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Monday, October 15, 2012

Marxism, Communism, Liberals And Progressives And Why They Will Never Change their Assault on Capitalism.

Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:49 AM

Politics is an unusual attribute in humans.

We have a comprehensive and thoughtful snapshot of the state of Marxism and its variants written in 1946 by Frank J. Sheed. In Communism and Man [1], the author describes Marx and Engels in an objective manner that is far enough distanced from our current political arena to give us some basic principles upon which to make predictions and confirm some observations offered by the author. When we look at Marxism and its numerous variants from a half century ago and realize that little has changed then we can be confident that the current course of adherents of this strange political will remain invariant in this pursuit of this bent.

Marxism can be simplified by noting that Marx considered himself to be a ‘scientist’[2] and that he ‘barrowed’ some metaphysical theories from Engels and used this framework to push for a major change in society in terms of opposing capitalism.  Engels mumbled about ‘spirit’ and ‘The Idea’ and Marx translated this into his ‘Material’ notions, meaning economics and its associations with property, production means and such.  

Many apologize for the tangled and intelligible works of many authors by using the hackneyed phrase: “What the author was trying to say…..” and then go on to further contaminate the original ideas with their own mangled views. This is almost as nauseating as the perpetual ‘pendulum’ cliché where we are compelled to swing on the blades of some huge cutting machine reminiscent of Edgar Allen Poe’s giant scythe in his story The Pit and the Pendulum. [3] Marx’s intents  were clear even if the message was garbled.

Sifting thru the sloppy works of Marx we can come to his strange social mechanism that allows (always false) predictions of the inevitable destruction of capitalism. We learn about the words thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Here the concept of dialectical materialism was introduced.[4] It is a pitiful fact that Marx never bothered to define his main theory of Materialism as in common with those who produce some incoherent theories that have no change of being instituted. Barrowed from Engels and revamped into some form of social mandate that controls our destinies, we find that when two opposing forces collide (thesis v. antithesis) that this will result in a ‘synthesis” that will resolve the issue. He certainly meant that the two classes he speaks of, proletariat and capitalists,  will suffer some war and the synthetic product will be only one class. This is essentially all Marx had to say and those who follow him do not alter his maxims. Marx thought that if capitalism had rendered feudalism obsolete then Communism would be the next logical outcome and would replace capitalism. This would end the class struggles as there would only be one class—hence no battle between thesis and antithesis. This revolution would then begin in states where there were workers who were skilled enough to take over production and ownership of factories and such and eliminate profit with a revolution. George Bernard Shaw bought into this notion with his Fabian Society and his ‘equal income’ mandates, which he refused to elaborate on, the only social topic he was silent on. [5]  Shaw praised Fascism, Communism, socialism and any and all theories that opposed capitalism. We can, however, inspect the history of Communism to the present and wonder why it persists and also wonder why the original ideas, however faulty, form the basis of many attempts to change our society.

There is no need to sift through the many false predictions here other than to mention that such revolutions did not materialize in industrialized societies, but many such revolutions did happen in peasant societies. They have all failed to lead to a classless society and show poverty and ugly dictatorships as their signal hallmarks. From his Manifesto we read this:

The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.” [6]

This failed, of course, but that is no basis for discarding Marx by the left. They still all applaud Marxist Analysis as if this had anything new to add to the rabid anti-capitalism rants.  Marxist Analysis is a circular argument beginning and ending with Marx. Modern leftists and their radical partners still believe and wage war on class distinctions in our society and have essentially one view: equality of income for all. This is all we need to know about Marx and his followers. This also argues against IQ and other measures of profound differences in skills among our citizens. There is no equality.

At this point, we can dump the tangled particulars of Kars Marx sum up and come to the following conclusions:

[1] Marx snarled his own ideas beyond recognition and the attempt to understand Marx is an essay in mysticism and folly. The secret of Marxism is that here is no secret hidden therein.

[2] Anti-capitalism is the only solid root idea offered by Marx and that is what the left depends on today.

[3] The wealth and power of capitalist must be confiscated by any means available and high taxes are the first choice to redistribute the wealth.

So, how does Marx suggest we attack capitalism? Revolution is one way. This failed everywhere it was tried. Barring that, how do the followers of Marx suggest or demand how we attack capitalism? Taxation and legislation are other ways. Bernard Shaw believed in some ‘permeation’ theory where the fundamental strong points of socialism could be presented to national leaders along with the obvious defects of capitalism and they would be persuaded to embrace his notions. He talked to hundreds of ‘leaders’ from Churchill to Stalin. In 1931 he was the most famous person in the world. He made no convincing changing to government policy with his works. Fabianism faded away and is now only an historical curiosity.

Today, the leftist quest for mandated ‘equality’ is based entirely on taxation and legislation that seek to equate incomes that are frequently forced by the Rule of Law. We have had to suffer through the Fair Deal, the New Deal, and the War on Poverty, the Great Society, busing, affirmative action, welfare and civil rights movements thus far doing little to achieve equality while wasting several trillion dollars of tax money. Again, the nuclear glue that binds the leftists and radicals into a tight unit is unanimous anti-capitalism. Whatever happens, capitalism must be heralded as evil and taxation and regulation must be used whenever possible to push down individualism and entrepreneurship. So, we must watch for this and test potential political leaders as to their objective of following Marx.

This quest to destroy the private proclivities of the successful and potentially successful to make their own decisions about jobs, education[7], investment and business ownership is eternal and no set of facts can dissuade the leftists and their stooges to say anything nice about capitalism. Ronald Reagan [8] was hated as an anti-communist and the left formed ranks as anti-anti-communists against him and his followers thus avoiding the tacky label of communist even though this is an amusing double negative that shows obvious  favor to standard communism.

We can look at the political leaders and their tautological essays on taxes [9]and racial policies and government controls of nearly every aspect of our society for proof that the shrunken remains of Marx and his sycophants are sculpted in lights and are beacons for justice and equality on his planet.  They can buy justice for all with your money. The New York Times whines this sorry song every day.

That is all they have and the comments about  are all we need to dissect the political slogans and fluff we read in the New York Times and other socialist grist mills of the left. We can merley test their proposals against the notion of high taxes and big government. So, here goes!

So, what does Hillary espouse? Does she have huge taxes in mind? Will she ‘raise taxes for your own good” in the spirit of Marx. Is Obama any different? How about Edwards?

We go to Hillary’s website for her own words:

Hillary's economic blueprint to restore the American middle class includes:[10]

Lowering taxes for middle class families.

No tax increases mentioned here? They only pay 4% of federal taxes now. Who pays the rest? Do we tax the upper class here to make up the difference.

Providing quality, affordable health care to every American.

Hillary states: “Affordable: Unlike the current health system where insurance premiums send people into bankruptcy, the plan provides tax credits for working families to help them cover their costs.” How do we pay for this? Higher taxes? How do you ‘pay’ for or provide tax credits and balance the budget? According to leftist theories any tax credit has a “cost.” What is the cost here?

Making college accessible and affordable.

How do we pay for this? Higher taxes? Do we subsidize students? Do we offer college to all even though only 1/3 of the population can survive college? Do we raise taxes and subsidize more education?

Confronting the growing problems in the housing market.

What does that mean? A bailout for homeowners who fail to make mortgage payments? How do we pay for this? Higher taxes? Should we freeze interest rates or subsidize mortgage payments?

Bolstering retirement security by promoting savings and investment.

How do we pay for this? Higher taxes? Social Security, a rancid Ponzi Scheme of the New Deal is going broke and Hillary and other Democrats refused to address this issue in the first months Bush’s second term.

Returning to fiscal responsibility and moving towards balanced budgets.

How do we pay for this? Higher taxes? What spending cuts will Hillary make other than the military? Hillary can balance the budget? What was her position on the Balanced Budget Amendment?

Harnessing innovation to create the high-wage jobs of the 21st century.

How do we pay for this? Higher taxes? What can we produce and sell  with high-wage jobs? Cars? Oil? Textiles? Computers? The high energy costs of the proposed ‘carbon caps’ and carbon ‘credits’ will only raise production costs in the US while giving a break to third world. How do we get high-paying jobs from this? Cold fusion? Forcing shortages? Trading our SUVs for tennis shoes?

Creating a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund to jumpstart research and development of alternative energies.

How do we pay for this? Higher taxes? Where does this 50,000,000,000 come from? Taxes?
Hillary proposed a 50 billion dollar punitive tax on Exxon. Will that lower gas prices at the pump? Should we built expensive windmills at a mere 500% increase in electricity costs to consumers?[11]

Strengthening unions and ensuring our trade laws work for all Americans.

We need more union labor? Why? Doe featherbedding help our trade? Do we subsidize auto production in Michigan with federal taxes?

So, Hillary Clinton, a known Saul Alinsky Marxist enthusiast, will ‘balance the budget’ and call for tax cuts for the lower half of our citizens who pay only 4% of the federal taxes now and will provide socialized medicine and more with no new taxes?

The tax issue is avoided here. Hillary cannot do anything in the future in terms of balanced budgets without cutting spending and increasing taxes. A repeal of the Bush Tax Cuts means a tax increase on those who create new jobs. Such a repeal will guarantee lower tax revenues, which will require more debt. The left cannot remember Jimmy Carter.

If you look carefully at the proposals above you will notice that every item noted above is focused on the proletariat and confiscating  tax money from the capitalists to form some kind of ‘equality’ is the obvious  intent. Every item is based on Marx.

Hillary is a standard left-liberal 60s radical who believes only in big government and tax increases.[12] We have seen what this looks like before during the Jimmy Carter Era with 70% tax brackets for those who run out industries and banks and produce jobs and services and products. This is an attack on investment as the Marginal Propensity to Save for the lower half of our citizens is essentially zero. Investment will suffer.

There is little here that differs from the strange notions of Karl Marx [13] and this is standard anti-capitalism. All we have to do is to look at California and New Jersey to see what happens when business is over taxed and free-flowing social policies are traded for votes regardless of the cost. Debt is the reward. Where is the Clinton policy on Global Warming? [14] This is potentially the biggest tax increase in the history of the universe. Here it is:

Centered on a cap and trade system for carbon emissions, stronger energy and auto efficiency standards and a significant increase in green research funding, Hillary's plan will reduce America's reliance on foreign oil and address the looming climate crisis.”[15]

Cap means limits on emissions and ‘trade’ means giving third world either US taxes or production concessions that would shift our industrial production to Africa or South American or Asia. This would constitute a huge tax increase and government strangulation of free trade and business in the US.

What is her stand on illegal aliens?

Clinton and her busload of traveling press moved from there to the popular local Mexican restaurant Lindo Michoacan, where a “roundtable” that was actually square passed a microphone around to tell her people’s concerns about the mortgage crisis and foreclosures. She took notes and munched on tortilla chips.

In broken English, one woman told Clinton how she wasn’t making money as a broker anymore.

I have no income at all,” she said. “So how will I survive?”

Choking up with emotion, the woman said, “In my neighborhood, there are brand-new homes, but the value is nothing. I’m glad you are here so I can tell you, because you’re going to be the president, I know.”

A man shouted through an opening in the wall that his wife was illegal.

No woman is illegal,” Clinton said, to cheers.” [16]

This is crude pandering for the votes of illegal aliens. She needs lots of votes She will do anything she can to ‘share the wealth’ with ‘the poor’ who commit multiple felonies to get here and avoid taxes. She will tax ‘the rich,’ which is the upper half of Americans.  Note that the Rule of Law is used selectively against the enemies of socialism and Hillary can ignore the fact that she was speaking and pandering to illegal aliens.

All They Have Is Your Money And They Will Say And Do Anything Necessary To Get Some Or All Of It.



[1] Communism and Man , by Sheed, Frank J., (1897-1981),  Published by  Sheed & Ward, New York, 1946
[2] Intellectuals  by Johnson, Paul,  HarperCollins, Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1989 (ISBN: 0060160500)
[5] Bernard Shaw by  Michael Holroyd  , Vols 1,2,3 , Random House, 1988
[6] which cites Marx, K. & Engels, F. (1848), The Communist Manifesto.

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