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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Polishing the Pedestal of the Stooges: EcoNazism threatened by Big Oil and the Charge of the Leftist Cavalry

Polishing the Pedestal of the Stooges: EcoNazism threatened by Big Oil and the Charge of the Leftist Cavalry

Abstract: Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times has assembled a fine piece of propaganda along classic lines in order to promote his program of Cap and Trade. He has selectively picked out examples of Republicans to join in with this chorus thus giving some bipartisan flavor to this piece. He raises emotions, denigrates the opposition and hides essential points about jobs and costs in his column. Using circular logic in a masterful and instructive manner he concludes that he is right all along and backs up his tenets with testimonial proof. Good Job Thomas!

We are constantly bombarded by political essays in what is proffered to be authentic and fair op-eds in the Walter Duranty Papers[1][2]—aka [the near-bankrupt] New York Times. The notion that the Times is ‘fair’ or objective is an essay into itself where this coveted position may be challenged in probably every op-ed article they have written in their 40 year history and beyond that synthetic market signal and into the depths of the last century.

I have written extensively on propaganda using, I think, mostly all of my examples from the NYT. I have found the following characteristics of this disease: In the careful fabrication of effective propaganda pieces[3][4][5][6][7] and other blends of disinformation and half truths, we must be careful to set up the appropriate political targets and force them into a posture that radiates pure evil, greed and an alluring lust to destroy the poor and innocent on this planet. Hitlizeration[8] is the best garb to cloak the demons in. The immoral stance that the Times relies upon is based on the ‘fact that they are right [no pun intended here] ’ so that the contributors may wander about in the social arenas of the world preaching their political litanies and providing some entertainment for the suckers while holding back their real intent. The energy companies are evil.

The liberals and progressives lust for complete control of any society they can find. Their ‘moral’ fortress is buttressed by a chorus of people who breathe only for the chance to rubber stamp any position, however preposterous or inane that appears in print in this ragzine as long as the piece follows along in the narrow latrine destined for the far left. This keep is protected by a moat of political platitudes that can deftly wash away objections to their strange views of morality such as sodomy, abortion, illegal immigration, lies and prostitution among many more. They can defend anything according to their beliefs as long as it attacks their enemies on the right and particularly those with religions views.

This defining case is hereby demonstrated by their bold and unerring verification of any phony social program whatever in California.[9][10][11][12][13][14] All they must do to conjure a suitable op-ed to justify anything in this state is to offer a platform to the dedicated elites of their movement for the spouting of their propaganda programs and can manage to control just about any theme other than the process of cutting taxes. It matters not, for instance, that the Times can endorse and speciously adorn the endless yearly deficits of 20+ billion dollars in California even if this brings the state into bankruptcy. Their stance is simply that the ‘rich’ need higher taxes to pay for their phony social programs. That is simple enough to understand.

With that introduction out of the way we can begin to dissect the current propaganda piece from the NYT

[I offer extensive quotes in this blog so that the reader can view the exact language and can be confident that nothing was taken out of context or that nobody was misquoted. The easiest way to take in the salient points is to read the emphatic points in the quotes and then peruse my comments. Comments on my comments are always welcome:]

We begin with a piece written by Thomas L. Friedman:[15]

What has Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California incensed is the fact that two Texas oil companies with two refineries each in California are financing a campaign to roll back California’s landmark laws to slow global warming and promote clean energy innovation, because it would require the refiners to install new emission-control tools.”[16]--The Terminator vs. Big Oil By Thomas L. Friedman Op-Ed Columnist Published: October 5, 2010 [Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]

The buzz themes are marked in this color for emphasis. Here, we look at the word fact that tells us that we are reading truth—not politics—nothing slanted toward the leftist view or otherwise. The words landmark laws imply that these laws are not only unique but praiseworthy in terms of innovation and protection of the planet. They are probably economically fatal. The restricting adjective is then introduced in the form of ‘clean’ and coupled to the word innovation completing the circle of logic here. Quite a start for this form of disinformation.

First of all, the EcoNazism[17][18] view that carbon dioxide must be a pollutant is a political invention of some pomp and might whereby there is no need to ‘prove’ any ‘facts’ since we are told that our ‘scientists’[19] have determined this and the matter is closed to debate.[20] This closes off debate and challenges to their political message. This is a classic piece of circular logic and unassailable by ordinary methods of reason. It is also corrupt science of the lowest form and would only be hailed as novel by Lysenko[21] or one of his political stooges. Lysenko is the patron saint of quack science. His work surges onward.

Moving left along:

Here are the basics: Next month Californians will vote on “Prop 23,” a proposal to effectively kill implementation of California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, known as A.B. 32. It was supported by Republicans, Democrats, businesses and environmentalists. Prop 23 proposes to suspend implementation of A.B. 32 until California achieves four consecutive quarters of unemployment below 5.5 percent. It is currently above 12 percent. (Sorry for all the numbers. Just remember: A.B. 32, good; Prop 23, bad.)” --The Terminator vs. Big Oil By Thomas L. Friedman

Now, this Prop is not detailed as is usual for the left. They must avoid the complete description of this monster because it sets up massive taxes, the very essence of their power. They want some processes controlled by government laws so they can control big business and particularly the energy companies. What they omit here is that their bill is the beginning of Cap and Trade taxes[22] and that will burden the California business community already struggling in the most hostile anti-business place on the planet with the possible exception of North Korea as Cuba is starting to thaw out on this matter[23] from their half century of poverty. So, they keep quiet about the massive costs and instead home in on the emotions.


On rare occasions, they can find some hoot owl to squawk out their exact phrases with as much slobber and angst as they can conceive:

““And they are very deceptive when they say they want to go and create more jobs in California,” the governor added. “Since when has [an] oil company ever been interested in jobs? Let’s be honest. If they really are interested in jobs, they would want to protect A.B. 32, because actually it’s green technology that is creating the most jobs right now in California, 10 times more than any other sector.””--Governor Schwarzenegger quoted inThe Terminator vs. Big Oil By Thomas L. Friedman

Gurgling on his own soggy thoughts, we might suggest that the auto, highway and service industries in that state owe their jobs to the oil companies until the point comes when organic fuels are outlawed. Then, caught up in the mysticism he announces that green technology is the future of California energy. Since Friedman omits any discussion of the contemporary benefits of green weenieism we can suggest this for some reading[24]:

Spain’s Solar Energy Bubble Bursts. California is Next. The First of a Series of GanGreen Asset Bubbles Bursting.

Abstract: Well-meaning but idiotic government workers in Spain subsidized a hopeless solar power project that is now essentially worthless. The cost was astronomical and the government is now withdrawing the subsidies as even the most dedicated leftist can work the numbers and see that this project is terminal and will never work out. This is a classic debt-driven asset bubble formation folly and now it comes crashing down in disgrace. Clumsy excuses are offered for this mess by the Times and we are encouraged to hear that the government regulators in Spain are still ‘learning’ how to subsidize a worthless project. Maybe some of them can rush over to California and show them some new tricks before that state crashes in debt.

The salient point here is that bubbles were built and then burst in Spain using the same simplistic logic as the ‘scientists’ in California. The mistake here is to create the same energy in a new and very expensive way and tell the suckers that this will ‘lower costs’ and ‘create jobs.’ It had the reverse effect in Spain.

And more: A second stooge is cultivated even from the hated Reagan era:

““Prop 23 is designed to kill by indefinite postponement California’s effort to clean up the environment,” said Mr. Shultz. “This effort is financed heavily by money from out of state. You have to conclude that the financiers are less concerned about California than they are about the fact that if we get something that is working here to clean up the air and launch a clean-tech industry, it will go national and maybe international. So the stakes are high. I hope we can win here and send a message to the whole country that it’s time to put aside partisan politics and get an energy bill out of Washington.””quote by George Shultz, former Secretary of State during the Reagan administration in The Terminator vs. Big Oil By Thomas L. Friedman

Here, the good Mr. Shultz has to speculate about some innovation that ‘might’ go international. The effect of California or any other state or country reducing their CO2 emissions to zero would have no noticeable effect on the environment and would hike living and production costs beyond comprehension if implemented. This is a classic case where some willing stooge is prompted to play the jester and swing his tinsel strands and jawbones around the stage in a frantic act to gain support for a lousy idea. There is not a shred of proven scientific ‘evidence’ that CO2 is doing anything at all other than participating in Nature’s cyclic carbon process.

Another testimony:

The real joke is thinking that if California suspends its climate laws that Mother Nature will also take a timeout. “We can wait to solve this problem as long as we want,” says Nate Lewis, an energy chemist at the California Institute of Technology: “But Nature is balancing its [sic her] books every day. It was a record 113 degrees in Los Angeles the other day. There are laws of politics and laws of physics. Only the latter can’t be repealed.””--The Terminator vs. Big Oil By Thomas L. Friedman

Well, enough of this prattle for a while. It is inconceivable that people trained as ‘scientists’ can mix metaphors about nature and physical laws and their political transposition with a straight face and then fall forward on a single observation of the LA temperature hitting 113 degrees in one day.

But, this is how the New York Times works. All truth evolves from political practices. It matters not if the loony left have spent 13.4 trillion dollars and have mired us in unrecoverable debt for generations—they must compound the problem by reducing the economy of Californian to rubble with phony social programs allegedly sanctioned by ‘scientists.’ Friedman has done an admirable job of cherry-picking people to hum the same song as the liberals have written. Emotions were prodded, tears must flow and we have yet another round of ‘facts’ and ‘testimonies’ to fatten the calf of the far left.

November may be the Turning of the Worm so to speak. These drug-crazed loonies must be voted out of office or they will indeed send some states and the federal government spinning uncontrollably into debt, despair and revolution. I wonder if they think this is a viable option for them to grab total power.


Comments to:

[2] In honor of that celebrated Communist stooge and liar and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the NYT. The color RED is used in my essays in honor of Walter Duranty, a saint, if there could be one, in the Marxist Archives of Honor.

He said that these people had to be "liquidated or melted in the hot fire of exile and labor into the proletarian mass". Duranty claimed that the Siberian labor camps were a means of giving individuals a chance to rejoin Soviet society but also said that for those who could not accept the system, "the final fate of such enemies is death." Duranty, though describing the system as cruel, says he has "no brief for or against it, nor any purpose save to try to tell the truth". He ends the article with the claim that the brutal collectivization campaign which led to the famine was motivated by the "hope or promise of a subsequent raising up" of Asian-minded masses in the Soviet Union which only history could judge.”

[8] Krugman of the NYT Plays the Nazi Card as Times Become Desperate for Democrats.

[13] The Proud March of the Financial Lepers: Greece Leads the Way Down for California and Other Beggars.

[15] Thomas L. Friedman of the NYT is Certainly Uncertain about Some Things. But, Not Others.

[16] The Terminator vs. Big Oil

By Thomas L. Friedman Op-Ed Columnist Published: October 5, 2010 [Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]

[18] Reprinted from a previous blog: The Dollar Sags in Full View of the World This Invites a Run on the Dollar. Inflation Threatens US.

[20] We have Al Gore’s word on this.

[21] Lysenkoism was a set of repressive political and social campaigns in science and agriculture by the powerful Stalinist director of the Soviet Lenin All-Union Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Trofim Denisovich Lysenko and his followers, which began in the late 1920s and formally ended in 1964.

[22] Cap and Trade revolt beginning on California’s AB32 Global Warming Solutions Act “No matter what one thinks of climate science, it makes little sense for an individual state to unilaterally impose major new tax and regulatory costs on its own industries. The impact of California’s gesture on global temperatures will be infinitesimal, but the economic impact will make the state even less attractive to start or expand a business.”

[23] "Nobody, no individual nor country, can indefinitely spend more than she or he earns. Two plus two always adds up to four, never five," he said. "Within the conditions of our imperfect socialism, due to our own shortcomings, two plus two often adds up to three."—Cuban President Raúl Castro Cuban President Raúl Castro and

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