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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Obama: College for Everybody with No SATs?!

 From 5.30. 2008

Senator Obama now has a solution to education: little or no testing and, of course higher taxes.[1] This is a predictable hope from somebody who practiced ‘community organizing,’ a crude euphemism for rabble-rousing the poor in Chicago using the Communist Saul Alinsky Methods of radicalism. Obama admired Saul Alinsky, a loudly proud Marxist and street hustler.  So did Hillary.

The difficulty in the education of minorities is described by the existence of a social phenomenon known as the education gap. [2]  This gap is the difference between average test scores of white and blacks 100- 85 for a 15 point difference. These 15 IQ points have even been acknowledged by the New York Times.[3] This gap was first noticed about 1905 [4] in the early research on cognitive skills and has persisted in almost forms of education in all the school districts and is described in detail by the publication of The Bell Curve.[5] There have been hundreds of millions of IQ tests given since 1910 and these tests appear in different forms such as the military tests and some tests administered by corporations to screen potential employees. This summary of the Bell Curve studies merely stated the obvious existence of such a gap and was based on public test scores and was immediately assaulted by the left as racist.  Perhaps the critics think the book actually changed the test scores. Many seem to think that the publication of his book actually created the gap, or worse. Minorities cannot compete with whites on standardized tests. We can all argue about this gap and the reasons that it exists and grope for ‘root causes’ and other clichés, but the fact remains that minorities cannot as yet compete against whites in academia, the corporate work force, or more particularly Asians, in the academic arena. So, in nearly all of the 14,000 school districts across the land there are no school systems where blacks routinely score higher than whites on standardized tests with roughly 50:50 population ratios. These tests have been stringently rewritten expunge the ‘white bias’ and ‘be fair’ and when re-administered have produced the same results; A15 point deficiency is nearly always observed. If the 15 point gap was a myth then we would expect to see about half the school districts showing blacks populating the upper half of the academic population and we observe essentially none of this,. Money is not the solution as the Washington, DC, school system spends the most money on their students and have probably the worst academic record in America.[6] Money is clearly not the answer.[7] The lefties tacitly admit (without saying it directly) that affirmative action is absolutely necessary for many minorities to compete in our society. They either don’t have the cognitive skills or refuse to use them, or a combination of both. The use of race-norming was used to disguise this gap. [8]

In any given large group, noting that statistics for intelligence do not apply to individuals, we can expect to find a bell curve. There are bell curves for blacks and whites and Asians and Hispanics and Jews and such that all have a similar bell shape except that the mean is different for certain groups. The width of the curve is expressed in standard deviations.[9] So, if we choose to discuss ‘purple people’ to avoid any race arguments we might find that the IQ ranges from 65, below which there is no way to measure the central cognitive tendency ‘g’ to a median of 100 to an upper limit of about 180 or so. Traditionally, those with higher IQs have gone on to college and the SATs correlate well with IQ and successful graduation. Generally, the minimal IQ level for a medical doctor is about 120 and is about the same for lawyers and CEOs as the latter pair seem to attract the most intelligent.  College is appropriate for about 20% of our citizens.

Okay, now we have to realize that in a modern society we must have sanitation engineers, clerks, teachers, physicists and brain surgeons and that these jobs require different cognitive skills. Our society would have to change significantly and approach something resembling Cambodia during the Pol Pot Khmer Rouge days to ‘equalize’ our citizens in jobs and economic terms.[10] Those people with obviously higher IQs or with soft hands were suffocated with plastic so that the resultant society was more homogeneous. The Russians performed a similar social miracle with the liquidation of the stubborn kulaks[11] and that solved some major problems in their utopia. In the Cambodian society, the skill base was strictly limited to agricultural work except for the political dictatorship so that anybody could trade jobs with anybody else and the outcome would not change. The cities were emptied. Those who complained were liquidated thus enhancing the food supply for the dedicated and true believer and facilitated the streamlining of the government. The left likes things simple and tidy.

So, how do we choose our brain surgeons? By lot or political party loyalty norms as the Russians did for 74 years? Can we imagine electrical engineers with an IQ of 85 designing new and better gadgets while another purple person with 100 points higher works as a sanitation engineer? Yes, we certainly can as we inspect the vision of the left.  In our purple society we would still have to match job skills with the cognitive skill base required for that job or accept disaster. Disaster is very acceptable for the left and that is why they would accept a society based on welfare and having most of the citizens work for the government. There is no evidence that the far left can even tolerate a prosperous society.

The Obama Solution to the problem of education lies in the leftist intrinsic hatred for private property and capitalism. He is a product of the gutters of Chicago and rabid Marxism of the mean streets and brings this openly into his campaign. His angry wife parrots this view. The leftist societies like the USSR, Cuba, North Korea and other social latrines are abject failures and everybody knows this. But, for the rabid left, which can be the only way to describe the left-liberals in the US now, this IS a solution. Big government is the only answer to any left liberal question and dumbing down[12] our society by placing the ‘average’ person in control of the economic and governmental levers of society is exactly what they need for a political success. The poor have nothing according to the preaching of the far left so why not vote for Obama and hope for a job as a university professor or brain surgeon or court magistrate?

The proof of the far left and their intent appears quite openly in the failure of the massive social programs such as HUD, War on Poverty, The Great Society and other monstrosities. They have never apologized for these outrages. They only demand higher taxes and opportunities for more of the same. More proof of what the unsupervised leftists in the minority sectors is seen when mostly black liberals get control of cities such as New Orleans, Baltimore, Philadelphia, NYC, East St Louis, Detroit and others. These places are the centers of crime, sloth, sodomy, shootings and abject failure:

Murder in the Cities with left-liberals in control.

Murders in 2007  
Murder Rate  
New York
New York
Los Angeles
District Of Columbia
New Orleans


Murder in the Cities: The Triumph of Liberalism

So, if Senator Obama wants to convince us of his intentions with this kind of fluff:

"China is graduating eight times as many engineers as we are," he said. Obama, rightly, noted that that's a big problem "in a world where good jobs can be located anywhere there's an Internet connection -- where a child in Denver is competing with a child in Beijing and Bangalore."[13] [Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]

China has 1.4 billion people, some 4.3 times our populating. India is doing better with the highest educated work force on the planet. We actually expect more, but China has a billion poor so who knows?  A child from Denver whose parents have little use for education and are more interested in sports or drugs cannot compete with anybody unless he or she has the drive and cognitive skills to get into college and work hard to learn engineering. Obama will provide a free ride here with no academic responsibilities. This is a circus.

Obama rants on with this phony promise:

“Then, Obama said he'd make community college free, as in beer.”As president, I will ... make community college completely free," he said.

In return, students must agree to teach, volunteer, or join the Peace Corps, Obama said, curiously leaving out the military as means through which kids can "serve their country" to get a free pass into higher education.”[14]

Teach what? How to be a loser and political parasite?

Obama, if his Ivy League education is authentic and he is not just some token who has had very narrow political training, which might be supported by observing that he listened to Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, a lunatic and hopeless racist, merely honks the sorry old kazoo of the socialist left. They want more ‘education.’ This is elitist paternalism.[15] The left still believe that they have something to contribute to society beyond sodomy, chaos, failed government and the mind-expanding effects of drugs.

To think that we cannot test individuals to see where they might be best employed in our society argues against China and India’s impressive academic credentials.  They don’t test?

We have to accept the very ugly fact that Obama is just the far left product of gutter Communism and that he knows there is no hope for the inner cities without taxing the rest of society and reducing the suburbs to the same social and economic levels. We can look to Washington, DC and ask: why can’t you make education work there with the excessive money that is wasted there? Why not explain to us about the sloth and crime rates in New Orleans, Detroit and other leftist enclaves? Do they have community colleges in those places? How much education does a drug dealer have to have to make a million dollars in the hood?

Does society really need a college education for their dope dealers, abortionists, muggers, welfare recipients and rabble rousers? Why not convert our prisons into community colleges and see how that works?

Without testing, the left can always claim success and avoid any responsibility for the failure of their politically defined ‘graduates.’ Metrics always sort out the losers and show us what the left is like and what they have to offer.

An ignorant population is the only one that the leftists can govern so they pursue the dumbing down of American so their political constituents can compete. Money and power are what they want and the tax base can be milked until the system collapses then they will blame capitalism. Dekulakization [16]is their goal. They cannot tolerate those who oppose socialism or have the cognitive skills to finess the crass tenets of the forms of socialism that has ruined Europe  and most of Asia. The let has learned nothing from the 100,000,000 dead bodies they left scattered around in Europe in Marxist purges.

If they cannot round up the non-Marxist anti-believers they can certainly tax them away from their power base, quench their individualism  and teach the proper use of socialism to their cadres in free community colleges. The government will pay them impressive salaries with the best benfits in the world.  Such is happening to California now, a hopeless case heading for certain bankruptcy and probable civil war.

Obama is a slick  politial constuct carved out of primitive leftist political theory and can best work the  dispicable  levers of racism and marxian ecnomnics for the Democrats. It a testamant to the Democratic Party that Saul Alinsky, whose mental and personal hygienes could not approach the common goat, is the enchanting idol for our two presidential candidates. That is very telling.


Comments to:

[1] Obama's 'Solution' For Bridging U.S. Science Gap: Eliminate SATs Posted by Paul McDougall, May 29, 2008 04:01 PM.
[2] “The Education gap is a common term for describing differences in educational attainment measured by grades, test scores or other measures between different social groups. The groups compared often are categorized by race or ethnicity but may also include gender or other features.”
[3] An Emerging Theory on Blacks' I.Q. Scores by DANIEL GOLEMAN; DANIEL GOLEMAN COVERS PSYCHOLOGY FOR THE TIMES.  Published: April 10, 1988 “MOST social scientists know - though few publicly discuss it - that there has been a puzzling gap of about 15 points in I.Q. test scores, on average, between blacks and whites in America ever since the tests were first widely used more than 70 years ago. After long debate over why blacks score lower, and what it means, a fresh theory is putting the discussion into perspective. “
[4] The Measurement Of Intelligence by Lewis M Terman. Published by   George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd, 1905.
[5] The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (ISBN: 0029146739)
by Herrnstein, Richard J. and  Murray, Charles  Free Press of Glencoe , Inc, Old Tappan, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1994.
[6] Can D.C. Schools Be Fixed?  “After decades of reforms, three out of four students fall below math standards. More money is spent running the schools than on teaching. And urgent repair jobs take more than a year.
[7] Education gap can be closed with fresh ideas MY VIEW • Black and Hispanic students are being left behind. By Abigail Thernstrom The Portland Tribune, Mar 2, 2004.
How much would it cost and what would the benefits be if blacks and Hispanics graduated from high school, went to college, and graduated from college at the same rate as non-Hispanic whites? The answer to this important question for the future of the nation is explored in this report. The costs of education would be high, increasing by about 20 percent in California and 10 percent in the rest of the nation. But the benefits, in the form of savings in public health and welfare expenditures and increased tax revenues from higher incomes, would be even higher.
[11] kulaks were to be liquidated as a class and subject to one of three fates: death sentence, labour settlements (not to be confused with labor camps, although the former were also managed by the GULAG), or deportation "out of regions of total collectivisation of the agriculture". Tens of thousands of kulaks were executed, property was expropriated to form collective farms, and many families were deported to unpopulated areas of Siberia and Soviet Central Asia.

Often local officials were assigned minimum quotas of kulaks to identify, and were forced to use their discretionary powers to find kulaks wherever they could. This led to many cases where a farmer who only employed his sons, or any family with a metal roof on their house, being labelled kulaks and deported.

The same was happened to those labelled as "kulak helpers" or "subkulaks" (подкулачник), those who sided with kulaks in their opposition to collectivisation.”

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