Europe’s Struggles Over their Egalitarian Failures to Assimilate Muslims into their Societies
Abstract: Chancellor Angela Merkel had injected some snarled political concepts into the media in a maneuver to defuse the corrosive situation in
The world is dominated by politics as its first order of existence and as such creates conundrums and rat mazes for their citizens to stumble over so many seek various escape routes among the wreckage. Ghettos, slums and ethnic conclaves are frequently the result. The second order appears to be some form of coercing religion while the third order rests firmly on tribalism. When the three are mixed the outcome is almost always explosive and rarely satisfactory for all. The political mandates, growing out of the huge mass of socialism that we observe, are not working out, as they include the solemn postulate that we are all ‘equal’ or some other ridiculousness to that effect.[2][3] These social orders are synthetically mandated by politics and religious entities. A diametric opposite is the capitalist system that is based directly on inequality where people are matched to their jobs. [4] The proposition of equality leads to all sorts of racism, reverse racism, bigotry, lies and superficial societal architectures in cities and nations. Unlike capitalism which is based on successful outcomes the other orders produce leaders and acolytes that are sometimes unfit for their jobs. Many think that all whites are racist.[5]Where capitalism would dismiss them immediately if they failed, these leaders can hang on for decades even if they are dangerous or counter productive. This process also leads to inefficiency because people are not matched to their jobs with respect to their skill base. Political systems and governments attempt to make adjustments to the chaos and disorder induced by this equality game that frequently erects and glorifies the identical attributes they object to. Their meddling and offensive promises often tragically propel them to higher levels of power from the votes they get while hawking equality and delivering threats of racism against others.
My term for this counter-bigot bigotry is cryptomisoxeny.[6] Cryptomisoxeny is a mental condition in which a person is compelled to enlist in a valiant crusade to ferret out and squash such human notions such as bigotry, racism and hypocritism. The person with this disease is completely unaware of its presence. Being deficient the necessary self-controls of his thoughts or actions this person is deluded with the false or reverse notion that his or her conduct is actually the exact opposite from the unacceptable targeted conduct in others. This system of beliefs is then amplified by applause from colleagues and sympathisizers who share this affliction. Hence, those who rail and rant and search for bigots frequently use overt bigotry in their sanctimonious quest to identify the ‘offenders’ and employ bigotry in its strictest definition to condemn other persons or groups. All this proceeds unconsciously as the bigots, in this case, believe that they are far above such a contemptible social defect and are actually some form of an antiseptic cleansing device for our society. Then, they praise themselves for such fine work. Sanctamonicity is the ultimate internal psychosomatic reward as it draws rave reviews and wild applause from peers and others also burdened with this same affliction who offer comfort and camaraderie to the group. The same argument holds for those who chase and attempt to correct racists blatantly using overt racism as their weapon and, of course, this is duplicity, but a form of hypocrisy that is buried deeply in the id.[7] This conduct is a social cancer. It is also the foundation of the Democratic Party.
On Equality:
There is no narrowly defined equality among peoples of the same race and there is no equality among groups of people from different races and standardized tests show this readily, but the data and conclusions are banned from every slot, crack, hard drive and crevasse that progressive government can reach and seal off. The inequality project is the bedrock from which is mined the basis for progressive movements particularly taxes and education. Similar to the flat earth mandates that were menacing anyone who would contradict the Roman Catholic church’s directives, kept alive by the threats of torture or death or both, the idea of ‘equality’ is enforced today with all the vigor and rage of the Inquisition[8] in the 12th to the 19th Centuries. Short of being drawn and quartered in our ‘advanced societies’ the penalty is usually forced resignation from any and all positions and the perpetual demonization of that person or persons who would expose this falsehood for any reason. It is the glue of partisan politics that keeps such synthetic walls erected high and brawny and guards the information gates so as to bar the truth from invading and doing damage to the artificial social order.
The care and feeding of such a farce requires that when words are used to make a comment on this sensitive topic, a form of double speak or even triple speak must simultaneously modulate the thought in the sentence and thus quickly renders the thought overcooked with the opposite meaning so that nobody is offended. This creates a form of political quiche that is multivariate but looks about the same from any angle. Jell-O is another fine substitute for the quiche equivalent in this art and can be cross correlated with mealy mouthism and other forms of veiled prevarication.
Today, we can take a close look at a testy political problem festooned with notions of equality and that is the assimilation of new peoples into a different culture.
How to best read my blogs:
[I offer extensive quotes in this blog so that the reader can view the exact language and can be confident that nothing was taken out of context or that nobody was misquoted. The easiest way to take in the salient points is to read the emphatic points in the quotes and then peruse my comments. Comments on my comments are always welcome:]
Learning about the problem from the Leaders of
Let us read some comments from some of the leaders of European and English governments.
From Chancellor Angela Merkel:
“The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel: "lmmigrants should learn to speak German."
Attempts to build a multicultural society in
From David Cameron:
“"We have failed to provide a vision of society [to young Muslims] to which they feel they want to belong," he said. "We have even tolerated segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values. All this leaves some young Muslims feeling rootless. And the search for something to belong to and believe in can lead them to extremist ideology."--Cameron: My war on multiculturalism No funding for Muslim groups that fail to back women's rights By Oliver Wright and Jerome Taylor
Mr. Cameron blamed the doctrine of "state multiculturalism" which encourages different cultures.”[10]In the first half of this sentence from Iron Angie [Merkel] the problem is stated and the outcome of the attempt to build a multicultural society in
In the footnotes are a series of Cameron’s comments dating back to 2007.[11] I picked out some pertinent quotes from this reference: “For too long we've caved in to more extreme elements by hiding under the cloak of cultural sensitivity.” and “…But we've also got to ask why it is that so many young men in our own country get radicalised in this completely unacceptable way."
To elaborate, Merkel’s comments mesh with Cameron:
“She said the so-called "multikulti"[12] concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.”— Merkel says
Sarkozy was elected, at least in part, because of the 36,000 car burnings in
““President Nicolas Sarkozy vowed to crack down on France’s car burning after more than 1,100 vehicles went up in flames overnight on New Year’s Eve. There is no reason why honest people should have to pay the consequences of the behaviour of delinquents,” he said in an address to emergency service staff who worked over the evening of December 31.Car burnings are regular occurrences in
“Earlier this week, Horst Seehofer, the leader of the CDU's Bavarian sister party, the
Quadruple negatives appear:
“We should not be a country either which gives the impression to the outside world that those who don't speak German immediately or who were not raised speaking German are not welcome here.”— Merkel says
“The debate first heated up in August when Thilo Sarrazin, a senior official at
That is the situation according to three top leaders in the EU and
“The failure of German Turks to assimilate is a well-documented phenomenon. A 2009 study by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development found that even after 50 years and three generation in the country, Turks remained a people apart. They reside in what Germans have come to call “parallel communities,” a diplomatic term for what are in effect ethnic ghettos shunted off from mainstream German society.”[14]-- Germany Confronts the Failure of Multiculturalism Posted by Jacob Laksin on
We can cite dozens of examples of peoples changing nations and assimilating into their host countries with exceptional ease and success. Poles, Germans, Italians, Dutch, Belgians, English, French, Norwegians and Swiss readily blended in with others to make
From an Islamic apologist:
“Multiculturalism succeeds in countries like Canada, where the state makes a conscious effort to maintain immigrants’ cultural, ethnic and religious identities and communities. Hence, the fact that Muslims in Germany refuse to assimilate does not suggest the failure of multiculturalism, but the failure of state accommodation of Muslims.”[16]--Differing visions of multiculturalism at odds in Europe By Berna Turam, Professor,
She makes a good point. If certain places can accommodate foreigners then the foundation for the conflict in cultures must be based on other factors it is argued. That could be argued successfully if it were not for the massive social programs and monies spent on them in good will in the
In education:
“For college students who ranked among the bottom quarter of their high school classes, the numbers are even more stark: 80 percent will probably never get a bachelor’s degree or even a two-year associate’s degree.”[17]--Plan B:
Bingo! But, how can this be? And, now for the central but unaddressed question here: why did we ever think that those on the bottom tail of the Bell Curve [below IQ = 80-90] would ever be able to handle college? Does IQ have anything to do with this?[18] This is currently the thinking in Plan A from the near-bankrupt New York Times—aka the Walter Duranty Papers[19][20]-- and it works in advanced education only for those with IQs greater than about 110. I think we already knew that and it is called the education gap.[21][22] This gap is the difference between average test scores of white and blacks or 100- 85 for a 15 point difference [one standard deviation]. These 15 IQ points have even been acknowledged by the New York Times.[23] This gap was first noticed about 1905.[24]
The Bell Curve[25] clearly shows this gap effect for the abilities of those with minimal cognitive skills and they clearly have a difficult time getting a good paying job or going on to college where prospects are much better. What is missing here is a comprehensive set of standardized test results for those groups who have failed and these must be compared to those from similar backgrounds who succeeded in Western society. These data are inordinately difficult to obtain as the mere thought of testing gives rise to furious and emphatic complaints over ‘equality’ and race differences. Such differences are not discussed in liberal circles and such information is closely guarded by various school systems. The truth is not important here; a political mandate is more important than fact.
On equality:
"....But my hatred of Bolshevism and Bolsheviks is not founded on their silly system of economics, or their absurd doctrine of an impossible equality. It arises from the bloody and devastating terrorism which they practise in every land into which they have broken, and my which alone their criminal regime can be maintained...."— Text of Winston Churchill's July 8th, 1920, British House of Commons, Amritsar Massacre Speech By Winston Churchill given July 8th, 1920[26][27] [Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]
Theories on the failure of state accommodation of Muslims:
Following professor Turam’s formula above we cannot assume, absent cognitive skill data, that the premise: “...[not]..the failure of multiculturalism, but the failure of state accommodation of Muslims…” satisfy the argument and explain the observations. The same process holds for charter schools[28] where in many cases academic achievements excel for the bulk of the students over their counterparts in public schools. Here, testing is strictly prohibited and the schools cannot solicit students so the process of selection is masked. However, I suspect that if parents are willing to go some extra distance to get their kids into much better schools then that drive may be also measured on the cognitive scales. It is difficult to show that minorities were slighted in the
Here, President Obama theorizes ways to avoid the
“Standardized testing is stuck in the crossfire in the debate over accountability, and Obama has stepped up to take aim. He says that too often standardized tests fail to provide valuable or timely feedback. Meanwhile, “creativity has been drained from classrooms, as too many teachers are forced to teach to fill-in-the-bubble tests,” Obama says. He doesn’t go so far as to say he’ll drop testing completely; it should be one of the “tools that we use to make sure our children are learning. It just can’t dominate the curriculum to an extent where we are pushing aside those things that will actually allow children to improve and accurately assess the quality of the teaching that is taking place in the classroom.” How does he plan to revamp testing? “I will provide funds for states to implement a broader range of assessments that can evaluate higher-order skills, including students’ abilities to use technology, conduct research, engage in scientific investigation, solve problems, present and defend their ideas,” says Obama.[29]
High School Dropout Rates:
We find that “almost half of all public high school students in the
The City-Suburb Graduation Rate
City Metro Area | Grad Rate in Suburbs | Grad Rate in Cities |
| 82.9 | 47.4 |
| 78.1 | 42.2 |
| 82.4 | 49.2 |
| 84.1 | 55.7 |
| 77.9 | 57.1 |
| 61.8 | 46.1 |
Note that the trend is everywhere. We should expect to see places where blacks graduate at higher rates than whites if there were no cognitive differences among these two groups and if there were sufficient monies to encourage better minority education as in Washington, D. C. For a spending rate per student that is nearly double the average for whites in
Thus, we are stuck with observations and have no way to find out if the outcomes are based on intelligence. The political factors are thus mired in concrete where the absence of any meaningful data masks the underlying cause and allow politics to proceed where those with minimal skills can get better than they could have earned from the dole. This keeps the door open for ‘special’ programs and such to assist those who are thought to be marginalized. This works until these people enter the civilian workplace where performance is the ultimate meter stick and then the politics are meaningless. Underperformers lose their jobs. Such people are better off in some government job where strong cognitive skills are unnecessary.
Sarkozy’s latest comment:
"My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure," he said in a television interview when asked about the policy which advocates that host societies welcome and foster distinct cultural and religious immigrant groups.
"Of course we must all respect differences, but we do not want... a society where communities coexist side by side.
"If you come to
My Conclusion:
Multiculturalism might be a good idea, but it is not working everywhere. This process must be discontinued so that the burdens on host nations will force major political clashes among groups. If this is a problem with intelligence then one solution, although highly unacceptable to the left, would be to offer standardized tests to potential immigrants and screen out those IQs were lower than about 100. This problem will not go away and there is no solution yet and will not be until some crisis arises and people are deported. Like our massive national debt, it will just get worse.
[1] Mangled Messages from
[2] The Futile Attempt of Forcing Equality Among the Masses.
[3] The Destruction of the US Constitution So ‘Equality’ can be Forced Upon the Masses for the Benefit of Leftist Government and their Political Allies.
[4] The Pyramidal Theory of Capitalism Explained in Simple Terms.
Thomas Sowell: A Great American
Some two decades ago, shortly after I graduated from college, I went through this unsettling experience of having to literally reconstruct my entire belief system, from the ground up. Were I to write a book about it, I would title it Everything I Need to Forget, I Learned in College. In college, professors whom I viewed as the very personifications of wisdom and enlightenment had stuffed my mind with the tenets of liberalism. And in my youthful eagerness to become learned and wise, I had unquestioningly accepted everything they told me, until nearly every trace of common sense had been driven from my head. How dutifully had I learned to parrot the lies of the Left! Above all, I had learned that
[6] Cryptomisoxeny Explained by Theory and Examples II Posted by rycK on
[10] Cameron: My war on multiculturalism
No funding for Muslim groups that fail to back women's rights By Oliver Wright and Jerome Taylor
[11] Cameron's rules
What he said
"Young white men are told, 'The blacks are all criminals. Young Afro-Caribbean men are told, 'The Asian shopkeepers are ripping you off'. Young Muslim men are told, 'The British want to destroy Islam'. The best answer to ignorance like this is a good education. We've got to make sure that people learn English, and we've got to make sure that kids are taught British history properly at school."
"We wouldn't be half the country we are without immigration. But you can't have a situation where a country doesn't know – and can't control – who is coming in and out, and who is settling here. The government needs to be in control of the situation."
"For too long we've caved in to more extreme elements by hiding under the cloak of cultural sensitivity. For too long we've given in to the loudest voices from each community, without listening to what the majority want. And for too long, we've come to ignore differences – even if they fly in the face of human rights, notions of equality and child protection – with a hapless shrug of the shoulders, saying, 'It's their culture isn't it? Let them do what they want'."
"Whether it's making sure that imams coming over to this country can speak English properly, whether it's making sure we deradicalise our universities, I think we do have to take a range of further steps and I'm going to be working hard to make sure that we do this. Yes, we have got to have the policing in place, yes, we've got to make sure we invest in our intelligence services, yes, we've got to co-operate with other countries. But we've also got to ask why it is that so many young men in our own country get radicalised in this completely unacceptable way."
[12] A new word [in English] of questionable utility and rings like a baby toy or some form of tongue tangler.
Half of Calif. Blacks and Latinos Drop Out of School, a New Harvard Study Finds Thursday, March 24, 2005
"Dropout factories" is how a new Harvard study describes some
The dropout problem on the whole has been underestimated, says The Civil Rights Project of Harvard University, which called for improvements to dropout rate calculation methods”
[16] Differing visions of multiculturalism at odds in Europe By Berna Turam Professor Northeastern University.
[17] The New York Times Advises: Plan B:
Abstract: Individual differences in intelligence, as a scientific construct, can be reliably measured and indexed as IQ. IQ is the best single predictor of scholastic achievement, and has other occupationally, economically, and socially important correlates. Individual variation in IQ is largely genetic, as shown by heritability analysis of kinship data. Social class differences involve genetic factors, and many lines of evidence suggest it is a reason- able hypothesis that genetic factors may be strongly implicated in the one standard deviation average IQ difference between whites and blacks.
[19] The Babbling Brooks of the
[20] In honor of that celebrated Communist stooge and liar and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the
“He said that these people had to be "liquidated or melted in the hot fire of exile and labor into the proletarian mass". Duranty claimed that the Siberian labor camps were a means of giving individuals a chance to rejoin Soviet society but also said that for those who could not accept the system, "the final fate of such enemies is death." Duranty, though describing the system as cruel, says he has "no brief for or against it, nor any purpose save to try to tell the truth". He ends the article with the claim that the brutal collectivization campaign which led to the famine was motivated by the "hope or promise of a subsequent raising up" of Asian-minded masses in the
[21] “The Education gap is a common term for describing differences in educational attainment measured by grades, test scores or other measures between different social groups. The groups compared often are categorized by race or ethnicity but may also include gender or other features.”
[22] “The Education gap is a common term for describing differences in educational attainment measured by grades, test scores or other measures between different social groups. The groups compared often are categorized by race or ethnicity but may also include gender or other features.”
[23] An Emerging Theory on Blacks' I.Q. Scores by Daniel Goleman; Daniel Goleman Covers Psychology For The Times. Published:
[24] The Measurement Of Intelligence by Lewis M Terman. Published by George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd, 1905.
[25] This book[The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (ISBN: 0029146739) by Herrnstein, Richard J. and Murray, Charles Free Press of Glencoe , Inc, Old Tappan, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1994.] is blacklisted in leftist circles because it shows that when standardized test scores are sorted by race that blacks and Hispanics score much lower than whites and Asians. Thus, a refutation to this vast array of data must somehow be accomplished.
[27] Copulating with Coprolites: The Unveiled Mechanism of Governance by Progressive Liberalism in
[28] The Babbling Brooks of the
[29] Barack Obama on Education
[31] The city-suburb split is also immense in such metropolitan centers as
[32] The Babbling Brooks of the
[33] Multiculturalism has failed, says French president
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