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Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Two Faces of The New York Times: Overt Racism Explained in Racist Terms.

From 5.04.2008

Recently, Bob Herbert of the NYT, presumable one of the staff who might know Frank Rich, had called for an end to the endless looping of the Jeremiah Wright Saga [1]and encouraged us to concentrate on other matters. Today, Frank Rich, the one who pushed the Macaca Follies to the patience limits of the Times’s readers, has tried to hoist up a counter demon in the name of Rev. John Hagee.[2] Since Obama is a racist we now must make John McCain one too for balance in the fevered reasoning of the Old Gray Lady.

We must be reminded of The God Janus here, as the writers of the usual propaganda screeds from the Walter Duranty Papers[3] seem to be looking in difference directions as did the Greek God on matters of endings and beginnings. [4]

Frank Rich, no friend of objectivity or truth, remaining loyal to leftist dogma and in his tautological pursuit of the fruits of leftist propaganda has tried to force some kind of reciprocal obligation upon Senator John McCain to denounce this pastor. Oh, why can’t we ferret out all the racists!

BORED by those endless replays of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright? If so, go directly to YouTube, search for “John Hagee Roman Church Hitler,” and be recharged by a fresh jolt of clerical jive. “[5]

It is interesting how influential YouTube has become.  We wonder if the NYT even needs reporters when they can sort through the Internet for any nasty video and then wordsmith the propaganda piece backward from the screen. That saves in gasoline and taxi fares in NYC.

Since then, Mr. McCain has been shocked to learn that his clerical ally has made many other outrageous statements. Mr. Hagee, it’s true, did not blame the American government for concocting AIDS. But he did say that God created Hurricane Katrina to punish New Orleans for its sins, particularly a scheduled “homosexual parade there on the Monday that Katrina came.”[6]

Many think the hurricane was a welcome relief to the crime, street murders, sloth, and sodomy and drug addiction in the city of New Orleans, a testament to the leadership skills of the liberal Democrats.  The effects of this non-Republican  weather can be praised for reducing suffering  above similar places like Detroit, Baltimore City, Philadelphia, East St. Louis and their greatest achievement: Oakland, California. Read my earlier blog entitled Murder in the Cities: The Triumph of Liberalism[7] for some interesting numbers. Throw in Dallas and Washtown and few others and you get 3,569 murders in 2007. At this rate, we might wonder why the Party of Democrats bawl about our 4,000 dead soldiers who willingly and valiantly gave their lives in the War on Terrorism and note that after 7 years the urban US street killings must have gone 7X this number to just short of 25,000. Recall that crime creates all sorts of jobs for both criminals and social workers and police. Is true that the liberals subsidize murder and drugs for fun and profit? The liberal Democrats win this contest!

No worries about this by the Times? Oh yes, higher taxes and ‘education’ will fix the crime rates. Sure.

Rich proceeds:

Mr. McCain says he does not endorse any of Mr. Hagee’s calumnies, any more than Barack Obama endorses Mr. Wright’s. But those who try to give Mr. McCain a pass for his embrace of a problematic preacher have a thin case. It boils down to this: Mr. McCain was not a parishioner for 20 years at Mr. Hagee’s church.” [8][Emphasis is mine in all quotes in this blog.]”[9]

Here, the standard propagandistic effort to discredit the most important piece of comparative evidence is given the treatment:

That defense implies, incorrectly, that Mr. McCain was a passive recipient of this bigot’s endorsement. In fact, by his own account, Mr. McCain sought out Mr. Hagee, who is perhaps best known for trying to drum up a pre-emptiveholy war” with Iran. (This preacher’s rantings may tell us more about Mr. McCain’s policy views than Mr. Wright’s tell us about Mr. Obama’s.) Even after Mr. Hagee’s Catholic bashing bubbled up in the mainstream media, Mr. McCain still did not reject and denounce him, as Mr. Obama did an unsolicited endorser, Louis Farrakhan, at the urging of Tim Russert and Hillary Clinton. Mr. McCain instead told George Stephanopoulos two Sundays ago that while he condemns any “anti-anything” remarks by Mr. Hagee, he is still “glad to have his endorsement.”[10]

This throws a lot of toads and other reptilian parts into the cauldron. Can we wonder if John Kerry was a recipient of political support from the North Vietnamese Communists in Paris, or that perhaps Obama derives some support from Hugo Chaves, the shrunken remains of Fidel Castro or the Code Pink Pinkies in a similar manner? What about Hillary and her adoration of Saul Alinsky?

Frank Rich opens up too many related political stories to be able to demonstrate a major distinction between McCain and Obama. First, and foremost, Barack Obama is an elitist bigot who true feelings about middle-class whites was broadcasted  in San Francisco from a position where he thought he could speak openly about his elitism.  I wonder if Hillary is glad to receive votes form the racist La Raza Hispanics or Senator Obama from the Islamo-Fascisti residing in Detroit.

Frank bends his rusty crank on onedownmanship[11] on this issue.

Frank Rich and the New York Times have depended upon utilizing ideological racism for decades and now they, embarrassingly, have this offal  thrown back in their two-faced faces. They disease here at the Old Gray Lady is cryptomisoxeny, the hidden, repressed loathing for another group. [12] It is a mental affliction where the operators of this malady believe they are not racists or bigots when the openly use the same words, tactics and endorse racists and bigots in their own publications.

Frank now gropes the outer reaches of political history to come up with this feasible statement of fairness:

There is not just a double standard for black and white politicians at play in too much of the news media and political establishment, but there is also a glaring double standard for our political parties. The Clintons and Mr. Obama are always held accountable for their racial stands, as they should be, but the elephant in the room of our politics is rarely acknowledged: In the 21st century, the so-called party of Lincoln does not have a single African-American among its collective 247 senators and representatives in Washington. Yes, there are appointees like Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice, but, as we learned during the Mark Foley scandal, even gay men may hold more G.O.P. positions of power than blacks.”[13]

Oh really?  So Obama and Colonel Klebb [14] [15] [16]and her occasional consort are accused of overt racism by the New York Times.   Then, why does the New York Times, the High  Oracle of Racism violently oppose blacks who are successful Republicans and label them as inauthentic? What about Thomas Sowell, Larry Elders and other ‘Uncle Toms’ who point out the racist elements of the Democrats.  Didn’t the Times dump on Mark Foley because he was gay? The Times is now anti-gay?

The argument falls flat here. McCain cannot be compared to Obama and his angry black wife any more than Jeremiah Wright can be compared to John Hagee. These are four different cases, but the Times needs to equate some nonequatables because Jeremiah Wright, who hates Americans, IS the issue now and Obama sat in the pews listening to his racist rants for 20 years.

Explain that away Frank!!

Extending Rich’s arguments, we wonder if Adolph Hitler’s works might be excused, in part, because of his socialism. Der Furher’s close association with Josef Stalin ought to be reexamined in political theory. Uncle Joe could ‘work’ with the Nazis.

Well, Frank, let us all give the old college try! Digging for dirt is an art form of sorts and we may eventually be able to connect Obama with Marxism in our findings. That would square the Circle for many and show that Senator Obama is but a common Ivy League political construct with some class and a slick set of suits.

Keep on digging, there must be a Communist Donkey in that pile of manure somewhere.



[1] The NYT wants us to get off Reverend Wright…[Remember the Macaca Follies?]…[remember_the_macaca_follies].thtml.

[2]  The All-White Elephant in the Room  By FRANK RICH Op-Ed Columnist
Published: May 4, 2008
[3] From his devotion to Communism, Stalin and propaganda. In honor of that celebrated Communist stooge and liar and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the NYT. The color RED is used in my essays in honor of Walter Duranty, a saint, if there could be one, in the Marxist Archives of Honor.
[4] Janus (mythology)
[5] The All-White Elephant in the Room  ibid.
[6] The All-White Elephant in the Room  ibid.
[8] The All-White Elephant in the Room  ibid.

[10] The All-White Elephant in the Room  ibid.
[13] The All-White Elephant in the Room  ibid.
[14] Colonel Klebb’s Lies are Pathological.
Posted by rycK on Sunday, March 30, 2008 1:21:46 PM

[15] Clinton: Rule or Ruin, the Colonel Klebb Solution to the Party of Democrats.
Posted by rycK on Sunday, March 30, 2008 12:42:38 PM

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