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Friday, November 9, 2012

The Old Red Lady of the Old Gray Lady Howls at the Moon. Palin has Rattled Her Cage Door

From 7.06.2009

Abstract: Maureen Dowd flies into an incoherent rant and attacks Governor Sarah Palin for stepping down from her job but offers us no substance as a basis for her journalistic abuse. Dowd twists every word and theme in the Palin announcement but omits any reference to the central message about a ‘higher calling.’ The lack of an explanation about her future has infuriated the sordid left and their journalistic bowl scrubbers at the Times, Huffington Post and other shin plasters. Palin has changed her plans and now the frantic left grunt and grab for a defense against her new but unknown and dangerous intentions. The kind of journalistic know-how used here is best left in the cuspidors of shabby taverns of the lower East Side of New York and out of sight.

We are always entertained by the writings that appear in the  NYT—aka the Walter Duranty Papers[1]-- as they attempt to ‘form public opinion’ or merely  justify the antics of their  far left benefactors--their ideological partners in Congress-- by suggesting new and sweeping changes that ultimately lead to socialism, inflation, debt and the  loss of our  Constitutional Rights.  This has been the mission of this tome for many decades so we need not bother to search any of their written works for a trace of any substance that might conflict with their sacred, to them, mission.

Today, we are treated to a mega dose of unbridled and unsanitary vengeance heaped upon the governor of Alaska from the Old Red Lady[2][3], [4] of the Old Gray Lady[5] [Dah Dowdy Dowd today]. [6] Does Maureen cook her hair in the microwave??[7] Where does that color come from? As a chemist, I know that some chemicals that color can eat through glass. [8]

We recognize that ‘the people have a right to know’ all the sordid details of politicians and that our beloved newspaper in the city will shower us with such knowledge commingled with bits of  truth as is necessary to make their point as far as the right is concerned. Nary do we read much about the miscreants and social failures of the left. Richard Cheney can be dragged through the literary latrines with his face down but monsters like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and Good Time Charlie Rangel get as light a treatment as possible in the NYT and associated rags.

This is expected and is all part of the game so we wonder what Sarah Palin has said that requires her to brace herself for an onslaught from Old Red Lady. There must be some substance, some new dirt since Maureen scoured the dumpsters in the little town of Wasilla on a personal digging mission during the race last summer and found something, or held it back. She must have kept some of this find secret as now she unleashes a thunderbolt against Palin with gusto and dynamism and a few toasts of vinegar.

Let the unmasking of Sara Palin begin!!!

Sarah Palin showed on Friday that in one respect at least, she is qualified to be president.

Caribou Barbie is one nutty puppy.”-- Now, Sarah’s Folly By Maureen Dowd Op-Ed Columnist Published: July 4, 2009 [Emphasis is mine in all quotes unless specifically indicated as in the original.]

That is almost enough for me! But, give me the dirt!

Usually we don’t find that exquisite battiness in our leaders until they’ve been battered by sordid scandals like Watergate (Nixon), gnawing problems like Vietnam (L.B.J.), or scary threats like biological terrorism (Cheney).”-- Maureen Dowd

Oh, you left out the Clintons, The Kennedy Klan in all their whiskey-soaked grogginess’. But, we have to expect a bit of bias before the hammer comes down from on high in the NYT on Caribou Barbie. Here we may have an example of sectional cryptomisoxeny. [9]

Now, we read a survey of various prattles and snicks that have described others in politics, but no mention of direct evidence against Sarah?? Gee. We did get some third or fourth hand rumors of diagnostics about narcissistic personality disorder’ that was attributed to her months ago. Can we rule out Michael Jackson, John Kerry, Billy the Bimbo Banger Clinton or maybe Pee Wee Herman as having narcissistic personality disorders?

As Alaskans settled in to enjoy holiday salmon bakes and the post-solstice thaw, their governor had a solipsistic meltdown so strange it made Sparky Sanford look like a model of stability.”-- Maureen Dowd

Here it is!! We are waiting!!

What looked like a secret wedding turned out to be a public unraveling as the G.O.P. implosion continued: Sarah wanted everyone to know that she’s not having fun and people are being mean to her and she doesn’t feel like finishing her first term as governor.”-- Maureen Dowd

Did she say that?? Gee, I missed that part. Maybe Fox News edited that out for clarity.

Palin’s speech is classic casuistry.[10]”-- Maureen Dowd

On the off chance that Maureen knew what this word meant before feverously ransacking her thesaurus, we can wonder just what part of her speech produces this conclusion. Maybe this essay is confined to many things that  Palin did not say.

Upon announcing her stepping down from the very popular governorship of her state we find this transliteration:

Why “milk it,” as she put it[11], when you can quit it? “Only dead fish go with the flow,” she said, while cold fish can blow out of town.”-- Maureen Dowd transliterates Sarah Palin.

The maverick must run free when greener pastures beckon. The musher must jump out of the dogsled when warmer climes call. As Palin’s spokeswoman, Meg Stapleton, says, “The world is literally her oyster.”-- Maureen Dowd mangles the message of Sarah Palin.

We haven’t seen this much excitement in a commentator since something slithered up Chris Matthew’s leg [12] as he mind-melded with something lurking in the mists[13] while watching Obama give  his Philadelphia Speech sticking up for the rabid racist Jeremiah Wright. She is on a wild rant; we wonder why. Matthews, much like Dowd, must have hit his orgasmic perigee; the only oyster Chris has left is to follow Dan Rather to Ratherdom.

But just remember, beloved Alaska, it’s all about you.”--Maureen Dowd mangles the message of Sarah Palin.

The interesting observation about this unsystematic dart toss is that it has no basis in truth. It seems that every comment has been twisted in some toxic fit of fringe journalism based on Freud or what many thing Freud should have said.[14] It is a sour screed and is appropriately equivalent to spitting onto the crowd from some 5th floor balcony. There is no substance or analysis here, but there is a wholly artificial and cynical slant on the future designs of this potential national political candidate. The central message from Sarah was about her as yet undefined ‘higher calling,’ which nobody can decipher as yet.[15] Sarah has something in mind and media hacklettes like Katie Couric and now The Old Red Lady are attacking people in full passion and abhorrence. They must fear Sarah very much because if she was a minor player she wouldn’t make page 18 of what is left of the Old Gray Lady. Katie needs to wash her hair and Maureen needs to have somebody wash her mind. These two look like they are heading down Dan Rather’s pathway to oblivion. Maybe their jobs are in jeopardy. Dan’s is finished because of his sleaze. [16]

rycK [a 5th generation Californian in exile]

Comments to:

[1] In honor of that celebrated Communist stooge and liar and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the NYT. The color RED is used in my essays in honor of Walter Duranty, a saint, if there could be one, in the Marxist Archives of Honor.
[3] The Old Red Lady works her stylus on the shady side of the caves after being dipped in warm Henna and paints the picture of Bush Administration failure upon the right with every jab.  Sausage machines are cyclical like this. Maureen Dowd: The Old Red Lady Essays Us on Psychology  Wednesday, December 05, 2007 1:13 PM
[5] The New York Times, or what is left of it.
[8] rycK's Bio: Achieving Prosperity In Spite of the Left Posted by rycK on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:06:28.

[10] casuistry n. , pl. -ries . Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.

[11] as she put it

[12] “… have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often. No, seriously. It’s a dramatic event. He speaks about America in a way that has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with the feeling we have about our country. And that is an objective assessment.”

[13] or, at least beyond our imagination
“Without a team of Machiavellian neocons to pull her strings, The Vanilla Guerrilla from Wasilla is a marionette without a master, making a bold, maverick move and stiffing her constituents, sparing them the expense of having an elected leader and demonstrating the efficacy of smaller government.”

[16]  DAN RATHER, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: I know that this story is true. I believe that the witnesses and the documents are authentic. We wouldn't have gone to air if they would not have been. There isn't going to be -- there's no -- what you're saying apology? 

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