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Monday, October 15, 2012

Trolling for Stooges: The New York Times Endorses Carbon Baloney Auctions Posted by rycK on Saturday, March 15, 2008 11:57:57 AM

 Posted by rycK on Saturday, March 15, 2008 11:57:57 AM

The New York Times, always associated with Walter Duranty [1]and Marxism and any notions that might promote indecency, sloth, drug addiction, child molestation, terrorism or other authentic left-wing programs has offered its op-ed page, for a price [2], to scam artists who will bleed the ignoratti on the Global Warming Farce.[3]

In an insane article entitled Want to Buy Some Pollution?[4] The NYT Ragzine offers propaganda like this:

LATER this year, Massachusetts and other Northeastern states will hold the nation’s first auction of greenhouse gas emissions permits. Congress should take note: this market-based, technology-neutral auction is a model for how to encourage power generators to limit their emissions. And it could provide the foundation for a federal-state partnership to revolutionize energy use.”

Ponzi[5] missed his chance to herd the suckers into a common sheep dip ditch by neglecting this stunning opportunity and stroke the mentally unwashed with the old Robbing Peter to pay Paul. grift.  

More of the pitch:

Auctions make sense. When Europe first tried regulating greenhouse gases under a cap-and-trade program, in 2005, it gave away, or “grandfathered,” emissions permits to its power generators, which made modest changes in their operations and then sold the permits to others at a premium. The result: windfall profits for the power companies. Europe is now switching to emissions auctions and plans to finance programs promoting climate protection, economic growth and energy security with the proceeds.”

Now, let us analyze this. Say there are 100 units of emission units in a given country. Let us say that the object is to reduce the number of units to 90 for the sake of the EcoNazis [6]who tell us that the CO2 emissions are causing global warming even thought the increase from 1900 to 1996 was canceled out by a sudden drop in 1997. So, the whole global warming/cooling circus is a joke, but now there is money on the drum. How could this ‘trading process’ affect, to be blunt, the levels? [7] There has to be some enforcement of the levels, which will increase with growth, and that means the levels will rise to say 110 units in some time period.

The scheme unfolds:

“By setting a national cap on greenhouse gas emissions and running a national auction for emissions permits under the cap, the federal government could accrue tens of billions annually. With that money, Washington could offer irresistible financial incentives for the states to do what only states have the authority to do. It is, after all, the states that regulate utilities, determine the locations of power plants, dictate building codes and make land-use decisions. That means the low-hanging fruit for emissions cuts is to be found in the states’ orchards.”

The fruit analogy is very appropriate here. Here, we have the following fruit salad scenario that brings laughter to all who want to watch the monkey dance the Dunciad:

Some company has outputs of say 5 emission units and will increase the output to 6 in some expansion plan because of growing demand by customers and ‘buys’ permits at auction from some person or company who holds allowances. This transaction, strangely, just adds to the cost of producing the 5 emission units. Now, suppose some other company decides to cut production from 4 down to 3 and could ‘sell’ the extra allowances to the first company. This is an increase in cost with no reduction in emissions!!

This is a shell game where the peanut is always concealed by the grifters.

This is the kind of lunacy that elevates drug-crazed lefties into their carnival deportment. They can now but credits and allowances at market, demand that caps be lowered and then sell their little papers to one of the companies for a fat profit. Two things happen here: [1] the cost of doing business increases and [2] some leftist parasite make a bundle of money off the deal.

We know that wind power is much more expensive than nuke or coal, but with a little bribing of elected officials, the ‘credits’ for wind power might be sold to coal burners for fat profits. This would result in some lowering of emissions, but a huge hike in the price of energy. The phony Bluewater Wind bozos have a plan to build off shore wind mills and their electricity costs would be 600% higher than current costs.[8]

So, we leave off this with a question: If I had a car that was driven say only one half of the national average, can I sell my unused ‘carbon footprint’ allowance for cash??

I have two cars that fit that description.

Somebody make me an offer or perhaps the State of Massachusetts will buy my credit and sell it Con Ed or other or maybe to Green Piece or other Eco Nazi institution like Harvard.

Taking bids at

Be generous with your offers as the planet is in jeopardy.

[1] Walter Duranty. “ He said that these people had to be "liquidated or melted in the hot fire of exile and labor into the proletarian mass". Duranty claimed that the Siberian labor camps were a means of giving individuals a chance to rejoin Soviet society but also said that for those who could not accept the system, "the final fate of such enemies is death.". Duranty, though describing the system as cruel, says he has "no brief for or against it, nor any purpose save to try to tell the truth". He ends the article with the claim that the brutal collectivization campaign which led to the famine was motivated by the "hope or promise of a subsequent raising up" of Asian-minded masses in the Soviet Union which only history could judge.”
[2] Whores work like this.
[4] Want to Buy Some Pollution? By IAN BOWLES Op-Ed Contributor
Critics argue that emissions trading does little to solve pollution problems overall, as groups that do not pollute sell their conservation to the highest bidder. Overall reductions would need to come from a sufficient and challenging reduction of allowances available in the system. It is possible that this would occur over time through central regulation, though some environmental groups acted more immediately by buying credits and refusing to use or sell them

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