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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Nifongism and the New Nifongalongs

Posted by rycK on Sunday, June 17, 2007 5:43:22 PM

The political world is instituted on things other than truth we begin to suspect as we compare assorted political systems across space and time. It seems we are encouraged to accept various tendered notions of freedom, justice and truth, inter alia, that might guide us down society’s wondrous paths in our quest for a decent society. The Greeks, long on wind, theatre and rhetoric,  but  short on substance, especially in the military world—not to mention science, and with indecent societies while lugging around  the burdensome criticism of Plato, have been generous enough to bequeath much of their most pressing problems in a concentrated snarl of circular logic and confusion. We don’t have a clue what words like freedom, justice and truth might connote given the erratic and nonsensical profusion of their definitions, uses and outcomes.  Only a soothsayer, a Massachusetts social worker or a union steward might have a working definition. Some in Fresno might guess the definitions of two in a bloody gang war. We are persuaded that the Greeks had good intentions, the hallmark of dictatorships, swamis, patroons, imbeciles with portfolio and fathers of several pogroms. Attempts to rationalize various flavors of politics by their own self-defined terms  produce only  imprecise and unwieldy  results when  reflected from the ugly Mirror of Reason  and leave us with unpredictable sensations while  understanding these terms. It seems that ‘justice,’ a word devoid of any precise meaning, although it does deliver a severe political impact upon the skulls of the unenlightened, still evades us. It seems that our lexicon is not yet sufficient in breadth to contain words that adequately describe some of our antics, and the list of words along with  there precise definitions need to be expanded in light and in celebration of Mike Nifong and his allies.  Nifong has expanded certain elements of politics.

Demagoguery seems to remain the strongest extant feature of Greek democracy, whatever that was meant to be, is their strongest legacy and was originally intended to  remain a dazzling  beacon and warning for all as the strongest admonition that such a process would never be revisited after it was shown to be a social disaster. Demagoguery, the only well-honed tool of Athens,  is now seen to transcend the simple notions of government and actually allows us to define words like ‘justice’ and such in the terms necessary to control the masses, get elected or promote some political vector.

In analyzing examples of demagoguery and other perturbations of governance, we find the Strange Case of Mike Nifong to be of interest. Here we hit upon a singular chance to view a detailed spectacle of modern politics from an oblique view, unencumbered by the news or commentary as is not common in our society. Somebody got straight to the truth, the bane and destroyer of carefully-crafted demagoguery.  The facts soared beyond the grasp of the political controls in place. It seems the police received complaints about the Duke Lacrosse Team and the elected District Attorney, upon hearing the news,  set about on his long journey in the quest of justice. Somewhere along the line, he stumbled, his reelection looming like a great soaring bird  in the near future, but his failures and skullduggery with the undisclosed evidence  and other matters continued with  wild applause that still rings from the stoops and dance halls of Durum, North Carolina. Here was a case of racism to exploit!! A gang of evil whites gang-raped an innocent black girl as she struggled to work her way though college.

In the beginning was the complaint of rape by the Lacrosse Team or several of its members by some young person, a minority and an obvious  victim. An investigation was conducted and DNA samples taken for most or all of the team members and from the victim and her intimate attire. This would allow prima facie evidence of rape if the specimens matched. The investigation would proceed according to the hallowed norms of justice. Then, things went awry. Witnesses and testimony from the accuser and her ‘friend’ were found to be contradictory and erratic, attributes that would normally lead to dropping the case, but not here. So, the investigation proceeded. Justice must be served, especially on a black/white encounter on campus.

Now, before the DNA tests could be finished, certain activists, radicals, political agitators and others rose to the heights of demagoguery and found an instant case of obvious and confirmed racism completed and documented. Case closed. The Lacrosse team should be disbanded, students expelled, etc. etc. etc. The guilty must go to jail and Duke must cleanse its campus of racists. Yadda yadda yadda.

From this point, the howls for blood formed into a high crescendo by students, certain faculty and others rose to fever pitch.  Visits from the Black Panthers and other radical black political leaders ensued. The brother of the poor, mistreated victim called for justice.  Her name was withheld. A black student e-mailed the Lacrosse coach with threats and “…was rewarded by being placed on prestigious campus committees and Brodhead himself championed this "student" as being a "star" at Duke.” All this before the investigation had sorted out the facts.[1] All in the name of curing racism. Let us salute justice in all its forms. Racism is now justice.

As the evidence became powerless to properly sustain the validity of accusations, especially since the DNA of the team was not found upon the person  or clothing of the victim, concealment of the exculpatory evidence was necessary to compel the investigation to proceed and Nifong needed to be reelected, of course.  Here, we can kill two stones with one bird. The fact that ‘the victim’ was carrying the DNA of four others in her skivvies or elsewhere, none of whom were on the Lacrosse team was suppressed.  The truth need not interfere with leftist justice. They must be guilty because they are rich and white.

Fearing that some injustice was in the making, Duke University readmitted the students. This provoked outrage from a ‘professor,’ to wit: “The decision by the university to readmit the students, especially just before a critical judicial decision on the case, is a clear use of corporate power, and a breach, I think, of ethical citizenship,” says Dr. Karla Holloway, the William R. Kenan Jr., Professor of English and Professor of Law at Duke. “I could no longer work in good faith with this breach of common trust.”[2]

Spoken with true political themes and constant attention to leftist politics of the reversed racist sort. The evil corporate power was shielding justice.  We wonder if professors of law at Duke can really enlighten us about breach of common trust without some clear racial divides. Does ethical citizenship require the suppression of evidence? Yes, it does, at Duke,  in some circles.

This is not a matter of good faith; it is a matter of overt racism, as usual, from the rabid left. What howling leftist professor in academia cares about the facts? The salient point of politics here is that Nifong had acted in strict accordance with his strong leftist training and was compelled to find the innocents guilty in a court of law, because it was the politically correct thing to do, with applause included, and a majority of votes in his vision for his upcoming election.  Here, we see the disgusting, but liberally acclaimed, corruption of our system of law in terms of ‘justice’ as the DA bends before his howling left-liberal Democrat constituents. He was not alone, the New York Times and other leftist tomes hailed him as wondrous and progressive as he committed serious felonies in his official conduct by his suppression of exculpatory evidence.

The charges were dropped. The NC Bar came in with an investigation and hearing. Nifong was disbarred and is now subject to both criminal and civil actions.

The interesting point now follows: Nifong did not violate his covenant with the left. His actions as a criminal and sleazebag did not exonerate the Duke Lacrosse team members of their participation in the rape nor did his suppression of evidence and other criminal acts affect the political outcome.  The dropped charges still hang like marijuana smoke in the air. The twisted translation of this event is as follow: “Tawana told the truth!”[3] The Duke Lacrosse Team members are blameworthy simply because they are affluent and white. This is a clear case of racism, beloved of the left and celebrated by the New York Times and their Pinch-pampered toadies at the editorial desk who modulate the flow of propaganda and disinformation for the left wing. This stubborn defiance of logic and truth must now be detailed in the precise definition of the new word: Nifongism.[4]  Whenever a person works toward any left-liberal politically correct outcome and uses racism, criminality and sleaze in his diligence that person is an advocate or preceptor of Nifongism. Those who populate the chorus and faun and coo and drool over the actions of a Nifongist are now designated as Nifongalongs or purring toadies for the cause. Democrat victories depend on the New Nifongery[5] with the nifongalongs tottering along behind carrying the wash bottles and waving hate banners. Racism, drugs, sodomy, sloth and massive social spending round out the political agenda.

Such is the sorry state of politics. But, something tells me that the Greeks knew all about this and guys like Plato were just prompted to put a little shine on the rotten system they put upon the world.


[1] “…a black student, Chauncey Nartey, sent two threatening emails to Coach Pressler (before Pressler was forced to resign) and for that he was rewarded by being placed on prestigious campus committees and Brodhead himself championed this "student" as being a "star" at Duke. Oh, yes, when advised of the threatening emails, the Duke administration told Nartey not to do it again and suggested he send a letter of apology.”

[2] Holloway, who is Black, had agreed to head one of the four committees formed by Duke President Richard H. Brodhead late last spring. She says she’d hoped to improve the racial climate on campus after a Black exotic dancer accused members of Duke’s men’s lacrosse team of rape and racial slurs — prompting a media frenzy and nationwide accusations of racism against the university and its students.

[4] “[B]ill [A]nderson said... I guess a picture can be worth a thousand (or two thousand or three thousand) words. It looks to me as though Nifongism (yet another new term) has infected some of the Duke faculty. I think we know the cure....Jan 5, 2007 8:06:00 PM

Topic: A new way to fight Nifongism  http//


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