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Monday, October 15, 2012

Stupid, More Stupid and the Idiot Europeans Investigated and Explained

Originally published 7. 19. 2008

The history of the world shows us many forms of societal transformations and most are not very pretty when the process and outcomes are examined.[1] There are always reasons to explore as to why the Roman Empire failed, citing, also, the Spanish and Portuguese empires, the Mongols, and others, but the details of any analysis reveal that mistakes were made in most cases. Whether these assorted mistakes were decisive or fatal and to what degree is open to debate. The avoidance of mistakes is an essay into itself and is convoluted with nostrums of predictions, visionary efforts, long-range planning and such. The general difficulty with societies is based in their intrinsic political mechanism [politics] whereby decisions are made by groups. Poor choices are the norm for most governments. There is never agreement, in full, on various courses of action in societies and so many obtuse vectors are selected and pursued with vigor and élan that could not be politically prevented.  One segment of history involves the analysis of military or religious invasions of various societies and the radical or military transformation thereof.  The fate of the conquered society is always of interest and mostly disastrous and this is happening as we read this in Europe. Those who conquered are now being conquered. Strangely, the Europeans are losing a religious war after many centuries after establishing their version of the ultimate religious domain. They are also paying for their own destruction with welfare-type programs that encourage their enemies to settle in their midst, take advantage of their laws, get money from the state, set up hate groups and schools, foster terrorist groups and undermine the societal substructure. Europe was saved from the Mongols by the Black Plague. There wasn’t much loot there anyway so the Mongols looked toward Baghdad. The Europeans may not be so lucky this time.  Europe probably cannot be saved.

The Romans transformed most of the known world in their time and so did the Mongols using similar tactics a few centuries later. Both societies were after loot and power and enforced detailed laws on their victims and ran sectors of their conquered subjects as provinces. Clovis I (466 – 511) was the first King of the Franks and consolidated central Europe approximately as it would be later known.[2] Clovis ended the Roman influence by terminating their power. Europe was later decimated by the Black Plague, numerous wars, errant and unsuccessful Crusades but, it could be argued by many, improved in certain societal metrics until the general demise of European society that started in 1914 with World War 1. At the pinnacle of European society, marked by the 1900 Paris Exposition[3], they had opened to the doors to wonders of the future and nothing could be imagined that might limit their progress and ability to build a lasting society except their own politics and poor decisions. The general decline of Europe, as seen by the trench warfare and millions of dead [51,000,000 was the toll in WW1]  was followed shortly by a depression,  then a repeat of the Great War  [31,000,000 dead this time] , the collapse of several governments, the extinction of most banking systems, kingdoms, political parties and more. There was mass starvation, pogroms, the Terror returned in Russia and other parts of Europe all made possible by politics. It is not possible to accuse the Europeans of good sense or diplomacy during this era from 1870 to 1989 as they could not sensibly curtail any of their devastating wars and cold war belligerencies.  Certainly, their most talented leaders died in the continual wars or, later, in concentration camps. There are strange structures known as ossuaries that are simple charnel houses holding the moldy bones of unknown losers of massive wars to remind the current inhabitants of their sordid history and culture. It a truism to state that peace in Europe occurs spontaneously after major wars and lasts for a short time.

Rescued several times by the United States, with money and soldiers as appropriate, whose citizens assumed the various roles of  wet nurses, mop brigade captains and official lice dusting regulators, the remaining demoralized Europeans formed some kind of communal economic cluster and traded all they had for ‘peace and security.’ Socialism gripped the continent and England and its satellites as Bernard Shaw had hoped for with his Fabianism.[4] Besides being a generation of cowards, since their brave soldiers and best leaders were killed in numerous wars or exterminated by the Bolsheviks, the current examples of European leadership are a curious product of 300 years of inbreeding, sloth, leftist political indoctrination and nonsense as embodied in the clownish caricature of the Prince of Wales.

The have-nots have discovered many new ways to circumvent the tax prohibitions[5] of the Magna Charta.[6] Socialism has succeeded in putting bread on the tables of the masses with little or no casualties from wars while leaving the United States and Australia to fight the necessary wars as the Europeans hid in the shadows. The Western Europeans who were cowered and demoralized by the shadow of Communism and the nuclear threats of the USSR, retreated into their little cocoons and pretended to live their safe little lives with continual meddling and prodding by the Swedes, of Nobel War Prize Fame and who had manufactured and sold guns and arms to any European belligerent who could pay for the stuff. Later on, after the 1989 collapse of the USSR, the Greens got control of many governments and decided that ecology and Marxism were more important than society.

Next, the Islamo-Fascisti moved in to mooch, preach hate and proclaim the impending general burden of Sharia law [7]to all who would listen. To get the attention of Parisians, for instance, they routinely bombed the city restaurants, synagogues and other structures in 1995 and on [8] and forced the French to grovel and moan, appear to simulate head-banging droolers, and formed the sickly appearance which they certainly display today. As this is written, the French and their less sophisticated socialist associates in adjoining territories are struggling with their self-assessed  failure to properly ‘assimilate’ the barbarian Arabs, selected former members of French Colonies from North Africa and Persians into their society. The Moslem population now ranges from 1 to 10% or more in much of Western Europe and the fraction is much higher in Eastern Europe and Russia.[9] Their presence now commands more political power than their population ratios would suggest. This is all made possible by the numerous splinter parties that have plagued the Europeans since 1789 and many will sell out their country for a few Muslim votes. The rise of militant Islam is now at hand and the Europeans are not addressing this issue as the US also failed to do since the Carter Era.[10] The psychotic Islamo-Fascisti are not to be compared with Mexican illegal aliens in the US as their goals are very different. Torching automobiles and hospitals are the customary modern political procedures in Europe and they are very effective. The French and Germans cower, mumble and appease all burnings and threats. They are now well below the accepted standards of the average coward. A broad yellow stripe painted boldly down their backs in not enough to signal danger to strangers even if they were phosphorescent and glowed in the dark.

Germany[11], France[12] and other garden spots in Europe have struggled with their economies and unemployment and high taxation for centuries without resolution other than to employ assignations, revolution and war. The general population was gradually reduced to impotency by high taxes and socialism so that power groups could not arise to contest or threaten existing governments. The church disintegrated except in Poland and the Church of England is but a useless relic of history. The demoralized population was some what satisfied with the high taxes along with some social benefits and the precious absence of conflict.  Sloth and drug addiction are now preferred elements of European lifestyles.

The Europeans cannot address a reasonable threat. The Islamic Fascists and terrorists were able to easily transform the political architecture of Spain with a single bombing episode in a train station along with the threat of many more to come. The March  2004 bombing of trains in Madrid,  a mere three days before Spain's general elections, that  killed 191 people and wounded1,755, drastically altered the instant political infrastructure of Span yielding a convincing political and inexpensive  victory to al-Qaeda.[13] The Spanish live in rabid fear of more bombings so they caved in to demands to not support the US in the War on Terrorism. That was more than enough for the Spineless Spanish. They now grovel and cower before such threats of a repeat performance. Even the threat of bombing the same site in Paris since 1980 is an effective political maneuver for the terrorists.[14] The Italians and French have performed similar acts of cowardice much to the praise of the radical left and their fascist allies from Islam. Various parts of Europe suffer from terrorism and fear of Turks, Albanians and other ethnic Muslims.[15] Much of this is a result of guest workers gaining political power starting as from as far back in history the 1950s. The cowardly Europeans are assisting the hangman in the extermination of their society, citizens and culture.

Apart from their low stance of perpetual subservience and Kowtowing to the slightest demands of Islamo-Fascisti, the Europeans are preoccupied with sloth, sodomy and drug addiction. They want a 20 hour work week. In the Netherlands, simple and clinically unconfirmed complaints of frequent headaches will qualify the complainer for a lifetime on welfare that pays only slightly below the pay of ordinary workers. The public park in Amsterdam has a large space next to the Red Light District where drugs are consumed and celebrated and the police do not interfere. Drugs are for sale everywhere and there are pink escort signs on the tops of nearly every phone booth and taxi cab. Not to be outdone in participating in the intakes of degeneracy, the Swiss had an experiment called Needle Park.  Let us recall that the Swiss are in the dirty money business. Druggies were attracted like moths to a flame from all over Europe to shoot dope, overdose and die. These experiments failed, of course, and they closed the park but the dopers moved to the train station. Now the Swiss government maintains private shooting galleries where dopers from all across Europe can snort and mainline drugs using sterile equipment and avoid the press and criticism. That is a typical contemporary political and social solution now praised by the Europeans. That is the kind of twisted social logic that has infected Europe and this mass mental affliction may be applied to housing, jobs, testing, education and many other facets of the degenerating society in Europe.[16] In the US, of course, we have San Francisco, the most degenerate place on the planet and California will soon sink into moral oblivion and the state will go broke. [17] The aberrant California political and social philosophy is detailed in this satirical link:[18] Europe is a swamp of drugs and misery but the Muslims will have none of it. They don’t even drink wine.

Europe has lost its moral compass and has surrendered to the Islamo Fascists. Peace at any cost and the proud wearing of an Islamic brass ring in the noses of the citizens is indicated. The Muslims will take power by force and intimidation and the result, unexpected for the errant and miserable Europeans, will be the beheading of perverts, drug addicts and religions types, if any remain, because they offend Sharia Law. French wine will be poured into the public latrines as they did in Teheran in the 70s. The call to worship will shut down Paris and London several times a day. This process will come as a shock in San Francisco where they would be the first city to fall under the power of a new version of the Taliban. Indeed, many Californians blame religious moderates and conservatives in the US by aid of the concept of cryptomisoxeny.[19] Here, for example, the use of overt racism employed by liberals is used to ferret out, expose and condemn racists according to this precept. Many infidels would need to be destroyed to satisfy Sharia Law and cleanse the new Islamic society of the undesirables in California.

That is the level to where the spineless Europeans have degenerated and they whimper and moan as their new masters build strength and political power. The US is not far from this sorry state in San Francisco, parts of Oregon, Boston and some dung heaps like Philadelphia, but these places are still morally and financially and socially isolated from the suburbs and country dwellers. They cannot penetrate the ‘burbs with their blather as yet. The taxes are still way too low and it is too easy to beat the city folk at standardized tests, work ethics, industry, mental exercises, educational hurdles, investments, planning, marriage, family matters and life in general. Europe now looks like Philadelphia sans the murder rates.

It is most interesting that the elements of the Celtic Peoples evolved from a barbarian mystic sect far and away from its roots in crude tribalism to the feudal system and then democratic government and was ultimately strongly dominated by somewhat homogeneous religious and political forces. It is more interesting, now, that they are now being conquered and demoralized by a highly organized religious system of fanaticism governed by the strict rules of tribalism and religious bigotry unparallel in the world.  All this suggests the need to begin some revolutions and vigilante activities, but the socialist rules of conduct do not permit such and their armies are outdated, too small be effective and impotent.  This impending disaster in Europe is not a bad option for the US, if we survive our leftists, as the demise of Europe would lessen demand for critical raw materials such as oil and copper and ease our economic burdens. Europe is probably lost except for what remains in history, poetry and literature and the loss is not important to us anymore.  The foolhardy Europeans sit idly by and listen to the mullahs dispense hatred from the mosques and madrasses and allow the revolutionary system to build. They are guilty of suborning all the needs of their enemies.

That is stupid.



[5] John relied on clever manipulation of pre-existing rights, including those of forest law, a set of regulations about the king’s hunting preserves, which were easily broken and severely punished. John also increased the pre-existing scutage (feudal payment to an overlord replacing direct military service) eleven times in his seventeen years as king, as compared to eleven times in twice that period covering three monarchs before him. The last two of these increases were double the increase of their predecessors. He also imposed the first income tax, which raised what was, at the time, the extortionate sum of £70,000.
[11] Germany's affluent and technologically powerful economy - the fifth largest in the world in PPP terms - showed considerable improvement in 2007 with 2.6% growth. After a long period of stagnation with an average growth rate of 0.7% between 2001-05 and chronically high unemployment, stronger growth led to a considerable fall in unemployment to about 8% near the end of 2007. Among the most important reasons for Germany's high unemployment during the past decade were macroeconomic stagnation, the declining level of investment in plant and equipment, company restructuring, flat domestic consumption, structural rigidities in the labor market, lack of competition in the service sector, and high interest rates.
[12] France's tax burden remains one of the highest in Europe (nearly 50% of GDP in 2005).
[16]In the 1990s, Zurich experimented with what became known as Needle Park where addicts could openly purchase drugs and inject heroin without police intervention. Zurich became the mecca for drug addicts across Europe, who would travel to Needle Park. In 1992, when authorities decided to close Needle Park, the addicts moved to Letten railroad station until its closure in 1995. Based on the failure of Needle Park and the Letten railroad station experiments, the Swiss government, like other governments in Europe, developed consumption rooms to provide a "clean and safe" environment for addicts to inject heroin under medical supervision.

[19] Cryptomisoxeny Explained by Theory and Examples.
“This is a serious mental affliction that infects almost everybody in the world where people use hypocrisy, bigotry and racism to ferret out the hypocrites, bigots and racists with the grand feeling that they are absent these negative attributes and are performing tasks related to justice or other delusion.  It is good to root out and display the racists and the reward is wild applause, contentment and a feeling of well being. Cryptomisoxeny propels tribalism and religious bigotry to higher and higher levels with modern communication methods and ensures that these social factors will persist to infinity.”

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