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Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Theoretical Deconstruction of Liberalism. II

Originally published in 2006


The leftist notions of egalitarianism were previously discussed and shown to be so much trash in the first part in this series: A Theoretical Deconstruction of Liberalism I.  We continue the dissection and public exposure of this virulent social disease with the second part. We need to discuss the leftist notions and myths of "individualism." This notion is proffered to be primarily concerned with "...protecting individual autonomy by opposing encroachment by the state.  Ref “This is not to be confused with the alternate liberal usage of the word where people who attempt to be independent of big government are assaulted and ridiculed for such actions also labeled as "individualism." The liberal constantly reminds the person who seeks "individualism" (read freedom from excessive taxes) that their government has already given them much.

This definition of “opposing encroachment by the state” is unworkable now given the practices of the left. Apparently the left think that control of crime is some form of encroachment upon freedoms of the individual. Radical individualism is now apparently concerned with simply 'feeling good.' If an act is pleasing or highly offensive to many, such as  we note in an assortment of current popular social perversions, then it must be a good thing for liberals to do, and needs to be nurtured and advocated, and as such, this  conduct   must be invariably found to be  ‘protected’ by the Constitution. Drug addiction is a good example. The rabid left pine and howl for legalized drugs in the manner of the late Carl Sagan, a big-time hophead marijuana smoking loser with a really sloppy and embarrassing scientific record. Recently, a new ‘right’ has been asserted for sexual predators to attack children by some pervert.  The ACLU has a new ‘right’ to champion! Justice Ginsberg, former ACLU Head Counsel, urges  the age of sexual consent to be lowered to 12 {I think 10 or less] so as to decriminalize such a right. This is just another step in the leftist support for government sanctioned and tax-sponsored degeneracy, a seemingly main pillar of the progressive Democratic Party in the USA. It does get votes.

The left gaze at the inner-city 'citizens' use of mainline narcotics, barbs, methamphetamine, and such, and praise their use as conforming to norms of 'diversity.' We heard from Tim Leary and Allen Ginsberg of the ‘mind expanding benefits’ of drug addiction. Liberals were thrilled by their adventures into addiction, sloth, and addiction. The social cost of their addictions: failed lives, discarded children, death, sloth, disease, despair and such are ignored or enthusiastically overlooked if the proper votes are cast. After all, jobs are created when degeneracy is exploited to its fullest extent. Somebody has to tend the afflicted and pay for the yellow rubber gloves and disinfectants where appropriate. Under liberalism drug addicts and their social workers can form a common social bond and even share needles if they want. The poor are encouraged to take drugs as they howl at the system seemingly giving them a platform of social protest. Killing yourself with drugs is akin to self-directed starvation: it is a social message. Please note that the high human population of the world is a major factor in leftist politics and that those who die from drugs are appeasing left-liberal Democratic population policy.  Phony social programs that offer free needles to 'prevent the spread of AIDS,’ and worse, are a mere official left-liberal political statement to the abusers:

“We like your addiction, we will support your habits and we will get more tax monies to help fund the enormous cost of your addiction. We benefit from your suffering and seek to enhance our political power from your right to use drugs.  We can provide abortions at minimal cost, or even free, to help you free yourselves from the usual social responsibilities so you can pursue your numerous addictions, public whoring and perversions. Free housing and medical treatments are already provided. Shoot up in confidence that there is more on the way if you support liberalism. You can ‘Tune in, turn on, and drop out’ and be properly aligned with liberalism.”

There are several aspects to this left-liberal ‘individualism’ notion that need examination and comment:

(1)A general contempt for any 'normal' life: Liberals are thrown into a vomiting episode at the mention of the TV Show Father Knows Best. The traditional family setting is unacceptable. Here, we see a general assault on common decency, American society and capitalism. We have seen much of this before. Liberalism has no future in common decency and morality and must find ways to counterbalance their political power. Decent folk will just vote for crime, corruption, sloth, degeneracy and Marxism.

(2)The frustration of  being politically  powerless: The leftist leaders are obviously phony, flip-flop in the Kerry manner on any issues, have many disgusting persons as leaders, praise communism, employ criminals and major substance abusers for leaders and are anti American and pro Islamo-Fascist and pro Marxist. Much of this frantic attitude has to do with their loss of political power. It was interesting to watch Cynthia McKinney escorted by the Black Panthers who provided ‘security’ for her in her futile efforts to hang onto her Congressional Seat in George. Such overt use of racism is an integral part of the left-liberal agenda of 2006 and the elections of 2008. Such frustrations will drive the Democrats to do anything that is necessary to support another 911 attack so they can blame the Republicans and get back some control of the government. Race riots always seem to benefit the left as they did in Watts 1, 2 They are now crazed with hate and we have only to listen to Michael Moore, Cynthia McKinney or George Soros to hear the accepted Democratic Party line in detail on these subjects.

(3)The ongoing quest for more votes and the need to preserve inner city voting patterns [hence hyping the Blue] lead to the following observations: New Orleans was a toilet of corruption, sloth, drug addiction and racism, but it was a solid Democratic bastion of voters. The high vote content was sufficient for the liberals to maintain the status quo of the city using any and all methods, illegal or not and ignoring the crime was mandatory. Katrina changed that.  This loss is unacceptable to the liberals in LA, CA and MA. The leftist powers now whine and moan for federal money to transport the ‘poor’ back to the voting booths in Louisiana to maintain this disgusting leftist social bastion of votes. The governor of LA asked for $50,000,000,000 to fix things. That would have made her the biggest Tax Grubber in the history of the world, adjusted for growth and inflation, and probably a bit ahead of Cleopatra VII.  Note that crime in New Orleans has recently skyrocketed to ‘normal’ and the ‘police’ have to use the National Guard to patrol the streets. But, they are voting Democrat—so that must be maintained! They just reelected their resident sleaze bag.  The same corrupt officials must be reelected according to the liberal agenda. NOLA here is a mirror image of the corruption and crime in Daley’s Chicago, Kennedy’s Boston, and Green’s Philadelphia or anytime in Baltimore. Next, they will try to allow illegal aliens to vote anywhere and get back to their traditional ballot box stuffing of the 30s, 40s, and 50s in Chicago as their model. They are already bribing illegal aliens to vote for them with give aways such as tuition credits, free health care, freedom from federal taxes and such.

As with the case of radical egalitarianism, the leftist notions of individualism are disgusting, immoral and have no place in a modern society.


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