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Monday, October 18, 2010

Mangled Messages from Germany over "multikulti" and the Failure of Muslims to Assimilate

Mangled Messages from Germany over "multikulti" and the Failure of Muslims to Assimilate
Abstract: Chancellor Angela Merkel has injected some snarled political concepts in a maneuver to defuse the corrosive situation in Germany where Muslims cannot seem to fit into an expected multicultural society community or "multikulti” as they call it. The politics then becomes the supreme guiding factor for analyzing the reasons for this, but crime statistics and welfare slot counts are off limits. The process then degenerates into a squabble over what can not be said rather than address the problem in any other way. Thus, the political ‘solution’ is not to address the problem. Such processes in the US tend to open up slots in schools and universities for those with inadequate skills for college. IQ testing is outlawed in the US because it “discriminates” against minorities as if we cannot see how IQ testing sorts out people by those cognitive skills. Many of our political leaders are loathsome beings with a contempt and fury for not only capitalism but those with superior mental skills. These politicians have placed us in terminal debt, have opened as many borders as the can, falsified credentials and have attempted to force ‘equality’ upon us when it is impossible to do this. It is time to call liberalism or egalitarianism a total failure and vote these so-called leaders out of office.

The world is dominated by politics as its first order of existence and as such creates conundrums and rat mazes for their citizens to stumble over so many seek various escape routes among the wreckage. The second order appears to be some form of religion while the third order rests firmly on tribalism. When the three are mixed the outcome is explosive and rarely satisfactory for all. The political mandates, growing out of the huge mass of socialism that we find is not working out, includes the solemn postulate that we are all ‘equal’ or some sticky nostrum to that effect.[1][2] This is synthetically mandated although the capitalist system is based directly on inequality where people are matched to their jobs. [3] The conception of equality leads to all sorts of racism, reverse racism, bigotry, lies and superficial architecture in cities and nations because of this mandated truth hood that is so very easy to dismantle in public and private places from the evidence. It also leads to inefficiency because people are not matched to their jobs. Political systems and governments attempt to make adjustments to the chaos and disorder induced by this equality game that frequently erects the very attributes they object to and reverse them in a power maneuver. My term for this counter-bigot bigotry is cryptomisoxeny.[4] 

Cryptomisoxeny is a mental condition in which a person is compelled to enlist in a valiant crusade to ferret out and squash such human notions such as bigotry, racism and hypocritism. The person with this disease is completely unaware of its presence and control of his actions and is deluded with the false or reverse notion that his or her conduct is actually the exact opposite from the unacceptable targeted conduct in others. Hence, those who rail and rant and search for bigots frequently use overt bigotry in their sanctimonious quest for the offenders and employ bigotry in its strictest definition to condemn other persons or groups. All this proceeds unconsciously as the bigots, in this case, believes that they are far above such a social defect and are some form of cleansing device for our society. Sanctamonicity is the ultimate internal psychosomatic reward as it draws rave reviews and wild applause from peers and others also burdened with this affliction and offers comfort and camaraderie. The same argument holds for those who chase and attempt to correct racists using overt racism and, of course, this is hypocrisy, but a form of hypocrisy that is buried deeply in the id. [5]

There is no narrowly defined equality among peoples of one race and there is no equality among groups of people from different races and standardized tests show this readily, but the data and conclusions are banned from every slot, crack, hard drive and crevasse that progressive government can reach and seal off. Similar to the flat earth mandates that were menacing anyone who would contradict the Roman Catholic church’s directive, kept alive by the threats of torture or death or both, the idea of ‘equality’ is enforced today with all the vigor and rage of the Inquisition[6] in the 12th to the 19th Century. Short of being drawn and quartered in our ‘advanced societies’ the penalty is usually forced resignation from any and all positions and the perpetual demonization of that person or persons who would expose this falsehood for any reason. It is the glue of partisan politics that keeps such synthetic walls erected high and brawny and guards the gates to bar the truth from invading and doing damage to the artificial social order.

The care and feeding of such a farce requires that when words are used to make a comment on this sensitive topic, a form of double speak or even triple speak must simultaneously initiate the thought in the sentence and then quickly render the thought rubbery with the opposite meaning so that nobody is offended. This creates a form of political quiche that is multivariate but looks about the same from any angle. Jell-O is another fine substitute for the quiche equivalent in this art and can be cross correlated with mealy mouthism and other forms of veiled prevarication.
Today, we can take a close look at a testy political problem festooned with notions of equality and that is the assimilation of new people into a different culture. The Germans cannot achieve a multicultural society with Muslim immigrants.

How to best read my blogs:

[I offer extensive quotes in this blog so that the reader can view the exact language and can be confident that nothing was taken out of context or that nobody was misquoted. The easiest way to take in the salient points is to read the emphatic points in the quotes and then peruse my comments. Comments on my comments are always welcome:]

She begins:

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel: "lmmigrants should learn to speak German."
Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.””[7]Merkel says German multicultural society has failed BBC 17 October 2010
In the first half of this sentence from Iron Angie the problem is stated and the outcome of the attempt to build a multicultural society in Germany is pronounced a failure in the strongest terms. We are tempted to think, at first, that these two are connected and that teaching or forcing immigrants to speak the host country’s language provides the ‘solution.’ Such thinking is faulty because the ‘solutions’ needed to produce the desired ‘outcome’ are political mine fields.

To elaborate she goes on:

She said the so-called "multikulti"[8] concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.”— Merkel says

So, we learn that they need to do ‘more.’ Fine.

She specifically referred to recent comments by German President Christian Wulff who said that Islam was "part of Germany", like Christianity and Judaism.”— Merkel says
Others join in:

Earlier this week, Horst Seehofer, the leader of the CDU's Bavarian sister party, the CSU, said it was "obvious that immigrants from different cultures like Turkey and Arab countries, all in all, find it harder" to integrate. "'Multikulti' is dead," Mr Seehofer said.“--Merkel says
These comments tend to wander around and into narrow religious corners and exclude numerous possibilities. A century ago, these comments might have started a war or two.

Double negatives appear:

We should not be a country either which gives the impression to the outside world that those who don't speak German immediately or who were not raised speaking German are not welcome here.”— Merkel says

Now, we are advised that although the program "multikulti" “utterly failed” we find that who don’t speak German, one crux of the assimilation matter, are welcome and so this tangled political point goes or appears to go around and around in a circular argument.

Then a burst of truth ignites the political scene:

The debate first heated up in August when Thilo Sarrazin, a senior official at Germany's central bank, said that "no immigrant group other than Muslims is so strongly connected with claims on the welfare state and crime". Mr Sarrazin has since resigned.”— Merkel says

Now, this is a loaded statement, but only in political terms, because it is probably pure truth in fact. We see a similar effect in the US where a disproportionate fraction of African-Americans are in prison and also a similar disproportionate fraction of Hispanics are incarcerated in the same prisons although not necessarily in the same cells or even cell blocks. A similar furor was ignited by the book The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein, and Charles Murray.[9] We can easily identify the crime statistics in the major cities in the US and who lives there.[10] We can count dead bodies in the inner cities, however, and we can show that most of the murders in the US are drug-based and are black-on-black felonies:
Murders in 2007
Murder Rate [per 100,000]
New York
New York
Los Angeles
District Of Columbia
Washington, DC
New Orleans
Ref: Murder in the Cities: The Triumph of Liberalism
Much of this may be related to intelligence, but there are no data published in this area that can be used. Governments and schools now protect these statistics for obvious political reasons. The cognitive skill differentials were first noted by Lewis M. Terman more than 100 years ago. The problem with The Bell Curve was that it showed quite clearly that there are significantly different shapes for the curves of IQ tests if they can be sorted according to race. Arthur Jensen of University of California at Berkeley assessed the reason as being related to low cognitive skills of African-Americans. His article: How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?”[11] caused a political fire storm and was instantly refuted by ignoring and making excuses for the standardized test results. This farce now proceeds in the garb of an ‘educational gap” that can be closed if we spend more money.[12] It has not closed. The data and much more were reinvestigated and reanalyzed at Harvard and further substantiated in The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life , which was also ‘refuted’ with emotion and political action but no science. The attack on the authors was actually an attack on legitimacy of the testing data, known well since 1905 and discussed in a book entitled The Measurement Of Intelligence[13] by Lewis M Terman. Nobody had questioned the facts about cognitive differences among races until it became a hot political issue in the LBJ years. Thus, the refutation of hard scientific facts such as IQ testing now follows by strident political mechanisms as we see in the phony Global Warming Follies[14] and other political nostrums. Schools do not publish this kind of data any more because it is too easy to look at GPAs and such and sort them out by race and create charts. Companies now cannot select new employees based on IQ tests. The forced notion of ‘equality’ then puts people in the wrong jobs.
Thus, we see two bell curves spaced about 15 IQ units apart at the median for the black and white races. It is interesting that Asians center at about IQ = 101-102 slightly, but significantly ahead of the whites.
The interesting question, difficult to answer now, is whether these same differences appear between Germans and those ‘guest workers’ who cannot assimilate. The same problem is seen is France where Somalis cannot seem to pass some critical entry tests to get government jobs or assignments.
The political solution is to just demonize those who dare reveal the basic facts and is proof that our leftist political system is a disgusting abnormality in human conduct. This process divides groups along lines that might not normally divide them. Here we see one more example of the corruption of society by progressive governments when they attempt to force ‘equality’ in social systems where there is none to be found. Our schools have been polluted by such phony mechanisms, grade inflation or passing along students who have not passed the minimum requirements for their current grade level. The net effect of this is to clear cozy spots in government where incompetents can have permanent jobs with high pay and generous benefits and not have to perform at all. They cannot be fired.
This is the kind of parasitism that liberals just love to talk about. They can point to impressive statistics to tell us how well certain minorities are doing and also immigrants. They can certainly force quotas to keep better students out of med schools and such, but have to stand flat-footed and lie about illegal aliens not being ‘criminals’ even thought they [1] crossed the border illegally, [2] stole Social Security numbers and [3] failed to submit state and federal tax forms required of anybody who makes more than $400 dollars. They just lie or ignore the point.
Bob Herbert of the New York Time makes comments like these:
We can’t even keep the kids in school. A third of them drop out. Half of those who remain go on to graduate without the skills for college or a decent job. Someone please tell me how this is a good thing.”-- Hard Roads Ahead By Bob Herbert Op-Ed Columnist Published: May 17, 2008.
“”More than ever, high schools need to be a conveyor belt to college. …..””[15]—Quote by Bob Wise [former governor of West Virginia] in Hard Roads Ahead

Conveyor belts also move dead fish and small rocks.

More than half the blacks drop out of school in many major cities so we wonder how they will get them to pass high school before they attend college. A solution to this problem is more tax monies and higher debt.
If we continue to mismatch people with jobs they can do then we are going to destabilize our economic efficiency and turn back the clock to the Dark Ages. When the truth no longer matters we are at the edge of a precipice. This ‘education’ mess is just another example, like ‘affordable housing,’ that is creating a massive bubble that will burst. The student loan debt is extremely high and we are to presume that those graduates will have jobs that will allow them to pay off these debts and that is a poor assumption as business knows what is going on in education and finds ways to select people who can perform in those necessary jobs. Thus, those incompetents who never should have been in school in the first place are then hired by our government. That is a conveyor to massive debt and a possible collapse of our economy. Let us thank the liberals for this.

[2] The Destruction of the US Constitution So ‘Equality’ can be Forced Upon the Masses for the Benefit of Leftist Government and their Political Allies.
[4] Cryptomisoxeny Explained by Theory and Examples II Posted by rycK on Sunday, December 06, 2009 8:48:28
[8] A new word [in English] of questionable utility and rings like a baby toy or some form of tongue tangler.
[9]The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (ISBN: 0029146739)
by Herrnstein, Richard J. and Murray, Charles Free Press of Glencoe , Inc, Old Tappan, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1994
Abstract: Individual differences in intelligence, as a scientific construct, can be reliably measured and indexed as IQ. IQ is the best single predictor of scholastic achievement, and has other occupationally, economically, and socially important correlates. Individual variation in IQ is largely genetic, as shown by heritability analysis of kinship data. Social class differences involve genetic factors, and many lines of evidence suggest it is a reason- able hypothesis that genetic factors may be strongly implicated in the one standard deviation average IQ difference between whites and blacks.
[13] Published by George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd, 1905.
[15] Hard Roads Ahead By Bob Herbert Op-Ed Columnist Published: May 17, 2008.

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