July 25, 2014

Propaganda Gem: Krugman Distorts History as He Grubs for More Taxes.

From 6.16.2008

Propaganda Gem:  Krugman Distorts History as He Grubs for More Taxes.

We can always appreciate the propagandistic essays of the NYT—aka the Walter Duranty Papers[1]-- as they attempt to ‘form public opinion’ by scaring the dolts that read and believe their fluff. The current experiments on   the existing disinformation methods are always a treat to read from the Times and some of their staff.  It is difficult to believe that so many people are so simple, but we have to respect their reported daily circulation numbers although they are losing money and are in danger of bankruptcy. Today, we are treated to an economic Doom prediction from their m0st famous non-economist one Paul Krugman.  Woe is us. Let us all call for a tax hike to save us!

 The theme:  An evil plot has been hatched to burden future administrations with fewer taxes! Such an outrage! Such nasty capitalism!

Here it the pitch:

A poison pill, in corporate jargon, is a financial arrangement designed to protect current management by crippling the company if someone else takes over.

The Conscience of a Liberal As I read the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center’s analysis of the presidential candidates’ tax proposals, I realized that the tax cuts enacted by the Bush administration are, in effect, a fiscal poison pill aimed at future administrations.”[2] -- Fiscal Poison Pill by Paul Krugman [Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]This link references all quotes in this essay unless otherwise stated.

This is an incoherent glubberance as we must expect from a Marxian-Revisionist leftist who cannot control his rage at the mention of tax cuts. Taxes on the masses are the only source of money and power for the sordid left so we can expect an explosion of emotion whenever they are prevented from converting our society into a dung heap like their ideological brothers did in the USSR, Cuba and North Korea. Those guys knew how to properly handle the capitalists and entrepreneurs with murder, famine and death.

But, to be fair and to show some ‘sensitivity’ to the leftists in our country, we have to realize that they are frustrated, very emotional and need a way to vent their miseries in many ways. Unfortunately, the only soothing balm for a leftist is the hope for a new and wonderful tax hike so they can waste the proceeds and confirm for the tax payers their belligerent ignorance and trumpet their eternal spite. As such, they must rely on the most privative of political methods. Some have likened liberalism to the folly of probing some primate’s orifice in the glorious search for diamonds, which compares well with the up-to-date history of liberal social programs. Follies like this are absurd, but typical liberal and the eternal quest continue for wealth to waste in defiance of success. [3]

Now, the expected lies and distortions factor into the leftist logic here:

Exhibit A of the poison pill in action is the sad case of John McCain, part of whose lingering image as a maverick rests on his early opposition to the Bush tax cuts, which he declared excessive and too tilted toward the rich.

Since then the budget surpluses of the Clinton years have given way to persistent deficits, and income inequality has risen to new heights, vindicating his opposition.”

This is ancient history and a sad distortion of reality.  Krugman does not realize that McCain would be in the Executive Branch and his Senate vote would be moot.

This is also a lie for several reasons. [1] Clinton, a plurality president with only 43% of the vote, merely rode on the Reagan Revolution Prosperity Wave, but tried to spend as much as he could. His surpluses were not of his doing. His consort, Colonel Klebb[4], proposed an enormously expensive socialized medicine program that would, if allowed, have swamped our economy with inefficiencies. [2] Clinton was stopped from his wild spending in 94 when he lost control of the House, a whore house of tax mongering for 30 y ears of Democratic Party abuse. [3] Recall that Reagan spent what he did with on the promise that the left would cut spending, and they, lying as always, did not. [4] Ronald Reagan had to fight to end the useless Great Society programs that were a drag on society, [5] Clinton was forced to sign the Welfare Reform Act and that cut welfare costs by 26%, something the liberals are still fuming about.  [6] Clinton cut spending only on the military but did manage to use them in a pogrom to wipe out children in Waco because they offended and failed to respect and trust Slick Willie.

Here is some more revisionism:

But instead of pointing this out, Mr. McCain now promises to make those tax cuts permanent — and proposes further cuts that are, if anything, tilted even more toward the wealthy. And how is the loss of revenue to be made up? Mr. McCain hasn’t offered a realistic answer.”

Well, where is the explanation of how O’Bozo would pay for his socialized medicine and we always wonder where he Highway Trust Fund went and then there is the matter of a trillion dollars missing from Social Security that seems to exist as IOUs the taxpayers would have to pay for to get this back, thus double taxation.  What happened to the 5 trillion dollars that went into social programs since 1950? What did we get from welfare? More poor? Higher crime rates? When you offer  liberals free rein to create a city of their liking you get cesspools like Philadelphia, New Orleans, Detroit, Oakland and St. Louis.[5] The liberals refuse to answer questions like this.

Here is the big lie:

Barack Obama’s tax plan is more responsible than Mr. McCain’s: relative to current policy, the Tax Policy Center estimates, the Obama plan would raise revenue by $700 billion over the next decade, compared with a $600 billion loss for Mr. McCain.”

The problem with this picture is that leftists, animated on skinny little strings by their Marxian masters, cannot conceive of economic growth induced by lower taxes.  They believe that any tax cut is a loss and the money is lost. So, any tax hike actually raises revenues although history shows that most excessive tax hikes return less revenue. The left must pursue this lie because to tell the truth here would simply expose their lies and follies.

The rest of his propaganda screed is crap and not worth reading, but the inevitable conclusion is worth at least a cursory examination and comment:

Anyway, back to my main theme: looking at the tax proposals of the two presidential candidates, it’s remarkable and disheartening to see how effective President Bush’s fiscal poison pill has been in restricting the terms of debate.

Progressives, in particular, have to hope that Mr. Obama will be more willing [6]to challenge the Bush legacy in office than he has been in the campaign.”

A lie. There is noting to prevent the tax whores[7] from whoring the halls of Congress day and night.  The truthful part is that O’Bozo has been rather quite on his tax details as tax mongers do not usually win elections in the US as we saw from HHH, George McGovern,  al gore, Vinegar John Kerry [8] [9], Yo Yo Dukakis and other front parlor  fluffers.

As usual, we find only a sophomoric  krugmaniacal screed with the mandatory foaming at the mouth and drooling on the dingy claws from the New York Times.  To say that these themes are hackneyed and stale would be accurate but redundant. These political operatives will say and do anything to get more tax monies to waste while they celebrate and assist our enemies and purr as our brave soldiers are killed in wars protecting our county.  They love our enemies and celebrate Islamo-Fascism and excuse the freeloading criminals who cross our borders and commit felonies while condemning others of the Christian faith who live in the US but don’t vote for phony leftists disguised as liberal Democrats.

Isn’t the New York Times wonderful? Raise taxes and bring prosperity: “All the Propaganda that is fit to Print!” The New York Times is a  poison pill, but fortunately poisons the minds of the undesirables.


Comments to:

[1] In honor of that celebrated Communist stooge and liar and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the NYT. The color RED is used in my essays in honor of Walter Duranty, a saint, if there could be one, in the Marxist Archives of Honor.
[2] Fiscal Poison Pill  By PAUL KRUGMAN Op-Ed Columnist Published: June 16, 2008.
[Emphasis is mine in all quotes.] This link  references all quotes in this essay unless otherwise stated.

[3]It has been stated in more explicit terms than printed here that: Liberalism is like probing a baboon’s sphincter for diamonds. There is little chance for success, but there several opportunities for anger and frustration.” Whining about Taxes by the New York Times Revision #476
[4] Clinton: Rule or Ruin, the Colonel Klebb Solution to the Party of Democrats.
Posted by rycK on Sunday, March 30, 2008 12:42:38 PM

[7] The New York Times Counsels Us on Economic Fears in the Middle Class and the Urgent Need or Higher Taxes, Again.
The New York Times Essays Us on ‘Values?”!! This is Really Just a Propaganda Piece on Taxation and Control

Krugman Denies the Denials Of The Party Of Denial: Raise Taxes No Mater What.
There Is No End To The Tax-Whoring By Climate Control Lunatics.
Posted by rycK on Friday, April 04, 2008 10:43:11 AM
Krugman of the New York Times Slaps His own Face over a New Theory to Raise Taxes.
Posted by rycK on Monday, March 10, 2008 11:19:13 AM

[9] Liar, Communist stooge and parasite. 

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