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Monday, October 15, 2012

The Old Red Lady of the NYT Vents on Darth Vader’s Vents.

Originally published Sept, 2011

It has been some time since I laid fingers upon the ‘pooter’ key board to work on the literary extravagances of the Old Red Lady[1] of the NYT [The Old Gray Lady], the dowdy Maureen Dowd.  She has the privilege and honor to write scripts and other blather for the same ragzine that Walter Duranty made famous and they cherish his Pulitzer Prize even today even though it was written purely as a sophomoric leftist Stalinist apology and a crude and emotional propaganda piece based on lies and worse.[2] Most of the pulverized political slants and other septic echoes from this tome can be safely ignored but occasionally there appears a piece that rates some comment other than a straight-forward tantrum and a ceremonial shredding of the paper.

This hiatus was not for lack of interest in her synthesis of current news snippets, usually replete with stale literary references from years or decades ago, it is because of other pressing interests. But, spurred on with her wit and still wondering if she cooks her hair in a microwave, I have been sufficiently attracted to this piece to comment. Amongst the many faults in the liberal façade there is the recurring image of some great and evil monolith that must be constantly monitored for movement or action and promptly swatted down like a gnat on a slice of chocolate cake. Thus, apart from Ronald Reagan, even the name of former Vice President Richard Cheney rings little bells in dark, dank places and conjures forth demons from the deep whose apparitions stir the rusty innards of the robotic left to action. They then dutifully assume the role of the Hurdy-gurdy grinder’s tune banger machine and turn the old crank to impress those nearby or at least the monkey and his wood nickel. This is so mechanical and predictable.[3] The affront is made more obtuse by the comments from Dick on the workings of several levers of government when he shared power in the Oval Office and thus provides fire and brimstone for the redactors to set the historical record straight and place Dick in his final place.

She begins, after uncivilly abusing some of Dick’s Civil War ancestors, purely for spite, to lob some specific pots of venom:

Vice’s new memoir, “In My Time,” veers unpleasantly between spin, insisting he was always right, and score-settling, insisting that anyone who opposed him was wrong.
His knife-in-her-teeth daughter, Elizabeth Cheney, helped write the book. The second most famous Liz & Dick combo do such an excellent job of cherry-picking the facts, it makes the cherry-picking on the Iraq war intelligence seem picayune.[4]-- Darth Vader Vents By MAUREEN DOWD OP-ED COLUMNIST Published: August 27, 2011 [Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]

The Incident of interest:

Cheney says that in 2007, he told President Bush, who had already been pulled into diplomacy by Condi Rice: “I believed that an important first step would be to destroy the reactor in the Syrian desert.”
At a session with most of the National Security Council, he made his case for a strike on the reactor. It would enhance America’s tarnished credibility in the Arab world, he argued, (not bothering to mention who tarnished it), and demonstrate the country’s “seriousness.”

“After I finished,” he writes, “the president asked, ‘Does anyone here agree with the vice president?’ Not a single hand went up around the room.”-- Darth Vader Vents

This sounds like an abrupt and unpardonable diplomatic sortie that would generate as much rage as attacks like Pearl Harbor or the fire-bombing of Dresden. But, then, it sounds reasonable given what we did in Somalia, Kosovo, Tripoli, Nagasaki and parts of Pakistan.

Given that we just blasted much of Tripoli away hoping to fry Colonel Gadaffi[5], an ally for nearly four decades, it is amusing to wonder how big a deal this would have been.  After all, Israel blasted a similar site in Iraq and was quietly congratulated on the effort. Syria’s Assad is now Dictator of the Week and in line for the Mubarak Treatment if they can find some fighters in Syria.

But, the discussion of this option is punctuated with all manner of disjointed gossip and random comingled spittle including the trivial-but treasonous-attack by Cheney’s yellow Lab upon Bush2’s Scottish terrier [Barney] at Camp David. Perhaps in the fevered mind of whoever edited this script [as if anybody controls the output in the NYT] that this even was comparable to scattering some buildings and a little sand in some nuclear facility in Syria.

More prattle:

Vice gleefully predicted that his memoir would have “heads exploding all over Washington.” But his book is a bore. He doesn’t even mention how in high school he used to hold the water buckets to douse the fiery batons of his girlfriend Lynne, champion twirler.”--Darth Vader Vents

But to get down and dirty and to the point we read this:

Finishing the book with an account of the 2010 operation to put in a battery-operated pump that helps his heart push blood through his body, he recounts the prolonged, vivid dream about a beautiful place in Italy he had during the weeks he was unconscious.

“It was in the countryside, a little north of Rome, and it really seemed I was there,” he writes. “I can still describe the villa where I passed the time, the little stone paths I walked to get coffee or a batch of newspapers.”
Caesar and his cappuccino.”-- Darth Vader Vents

I am wondering what happened to the editorial staff when a spiteful piece like this was cobbled out of scraps from the cutting room floors and assembled into some wandering poison dart-tossing tirade upon the jots and titles of some new book. Maureen must be just cranking out fodder for one of her associates and needed a fluff piece to fill in some empty spaces here and there. It is rare that one reads a screed like this that is absent even a modicum of pertinent facts and consists almost entirely of dramatic spite.

This appears to signal a new low [or a new high?] for the Walter Duranty Papers -- whose spinning machines disgorge vast quantities of something that passes for truth in some quarters.
rycK [a 5th generation Californian in exile]

Comments to:

[2] In honor of that celebrated Communist stooge and liar and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the NYT. The color RED is used in my essays in honor of Walter Duranty, a saint, if there could be one, in the Marxist Archives of Honor.
He said that these people had to be "liquidated or melted in the hot fire of exile and labor into the proletarian mass". Duranty claimed that the Siberian labor camps were a means of giving individuals a chance to rejoin Soviet society but also said that for those who could not accept the system, "the final fate of such enemies is death." Duranty, though describing the system as cruel, says he has "no brief for or against it, nor any purpose save to try to tell the truth". He ends the article with the claim that the brutal collectivization campaign which led to the famine was motivated by the "hope or promise of a subsequent raising up" of Asian-minded masses in the Soviet Union which only history could judge.”

[3] I refuse to insult Pavlov’s dog here.
[4] Darth Vader Vents By MAUREEN DOWD OP-ED COLUMNIST Published: August 27, 2011[Emphasis is mine in all quotes.]

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