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Friday, November 9, 2012

The Winner of the Swede's Bozo Prize for Leftist Stooges Now Instructs Us in Fiscalsim

Originally published 10.17.2008

The New York Times—aka the Walter Duranty Papers [1]  has an extensive and convoluted history of apologizing for Communism, propping up losers, dictators and despots in their opinion columns and scrounging for new ways to reinvent Marxism. The Times has relentlessly praised a swarm of disgusting parasites who parade as ‘leaders’ in the world and issues ‘prizes’ in many fields for practicing far leftist politics.  Recently, Paul Krugman was disgraced, internationally, and explicitly punished for his academic miscues with the Mantle of Stooge Award [2]as defined by the Swedish Academy.[3] This Academy is befuddled with a cornucopia of leftist political choices for various ‘prizes,’ but seems to always pick a worthy candidate based on their politics.[4] Krugman, the now very famous non-economist economist of the Times must rise to the occasion of his new unearned fame and fortune and demonstrate to the economically unwashed what fiscal soap and a good brush can do to save us from the Next Great Depression.

A Brief History of Nobelisms

The Mantle of Stooge Award [Cape de Prix de Larbin] is issued according for strict monolithic adherence to leftist dogma and not according to truth, achievement or insight. Ideology to a fault is a proper reason to splash the recipients with this phony glory in the eyes of the far left. He bonds to this august group:

1992 Rigoberta Menchú Tum [Liar, some Communist  wrote this fulff.[5][6]]
1993: Nelson Mandela [a convicted and confessed terrorist]
1994: Yasser Arafat [terrorist, liar and he took 500 million from his people for himself]
2001: Kofi Annan [liar and criminal who diverted billions in Iraqi petrodollars.]
2002: Jimmy Carter [Idiot, anti-Semite, Marxist stooge]
2007: Al Gore [flunky, criminal, Marxist Stooge, EcoNazi[7]]
2008: Paul Krugman [advanced backward thinking theorems in non-economics and leftist apologia]

So, let us hear how the Nobel Laureate will lead us out of Capitalist Captivity into the Promised Land of Socialism in this episode:

The Dow is surging! No, it’s plunging! No, it’s surging! No, it’s[8]-- Let’s Get Fiscal by Paul Krugman Op-Ed Columnist Published: October 16, 2008

That was deep.

It’s now clear that rescuing the banks is just the beginning: the nonfinancial economy is also in desperate need of help.” [Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]This link references all quotes in this essay unless otherwise stated.

This wasn’t clear before?

It’s politically fashionable to rant against government spending and demand fiscal responsibility. But right now, increased government spending is just what the doctor ordered, and concerns about the budget deficit should be put on hold.”

This is blunt. Usually there is some kind of kinky foreplay before the main propagandistic therapy is unveiled in the shining light and administered to the inflicted. We wonder if there is any more written here that is worth reading. Are we going to hear about more tax and spending?

Before I get there, let’s talk about the economic situation.”

Ah, there is a lecture and more goodies in the basket for us. Krugman launches off from his weakest intellectual perch: rational economics:

Just this week, we learned that retail sales have fallen off a cliff, and so has industrial production. Unemployment claims are at steep-recession levels, and the Philadelphia Fed’s manufacturing index is falling at the fastest pace in almost 20 years. All signs point to an economic slump that will be nasty, brutish — and long.”

Isn’t this called a recession? We remain stunned and transfixed upon the astonishing depth and insight of this Prize-Popper.  How long did he search his own Econ 101 text for this pearl?

yadda yadda yadda…the housing bubble has burst yadda yadda yadda.”

Where is the meat?

In other words, there’s not much Ben Bernanke can do for the economy. He can and should cut interest rates even more — but nobody expects this to do more than provide a slight economic boost.”

He can wildly print more money and ‘solve’ this problem with inflation. Monetarism worked until the CRA [the phony Community Communist Reinvestment Act][9][10] created mountains of debt by giving away free houses to the low class for their votes.  That is how this mess started.

That interest rate trick didn’t help Japan whose stock market descended from about 28,000 to 8,693.82 today over a decade or two. It seems that it is not possible to issue loans with negative interest rates to business in a period of wild deflation. There must be some leftist magic in the old trick bag that can rescue us from the strange notion that offering zero-down mortgages to deadbeats, druggies and illegal aliens provides ‘affordable housing’ and is ‘good’ for society. California, soon to crash, will show us how that process works.[11]

The Meat! Where is the Meat?
On the other hand, there’s a lot the federal government can do for the economy…provide extended benefits to the unemployed… provide emergency aid to state and local governments…buy up mortgagesrestructure the terms to help families stay in their homes…engage in some serious infrastructure spending…”
Maybe it is just my stubborn anti-Marxist bias, but isn’t this merely the tattered stale and hackneyed scroll of socialist agenda items that the “federal government can do for the economy” any old time? Buy up mortgages and do what with them? Offer new mortgages to newer deadbeats who cannot pay their monthly bills like the previous owner? This is like curing drug addiction in a large group with a paternalistic lecture on health and then offering a fresh bag of crack to the audience.
Will the next administration do what’s needed to deal with the economic slump? Not if Mr. McCain pulls off an upset. What we need right now is more government spending — but when Mr. McCain was asked in one of the debates how he would deal with the economic crisis, he answered: “Well, the first thing we have to do is get spending under control.”
If Barack Obama becomes president, he won’t have the same knee-jerk opposition to spending.”
We can be certain of that.  Once in a long while he gets something right.
Fiscalsim[12], just another errant ism wandering in the swamp of uncertainty, is an ill-defined mantra that means something like the opposite of monetarism.  It is always safe to sail in unknown waters because any adventure encountered there cannot be either comprehend by lubbers or contradicted by true sailors. When academics mumble and wander about like drunken sailors in histrionics and uncultivated flights of the imagination their students began to believe that they are profound. Better to be awestruck than face reality in these economic times. There may be no jobs for economic majors if this gets any worse anyway.
As our freshly-minted Prizer is caught retreating to the usual leftist sanctuary, we find that, unsurprisingly in this election atmosphere, the word <<>>seems to have been misplaced from this little piece of sore-soothing propaganda.
It appears that we can spend but not tax as our Afro-Leninist[13] has promised (within certain boundaries). We learn that only those who earn above $250,000 [The Rich] will see a tax increase and this was confirmed by Obama’s squirrelly familiar, [14] known affectionately as  ‘Plugs’[15] [Mes cheveux sont transplantés de ma région pubienne!]of plagiarism fame, clarifies the tax issue for us:
"Read my lips," Biden said, using Bush's famous phrase while referring to a Barack Obama administration. "Nobody, nobody making less than $250,000 is going to see a penny of their taxes go up."[16]Biden in a wild rant at some county fairgrounds near the campus of Ohio University in Athens on Oct 15, 2008.
We be soak the rich.


[1] In honor of that celebrated Communist stooge and liar and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the NYT. The color RED is used in my essays in honor of Walter Duranty, a saint, if there could be one, in the Marxist Archives of Honor.
[4]Some economists questioned whether Krugman's politics may have somehow swayed the Swedish Academy. Its selections in the past have been viewed as politically motivated, and Krugman's selection came just weeks before a U.S. presidential election in which Bush's legacy is playing no small role.”

[6] “[her lies]..was actually written by a French leftist, Elisabeth Burgos-Debray, wife of Marxist Regis Debray, who provided the focostrategy for Che Guevara's failed effort to foment a guerrilla war in Bolivia in the 1960s. Debray's misguided theory got Guevara and an undetermined number of Bolivian peasants killed, and as we shall see is at the root of the tragedies that overwhelmed Menchú and her family.”
[8] Let’s Get Fiscal by Paul Krugman Op-Ed Columnist Published: October 16, 2008

[9] “Bear Stearns made the first public securitization of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) loans started in 1997.[6] Editorialists in some American newspapers[7][8] and US Congressman Ron Paul[9] say the CRA loans were lent to otherwise un-credit-worthy consumers in the name of ending discrimination, although an analysis of actual lending patterns does not generally support this conclusion.[10][11][12]
On June 22, 2007, Bear Stearns pledged a collateralized loan of up to $3.2 billion to "bail out" one of its funds, the Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Fund, while negotiating with other banks to loan money against collateral to another fund, the Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Enhanced Leveraged Fund.[13] The funds were invested in thinly traded collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) found to be worth less than their mark-to-market value. Merrill Lynch seized $850 million worth of the underlying collateral but only was able to auction $100 million of them. The incident sparked concern of contagion as Bear Stearns might be forced to liquidate its CDOs, prompting a mark-down of similar assets in other portfolios.[14][15] Richard A. Marin, a senior executive at Bear Stearns Asset Management responsible for the two hedge funds, was replaced on June 29 by Jeffrey B. Lane, a former Vice Chairman of rival investment bank, Lehman Brothers.[16]
During the week of July 16, 2007, Bear Stearns disclosed that the two subprime hedge funds had lost nearly all of their value amid a rapid decline in the market for subprime mortgages.

Community Reinvestment Act (or CRA, Pub.L. 95-128, title VIII, 91 Stat. 1147, 12 U.S.C. § 2901 et seq.)

[12] Fiscalism is a term sometimes used to refer the economic theory that the government should rely on fiscal policy as the main instrument of macroeconomic policy. Fiscalism in this sense is contrasted with monetarism, which is associated with reliance on monetary policy.
[14] “So what is Witch's Familiar all about? Mr. Raven Grimassi wrote the following for our website to answer that question. Enjoy. "The Witch's Familiar focuses on the definition of a Familiar, its historical background, how to obtain a Familiar, what Familiar spirits can accomplish to aid the Witch, how to work with a Familiar, and how to release one when the time comes to part company.”;s_New
[15] Heard one night on the Mark Levine show. This refers to the phony forest of spindly white hair[s] that glow[s] in wispy cylinders in the moonlight and was transplanted from elsewhere on Blowhard Joe’s body to the top of his head. He looks like a porcupine  who had an unfortunate encounter with a bottle of peroxide and a low hanging bush.

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