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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Paul Krugman and the New York Times Tax Hike Freak Show Menagerie

 Paul Krugman and the New York Times Tax Hike Freak Show Menagerie

 We had to do something after Jimmy Carter bungled several economic factors, wept and talked to his worthless daughter Amy in the Rose Garden about what to do,  saw something like a saber-tooted rabbit circling his camp, and embraced Communism with a fervor resembling that of George Bernard Shaw and wrecked the economy.  He bawled when Daniel Ortega lost the election in Nicaragua. The Carter Malaise Era was financially terminal in light of the phony economics of Keynes and prompted some serious study and a welcome subsequent rejection of the out-dated Keynesianism and resulted in the invention of the highly successful supply-side economic system[1] by Paul Laffer[2]. This really works. But, any economic success that creates growth and corporate business power is ruthless threat and obscene menace to the far left so their unconditional rejection of any successful substitute economic measure is natural and mandated.  Every dollar that escapes the encumbrances and sticky trappings of the government is a tragedy for the socialists. The left cannot operate in a vibrant society where the individual assertively makes critical decisions about disposal of income and wealth on the subjects like education, jobs, training, housing, vacations, automobiles, life styles and such. The left-liberals who had created the  Carter Malaise Syndrome with details such as a 70% marginal tax rate needs  astronomical tax rates, a depression or a war so that they can recreate another monster like Keynes suggested. Tax increases are always the solution to any new leftist economic program, that, and massive spending. As such, the Goddess of the Left is the Common Tax Whore and Paul Krugman is her prophet.

Keynes was a accidental political anomaly from the sorrows of The Great Depression when he made some unsound (but politically judicious) economic assumptions and presented the dictators and political leaders of the time (Hitler, Stalin, FDR and Churchill) the excellent news that government ought to intervene in any and all matters with money to infuse the economy so as to reach full employment or an approximation to that notion. He preached that it was not possible to reach full employment without direct government spending. He, of course, was dead wrong, but what does that matter in politics? How could any of these geopolitical magicians reject the gift of more power to control money and its distribution? The Great Depression was a magic time for leftists who could use this tragedy as ‘proof’ that capitalism could not work.

Ronald Reagan’s embrace of this exciting system from 1981 onward produced an enormous economic boom (just look at a plot of the SP 500 from 1981 to the present and you can see the rise) and almost erased the National Debt. William Jefferson Clinton tried to increase taxes and succeeded once with the most massive tax increase in the history of the world, but after that the further wild taxation was halted by New Gingrich and fiscally conservative Republicans. Clinton was forced to control spending (you cannot veto what is not there in a given appropriations bill) and abandon the disastrous socialized medicine behemoth hatched by his crooked lawyer wife and he unwittingly wound up with a surplus that he would not refund to the taxpayers because he “...was afraid they would not spend it right.” Note the veiled implicit presence of government bullying over private spending.

Of course, supply-side economics is hailed as a huge success during the George Bush terms and has brought us essentially full employment, low to zero inflation and a reasonable management of the debt although spending was apparently excessive in the views of many. The war in Iraq is necessary expense. Like the Johnson-Kennedy Tax cuts, the Ronald Reagan Tax cuts and the Bush Tax cuts, the economy surges when the bunglers in our government are prevented from interfering in commerce. This history can be conveniently used to reject Keynes and his phony economics.

The supply-side theory hinges on the question: how much of a person’s income should the government control?? In most socialist states, this is a very large fraction and many of those are economically stagnant, such as France, England, Germany, Spain etc. Freedom to choose what to do with your money is not something the left can tolerate. Money is power and money can be used to unseat phony or undesirable politicos. No young person in Sweden or France, North Korea, Japan, Denmark, Holland, etc., will ever own much personal property and will be encouraged to take public transportation, watch their spending and take what the government will allow. Americans don’t like that scenario. In many respects, Americans have outgrown government. They can handle their money much better than the government.

Keynes laid his eggs and produced a series of babbling economic quacks that spend their time thinking backward to the stale and spurious government control theorems of Keynes along with a few suggestions from Marx and Lenin. Phony government systems like those in Cuba[3] are frequently proffered up as something to mimic. This frantic carnival atmosphere produces a series of Freak Show activists who disclaim any advances by supply-side economics preferring the demand-side alternatives where the government controls the money. The latest planet-busting tax whoring program is Global Warming[4], a political sleight-of-hand that is being passed off as ‘finished science’ by  a gang of so-called scientists all agree that the US ought to cut back on all energy usages while the People’s Republic and India and others get a pass. Other expensive and gratuitous projects such as Bluewater Wind projects are mandated by the left.[5] Socialized medicine is another economy destroyer.[6] All of these are obscene and counterproductive tax-whoring measures.

The New York Times blindly supports all forms of politics as long as they steered from the far left and keeps a suitable menagerie of fringe-loony writers and political wordsmiths who ‘work for peace’ in the glow of  busts of Walter Duranty, Marx, Lenin, Castro and other leftist luminaries and honk and squeal at the right as they compose their propaganda. To this august list we can add Jayson Blair's[7] name, an apparent understudy of Janet Cook[8], since he manufactured stories from mere political fluff or used plagiarism, the leftist educational tactic that barely got Joe Biden through Law School at Syracuse.

The success of supply-side economics in generating growth is discounted by anybody and everybody on the left as a political mandate. It just cannot be true—even if it is! We expect, then, to hear an ongoing harangue over higher and higher and higher taxes and pleas and excuses for  such on any and all proposed government spending programs.

Like rubber ducks that float around in a plastic tub, the New York Times sponsors a carnival of  stilted political articles to drone on about tax hikes such as this one: The Tax-Cut Zombies[9] by (who else) Paul Krugman.  Here, the tautological chants, drums and assorted tinsels and dyed feathers of Buffo Theater are displayed in a manner reminiscent of some of George Bernard Shaw’s plays that incessantly demonstrated that socialism is the only answer to all problems.  To wit:

If you want someone to play Scrooge just before Christmas, Dick Cheney is your man.”

This is mere infantile malice.

So ended 2005, the year that killed any remaining rationale for continuing tax cuts. But the hunger for tax cuts refuses to die.”[10]

Note that supply-side economics is very successful. He argues against success? Of course! Left means ‘loser’ in the current economic lexicon and everybody knows this.

Since the 1970's, conservatives have used two theories to justify cutting taxes. One theory, supply-side economics, has always been hokum for the yokels. Conservative insiders adopted the supply-siders as mascots because they were useful to the cause, but never took them seriously.”[11]

The ‘yokels’ are the dim-witted or emotionally infected political victims who feed on the fetid chum-chucked bait from the New York Times.

Everybody who lives in this society must objectively agree with the obvious success of cutting taxes; however the left cannot stand the loss of political power and individual wealth. Conservative insiders (Like Jack Kemp and Senator Bill Roth)  always took tax cuts seriously. This is an outright distortion of the facts, a strong attribute of the New York Times and their contributors.

“Yet the cuts go on. In fact, even as Congressional leaders struggled to pass a tiny package of mean-spirited spending cuts, they pushed forward with a much larger package of tax cuts. The benefits of those cuts, as always, will go disproportionately to the wealthy.”[12]

It is ‘mean-spirited’ to grow the economy only in the sense that this process destabilizes the left.

Note the infantile bleats, slurs and ad hominem bladder splatter that swim in P.G.’s written works. He uses unsophisticated slurs, horror tactics, tactless caricatures, half truths, out right lies and snake oil journalism to grunt and grab for any increase in government power by tax hikes. Perhaps he relies on Maureen Dowd[13] for substance and   style suggestions in his awkward polemics.

Paul Krugman is The Tax-Hike Zombie of the Left. He has less credibility than Baron Munchausen.


[1]My Time with Supply-Side Economics By Paul Craig Roberts.
[4] Comments On Global Warming and Failed Computer Models
[8] Janet Cook of The Washington Post who received the Pulitzer Prize for a fabricated story of an eight -year-old  latch-key kid living in the ghetto as a drug addict.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Ibid.

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