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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Road to Social Success, Peace and Justice: California has NO Vision!

The Road to Social Success, Peace and Justice: California has NO Vision!

Revised and originally published 6.26.2008

Government Cannot Solve Society’s Problems.

This is a general refutation to an errant satire-oriented blog post entitled:  The Road to Social Success, Peace and Justice: California has the Vision![1] and refutes the inane and vapid  Marxian logic and phony social theorems and propaganda  trumpeted  therein.  Modern government should rely upon its citizens to provide talent, services and taxes in exchange for its governance. California has not conducted any proper experiments in this social arena lately and San Francisco is now the model for a fraudulent and debauched society. The government is obviously obligated to supply all the needs of its citizenry in one limited form or another, almost always indirectly, and to educate the polis as to the correct or preferred conduct for all.  The government should enable individuals to achieve success with their own resources and form their own identities with their own property and private wealth. Although violent crime, sloth, sodomy and drug addiction are crimes against humanity, they are frequently hailed as progressive in San Francisco and must be punished by strict laws, public executions and incarceration.   Nancy Pelosi[2], the Queen of the Massage Parlors protects any and all of her subjects who participate in degeneracy, theft, illegal immigration and worse.

Any form of indecent conduct must be accepted as a perverted individual choice thus damaging the fundamental rights of every citizen.  Somehow, sodomizing children or forcing them into slavery and prostitution is not considered a crime or even indecent in the City by the Bay. [3] San Francisco ranks among the most evil places in the world for social tribulations and surpasses even the legendary excesses of Sodom and Gomorrah. Government should address this problem—not support and celebrate evil. But, certain unacceptable social actions degrade the quality and inefficiency of any government by creating the need for special and unnecessary services to correct these evils.   This is a perverted source of tax revenue. Sloth, sodomy, drug addiction and political activism in educational institutions along with AIDs infections and their public celebrations are examples of these general social diseases that create excessive government.  San Francisco has made essentially no progress in the social arena since the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors that might be construed as above the minimal levels of barbarism compared to most other places in the world.  This city is a financial and medical burden to America. The government can not satisfactorily address any pressing problems in our society if the wealth is confiscated by leftist and so-called egalitarian governments as they attempt to do in the City by the Bay. Taxation, always the first action of leftist government, is the road to inefficiency, waste and corruption in our society. Taxation of the confiscatory sort allows the incompetent to make decisions. Education could show us the way to peace and prosperity, but all persons in our society must be educated about spending and taxation and the evils of liberalism and the squandering of the common wealth.  San Francisco has the worst imaginable plans to for their citizens and that malfunction needs to be made public along with a monolithic transformation of the current government.

The Needs of the Citizen Comes First.

Every citizen has certain strengths and weaknesses as defined by accepted norms of conduct, inherited skills, home training and are analyzed in detail by well-defined by standardized test scores patterned from the scientifically verified Bell Curve[4].  This process has been verified and has been used with success since 1906. There is an obvious distribution of cognitive skills among all individuals in all societies that serves to convincingly refute the notion of ‘equality’ as the leftists define the term. It turns out that certain leftist views of social conduct, particularly the choices to appease the Marxists and socialists and cause the labors of citizens to be misdirected, are socially and intellectually bankrupt and this fact need to be emphasized in government and education.  The political term ‘equality’ is used to enlist the votes and support of the lower classes and criminal elements thus confounding the simple notion that we are all equal. We are not equal.  The tautological and perpetual quest for ‘equality’ actually generates and validates the gross equalities they hypocritically harp about. These inequalities produce self-designed opportunistic cracks in the social fabric and thus create false strata in our society that are conveniently utilized by the overt racists and far leftist radicals who desire power.

Equality and Inequalities caused by Bad Government.

The far left invents and celebrates inequalities using poverty, racism, sodomy and capitalism.  They exploit these differences and promote the struggles in this farce as they inflict this wreckage upon society. They deal successfully in political agitation and unrest. The Marxists have murdered 100,000,000 people since 1917 and this salient fact ought to provide us with a comprehensive narrative of their notions of government.  Cuba and North Korea receive only praise from the left. They are out to corrupt our society. Those who trumpet a perverted view of love and society and those who think that the personal choice of using drugs,  boundless sex with anonymous partners in bath houses  and the criminal theft of misappropriated property or abortion are regarded as  crimes and their views  appear to be in the vast  majority of our society in places like San Francisco.  They believe that government can actually solve many social programs. They will vote to change our entire society if they can for their own aggrandizement as Stalin did.  The liberal courts in California will transform the laws if the voters stray too far towards the narrow leftist path. The left would ruin our world as they have effectively done in Europe and Asia and Africa.  The left-liberals and their Marxian cousins cannot survive in a successful economic environment as they cannot generate wealth on their own. They must act as functional parasites to exist and gain power.

While the most important duty of government is education—second only to  law enforcement as one would expect --the resources devoted to the desperate criminal actions of a few provide unnecessary and wasteful  jobs for many citizens who must be enlisted to serve to clean up this mess.  Crime, sloth, sodomy, venereal disease, AIDS, the homeless and illegal aliens produce thousands of useless jobs for the city.  San Francisco has attained an incredibly negative score on the health and social services issues with an unimpressive  and an  outlandish list of phony ‘social services’ is listed  in the footnotes. [5] We need more efficient jobs and fewer limitations on our individual life styles. The leftists want to control essentially everything especially speech and would hungrily burn this essay if they c0uld.  They cannot stand open criticism and dangle on revenge as part of there psychological constitution. Government is limited in the services it can supply without consuming too much of the domestic product—thus government should be as small as possible.  We can have a great society with full employment and benefits for all if we force the far left to yield most of their ill-gotten controls on our society and force them to work for a living.  They can probably perform acceptable menial tasks in many areas but never in education, administration or in the courts. They are the epitome of failure. They are societal parasites.

The essential services required to support individuals who wish to run their own lives without government interference are only provided by small revenues and fees and by lightly taxing those who have worked hard for their families and society. We do not want this money to be instantaneously wasted by liberals or diverted to degenerate activities.  Workers, tourists and businesses should pay appropriate taxes so that the city can provide agencies and services for the criminals and the poor. They could pay much less and have even better government without the drug-induced leftist government. The minimum wage in San Francisco is an excessive $9.36/hour, [6] which is so high as to burden the tax base revenues and forces the government to improperly function. This is not, however, even a reasonable wage as it is arbitrarily and politically determined by political fiat and guessing and does not include any due consideration of business costs, fees, taxes and profits so it might be much lower, probably $6 or $7 an hour.  The proper rate, of course, is always determined by supply and demand. The tax rate on payroll expense is 1.5%.[7] The city sales tax is 8.50%.[8] A high minimum wage and subsequent high progressive taxes now degrade the city services and they must beg money from federal funds to escape the inevitable turmoil of bankruptcy. Typically, the leftists run up high debt and then pander for a bailout as New York City did.  We expect California to financially collapse and then have the federal government pay for their perversions.


Higher taxes are always destructive as they give power and unwarranted resources to the incompetents in the left.  A detail account of leftist financial policy is essentially one long brown streak. We need very low marginal tax rates to recover the money and land that the leftists have stolen from the decent working people. The individual is more than competent to direct his or her own funds and the notion that government programs can solve social programs is a farce notably grounded in the ugly history of failures of such notions.   Social Security is a disgrace and is hailed the summit of a leftist social program.  We must always be reminded of Moscow Central Planning in the USSR for examples of how to ruin a society.  Many on the left think Karl Marx had the proper method for addressing wealth and its distribution.

For the rich, we need a 20% tax rate, or so, and 5% cap for all profits over 1 million dollars per year.  It is only the financially successful person than can direct resources to growth, new business opportunities and to engender prosperity.  The notion that the socially unfit, perverts, criminals or the cognitively disnimble can effectively address finances, business and taxation is a sad joke. Giving profits to the frequently drug-besotted and intellectually degrading left always wastes precious resources. We can cut costs and lower tax revenues by eliminating most social programs.  The object of a social program is to create dependency—not to solve social problems. Many people have to be shown, forcefully if necessary, that they can work, even in the menial arena and avoid taking drugs.  But, as long as drug addicts can vote, a mistake, they can vote for sloth and drug rehab programs. Degenerates should not be given the vote.

Profits by individuals in the current San Francisco paradigm are achieved only after excessive coddling of the poor, enduring the burdens of socialist and Marxian governments and toleration of sadistic criminals that is the central resource of liberalism.  Leftist governments induce inequalities in our lives with the obvious purpose of partition and chaos and these notions need to be controlled by the voters.  It is a good ideal to vote against any leftist in any form of government.  Egalitarianism should be considered a crime against humanity.

 Personal Freedoms, Drugs and their Use.

Citizens must be able to choose their lifestyles and recreational modes of life. But, the celebrated illicit drugs and their proffered mind-expanding effects are destructive and a wasteful individual choice that ruins lives and the government should strongly supervise those druggies in all personal and public matters. San Francisco has a Drug Court (SFDC)[9] and the court prevents any substantial progress of the treatment of those persons who elect to abuse themselves with recreational substances. This is a crime of bad government. Many who are arrested for choosing this disgusting and perverted lifestyle that satisfies only them are let loose uncured and unattended and that is inhumane.  San Francisco has a Drug Court has a phony record as stated:

Since 1996, over 900 participants have graduated from the San Francisco Drug Court.  Among them, ninety-three percent of the graduates had a stable source of income upon program completion, 91% had obtained stable housing, and several participants enrolled in school or vocational training while participating in the program. Twenty-percent of the graduates had reestablished contact with their minor children upon graduation.”

This is a phenomenal disgrace and this synthetic legal circus requires hundreds of redundant jobs to supply incompetents for kangaroo courts and unnecessary city employees. The actual rate of recidivism is about 98% so this does not include repeats.  Drug addiction is the surrogate for religion in San Francisco.  They want to feel good as a first response to any issue. The government wants to legalize or decriminalize drugs to keep their supporters happy and focused on their addictions. Drugs and stronger than people, rehabil9ition is not a reality, so the high drug addiction rates support leftist governments. Most of our administrative jobs should be oriented so as to help our citizens avoid such disgusting and destructive personal choices and lifestyles. We need fewer such inefficient and perverted social services that trumpet perversions and drug addictions and those agencies and the attendant task forces should consume fewer resources. Using illicit drugs is a basic affront to humanity and the medical treatment of the predictable and unfortunate side effects is an excessive burden of government. Drug addicts should be given menial jobs and forced to pay for the costs of their social perversions. We have to admit after decades of research and futile attempts that drug addicts have no hope of a cure and need to be closely supervised and prevented from infecting the rest of society with their repulsive afflictions.  Drugs are stronger than people.

While considered legal, chic and socially desirable by some progressive cities and counties and certain elements of the federal government, the drug sharing, fellowship, camaraderie and the concomitant personal choice to enjoy dangerous recreational substances actually degrades our society.  The pursuit of whatever ‘feels good’ is a social defect and psychological aberration, a serious mental affliction and can be considered as the general notion of a parasite. The ‘addict,’ a medical  definition  of a practice  that  destroys  individual freedom, needs special education, counseling, and the cooperation  of law enforcement, medical services and many other special services at low cost.  All these services are now, unfortunately, paid for by the government and thusly create worthless jobs for liberals. They degrade and waste the resources of the cities to ‘correct’ what some citizens voluntarily do to themselves. Societies need to be socially content and recreational drugs bring sorrow and despair and amplify hopelessness. Those persons who thrive in criminality such as drug traffickers need to be hunted down and incarcerated or deported. Liberalism is a societal disease.

We need to eliminate all illegal drugs and provide counseling for their use among those who suffer from the ills of liberalism and racism and the abuse they hurl at the white majority as they practice capitalism.  Drug addicts need to be isolated from society and reallocated in distant lands if necessary.  Drug cartels need to be obliterated by force. We need mandatory sensitivity courses for those who cannot appreciate capitalism and business and moral social conduct.


There are thousands of human boundaries and fences in this world. The world is not supposed to be a system of societies with open doors and welcome wagons designed to coddle, praise and extract political support from the criminals who sneak into our society to plunder and burden our system.  All persons must be allowed to own private property in concert and harmony with the plants and animals on this globe and no leftist or environmental group should prevent the successful from enjoying a decent life in the US or elsewhere.  We have made the world rich with capitalism. We can make it richer. To protect the working class and the successful and support their human rights, no San Francisco city tax revenues or any other kind of money should be spent in assisting authorities in enforcing unfair or excessive tax laws.[10] Those laws are forms of institutional racism, paternal essays in crude bigotry, leftist greed and a crime against a good society. The influx of illegal aliens means that new jobs must be created to keep and protect our citizens from the evils of those   who come from other countries and who would normally be considered to be felons and perhaps deported.  San Francisco has found the way to become a haven for illegal aliens, some even fictional [like Joaquin Murietta for whom some street was named[11]], thugs like Cesar Chavez [I was a witness to his works in Tulare County[12]] and adherents of a degenerated society through unacceptable government and by ignoring the law.  All this crime brings power to the far leftists who are perpetually elected by degenerates, the homeless, illegal aliens and worse.

We have enormous wealth and we must use it to create a new society for those young people and redress the criminal sins of the socialist past. Crimes committed by undocumented workers and other persons are really unnecessary crimes, and they do waste a large number of government jobs and corrupt the tax base by high city taxes.  Those who embezzle the money and property using phony tax methods and fees from the upper class are committing crimes against society; they are simply stealing their self-determined share of prosperity that was created by the successful. They are parasites. Persons have no right to steal resources provided by business and a decent government. This criminal system is as obtuse as the racist notion of reparations and its remedy is way overdue.


Love is not usually a crime but those people who choose to enjoy sex at any age or with any person, child or their pets are perverted criminals. Tax hikes are crimes. The city of San Francisco has a phony social plan to “Stop the Enforcement of the Prostitution Laws and Bring Protection to Sex Workers[13] The city has a Task Force on Prostitution that considers such practices by citizens and others as a basic human right and the apprehension, persecution and incarceration of those persons who are merely plying their craft as costly, unjust and ineffective. [14] The sex workers suffer ‘humiliation’ from being apprehended by the police and also their clients, which happens in proper police enforcement of the laws.[15] Sex is sold cheaply on the streets on the streets of San Francisco and police actions to enforce the prostitution laws are reasonable and just. We can wonder if muggers are ‘humiliated’ when apprehended by police.

Sex workers need reeducation and rehabilitation t o live productive lives in a just society.  Those who are infected must be isolated from society until shown to be disease free and then retrained with close supervision before being allowed back into a decent society.

Murder and Other Crimes.

The use of force is always unfortunate. Violent force and murder is frequently excused by leftists as a form of protest and economic self defense against capitalism and a perverted way to express outrage and envy against those persons who are successful and acquire wealth.  Criminals conspire with egalitarian legal forces to harass and harm the citizens for money and assets and force them into litigation and frustration. Violence is caused by drugs, sloth and liberalism, inter alia, and the unfortunate suppression of conservative rights as the criminals seek to share drugs and other nefarious activities among themselves at our expense.  The murder rate is expectedly rising,[16] but this only calls for more prisons and social services for the perpetrators, police, health services, counseling and education. This secretive criminal society is a major source of income and political power for the sordid left in social dung heaps like San Francisco and Chicago and Baltimore.  Drugs need to be eliminated and drug addiction cured by abstinence. Guns need to be carried [17]by all non felons for personal protection, especially when associating with the criminal forces that annoy the citizens.

We must provide our citizens with all resource s they require so as to prevent more violence. Honest citizens who intervene during the commission of violent crimes and dispatch muggers, felons, thieves and other parasites must be held innocent and free of any legal actions. Those who kinetically dispatch perverts or criminals during violet or perverted criminal acts should be eligible for tax rebates depending on the seriousness of the case.  Many existing laws must be repealed and the police forces need to be strengthened and their focus redirected toward the real criminals of our society: drug dealers, crooked politicians and illegal aliens.[18] The FBI, DEA, IRS and other agencies need to be honored and celebrated in California. Capital punishment should be used for all second offenders of violet crimes or drug addiction or sexual predation with no chance of appeal. No pervert ever returned from the dead to commit another crime.

As to crime, San Francisco needs to be considered not a city or a county but a temporary containment facility for perverts, lunatics, criminals, the mentally disnimble, Marxists, Islamo-Fascists and other social parasites.  Those who are leprotically attached to the sordid society in San Francisco should be exported to remote containment facilities in Africa, South East Asia or perhaps French Guinea for isolation and retraining. To minimize costs and prevent the outsourcing of perversion, the drug culture and worse, we could pay certain governments in  Africa, say Sierra Leone  or the Katanga Province to care for our ‘citizens’ at low cost. We could relocate them to social and drug reeducation camps in those places and pay the local government $100 per San Francisco citizen per annum with the proviso that if they escape or die the payments will cease the next year. For those who die of natural causes or while attempting to escape can be buried by the local government under contract for a fee of $250 after submitting proof of identify and the death of their clients . The degenerates need to be isolated from decent citizens.


Love is frequently a crime depending on the way it is expressed.  Free love should be considered a perversion and the practice severely encumbered by laws and agents of the government. HIV infection and the diseases associated with this personal and private pursuit of individual social preferences are disgusting choices with expensive and disastrous social consequences.  Perversions remain some of the main attractions in San Francisco and these degenerate practices and celebrations have destroyed hundreds and thousands of decent jobs, infected thousands with lethal STDs and caused untold deaths. The CIA did not create AIDS. Any belief in this outrageous, but leftist endowed cowardly lie should not be tolerated.  AIDS was celebrated as a ‘progressive’ life style and the bath houses that were temporarily closed were opened with much fanfare so the disease could be spread around the world. The decent citizens need fewer encounters with infected persons so that they can enjoy a better and longer life and avoid this disease forced upon them by perverts and evil left-wing government. People need a way to express their love and affection without oppressive liberal government interfering with their lives.  There are numerous abnormal sex acts—that degrade the concept of love. There are numerous social and legal aid societies who support those who want to exploit and enjoy their particular disgusting sexual preferences.[19]  City commerce is degraded and tourism sours as drug treatment and other unnecessary social services create more and more taxes and create new and worthless problems.  Out of deferred concern, there are numerous services for assisted dying and other options in the city. [20] The age of consent for love should be strictly enforced by law with a zero-tolerance. Love is not ageless and children need parental love not sexual exploitation for money. Tourists and police forces should be outfitted with nets and yellow gloves for their personal protection when they confront AIDS activists and their supporters.

Education of the Appropriate Masses.

‘Education’ is the phony paradigm of the left and is merely the tautological intonation of political slogans that are based in belligerent ignorance, socialism, reverse racism and prevarication. Social degenerates like Dianne Feinstein want to ban criticism against the left on talk radio. [21] They teach only primitive leftist politics that reek of tribalism, totalitarianism and bigotry. The liberals and all far-left persons need to be firmly diseducated from their narrow Marxian training and their attention redirected to an examination of their intrinsic social evils by a new form of education.  They should be prevented from voting. They should take extensive retraining courses and then pass strict oral and written exams on decent and moral conduct.  Honest and decent and productive citizens must be appreciated and the leftists and their victims  reeducated as to how their phony leftist utopian and egalitarian  adversaries  have created a society  that has caused misery, financial bankruptcy and suffering around the world. They should not be eligible for voting privileges until they pass extensive psychological standardized tests. The citizens have a fundamental right to get as much education as they desire to pursue their own careers without government interference. The government should provide educational facilities only to those who can pass strict standardized exams as explained in detail in the Bell Curve. Educational resources must not be wasted on those who do not posses the cognitive skills for advanced learning and skilled jobs and careers.  IQ levels and the highly-correlated SAT scores should be used to select individuals for higher education so they can be properly matched to jobs and careers. Educational facilities that teach leftist politics, reverse racism, the racist and black supremacist Black Liberation Theology, socialism and political confrontation must be abolished or defunded and severely taxed as a cancer upon the capitalist society. The socialists and their lesser qualified Marxian fellow-travelers need to be reeducated as to the following:

[1] If you have money and wealth and property above the median that is proof that you attained these gains fairly and the government commends you for your success.  Those persons who live below the median are satisfactory and must be considered successful if only moderate contributors only  if they are not involved in drugs, criminal activity or perverted activities or lifestyles. The successful  must invest in the future of the capitalist society   by forming new businesses and funding moral charities and schools that teach integrity and good sense and the work ethic and reject  the  leftist teachings and their social sins of the past.  Those who are successful must lead our society.  The druggies and losers should not vote or have any voice  or jobs in government or business. Inheritances taxes must be abolished but all property and wealth derived from perversions and crimes by the left and their victims must be returned to the government before or shortly after death.

[2] Marxism and its various congeners such as socialism and progressive liberalism are evil as they exploit the masses and create poverty and disease. The government needs to control commerce, jobs and taxes so that the general elements of capitalism can enhance and expand our society. The government can provide food and shelter to degenerates in limited cases as a temporary charity.  Major corporations must be celebrated as the key growth engine of our society by the government.

[3] Education is the key to a great society and those who prefer to accept the delinquent teachings of egalitarian government must be reeducated until they agree with the proper and correct goals of capitalism and limited government or remanded to a reeducation center. Education must be free and open to all persons at all ages and for any length of time provided they have the minimal intrinsic cognitive skills. This is about 1/5 of our society by population fraction. Colleges should be enlightened societies devoted to skill development and free from counterfeit leftist rules and phony academic demands such as racial sensitivity courses and the phony theatre of the lunatic global warming types. Examinations, particularly standardized tests, should be mandatory for the continuation of education and sloth and ignorance must not be allowed to poison inquiry and self expression. There is every reason to publicly issue grades and test results. Capitalists should use grades as a metric to rehabilitate the poor, the lazy and criminal elements, and assist persons of color with good jobs and appropriate training programs.

[4] The rights of the people must not be abridged and personal choices about recreational drug use, sex, are self-expression should subject to strict laws and penalties.  Jobs must be based on cognitive skills with no association with agendas, skin color, political connections or quotas. Certain professions or businesses or government may never be forced to select students or employees based on quotas or skin color and certainly not by any race-normed academic metrics. Only the arrogant or insane or those consumed with leftist toadyism think that the average citizen could ever be a great brain surgeon, court judge or engineer.

[5] Health care and rehabilitation for disease must be provided at reasonable costs to the user and available to all only in limited cases such as charity. Capitalism has enhanced and expanded our foods and air and created numerous wonders and growth so workers and entrepreneurs can pay for their health care avoiding socialist punitive taxes.  Those who cannot effectively contribute to society should enjoy only minimal health care.

[6] Persons of color who claim they have been suppressed and marginalized for the last 500 years in the Western Hemisphere must be held responsible for their lack of education, sloth, and criminal activity if appropriate.  Those persons of color who have been brainwashed by slick propaganda to believe that their deficiencies and failures are caused by decent citizens must be reeducated. The reparations movements that hold white males responsible for events that happened 300 to 7000 years ago must be expunged and an accurate history incorporated in their training so that they can correct and remediate unfair and biased view of our society.  All persons should have a vote count determined by dividing their tax returns by $10,000 after rounding down. Half our citizens are not contributors and should not be allowed to vote.  This will restore peace and justice to our society and form an inclusive and modern society by discounting the votes of degenerates and the unsuccessful. Failure is celebrated by liberals, but is a burden upon our society.

[6] Crimes that are committed by the ‘poor’ people with the excuse that they are forced to commit them for survival are the worst of criminals and mere cannon fodder for the sordid left.  Many people simply steal money for fun, drugs and sex and proffer the phony excuse that they need food for their families as they cannot get jobs in business. This is really theft supported by politics; it is social injustice. Any bum or parasite can use this excuse and collect nothing but praise from the leftists in power. Persons who are felons should have their voting rights suspended forever after the first offense.

[7] Private property is a privilege for all those enlightened persons who earn their own living.   Private property should be limited to those who are not a burden on society. Property unfairly attained from the evils of government by seizing the assets of honest citizens or businesses must be returned to those same people with ample tax credits and profusely written regrets. Appropriate tax credits should be issued with the apology. Corporations are the financial and social basis for any just society and all common stocks and bonds should be reserved for the people who purchased them and be free of taxes.  Those societies that do not permit corporations [Cuba, North Korea and the remnants of the USSR and now Venezuela] have police states, ration food and shoot their citizens for holding opposing political views. This is the ultimate vision of the leftists in San Francisco. This must change.

Retirement accounts and IRAs, particularly of the tax-free Roth type, must be assigned to the people for redistribution to themselves or family or friends according to their particular decisions   without government interference.  We have to eliminate double or multiple taxation.  The proceeds from all tax-paid investments should be tax free.  Proceeds from Social Security, a Marxian wreckage of the Roosevelt Era and a demonstrated failure, must be tax free. Social Security should be privatized and optional for all persons to decide. Social Security is going broke and must be ultimately terminated as the ultimate failure of socialism.

[8] Capitalism and business have created the best societies on our planet and the oceans and forests and savannahs will continue to be bountiful with proper care. The phony scare chronicles that predict we will be forced into poverty and cannibalism[22] because of corporate greed and rising temperatures appeal only to liberals and their mentally sluggish victims. This is just a phony tax gimmick. [23]The air is already loaded with carbon dioxide because this is a natural part of human and plant metabolism.  Phony correlations between temperature changes and CO2 levels are simply propaganda and a favorite social poison of liberalism. The excess use of energy is irresponsible and we should not waste resources. Energy production must be only slightly taxed so that profits cannot be made from this precious resource and reinvested in nuclear energy and more drilling for oil.  Corporations must be celebrated and government controls minimized in almost all cases.

[9] The government is never the preferred employer and any person who wants a job should have one that fits their personal preferences and is commensurate with his or her education and work ethic.  The government should always be of a minimum size and have very limited powers.  Most laws now in effect except those for the control of crime should be revoked or vacated.  A ‘livable wage’ is a political slogan derived from the failures of socialism. The notion that people ought to have equal and free medical care and retirement benefits is a socialist theme that has been discredited in  Europe and elsewhere.  Persons should be able to compete for jobs that they like and not be burdened with quotas, sensitivity training sessions that pander to the mentally disnimble or contribute to other gross inefficiencies of socialism.  Employers and particularly the governments should demand that potential employees demonstrate certain minimum competencies in math, reading, history and other skills.  Workers need to assume responsibility for their own investments, profits, homes and hobbies or any other legal goals as capitalists and invest or found new businesses as they wish.  The work week should be as long as it needs to be with the consent and cooperation of workers and management. Excessive vacations and other fluff benefits, an evil of socialism, must be strictly limited for those employees in government. Government employees must take and maintain acceptable scores on standardized tests to retain their jobs.  Those employees who fail random drug tests must be terminated and their status as a drug taker made public as we do for sexual predators and other perverts.  Government employees must be responsible for efficient work, conduct and work output. Taxes on all forms of capitalism must be used to create new jobs and restructure our society and not wasted on ineffective or racist social programs. Capitalism must finally be celebrated so that peace and justice and prosperity can be attained for all.

[10] The military must be encouraged and sustained in all forms to protect us from the social barbarians such as communists, perverts, Islamo-Fascists, socialists, illegal aliens and other undesirables. We want peace not war—but we must retaliate against any threat even in a preemptive mode and hunt down and destroy terrorists and their governments and backers.


California has shown us the obvious destructive pathway to moral and economic serfdom and offers a phony and perverted system of war, degenerated society and injustice. Our slogans to change our society must include words or phrases like: hastiest ironist[24]. 



[2] The Reptilian, Repulsive Pelosi, aka Spartacus, Bears Her Yellow Fangs at the White House.
Posted by rycK on Friday, February 29, 2008 2:44:00 PM
[3] I was accosted by pimps and other vermin who had large  albums of pictures of little boys and girls with prices and availabilities and even transportation while  a sailor stationed in San Francisco in the years 1964-1968.
[4] The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (ISBN: 0029146739)
by Herrnstein, Richard J. and  Murray, Charles  Free Press of Glencoe , Inc, Old Tappan, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1994.
[5] Here is the list.

Health Programs
Children's Services
Health Services Programs
San Francisco Community Health Network Centers
Population Health and Prevention
Request Public Records (Department of Public Health)
Aging and Adult
Adult Protective Services
Aging and Adult Service
Elder and Disabled Adult Services (Department of Human Services)
Commnunity[sic] and Home Injury Prevention Project for Seniors (CHIPPS)
Curry Senior Service Center
Elder Abuse Information, District Attorney's Office
In-Home Supportive Services
Network of Support for Community Living (Adult & Aging Services)
Public Administrator / Public Guardian
SF-Get Care
Veterans' Service Office
Child Abuse/Domestic Violence Reporting
Children's Services
Disability and Homeless
Access For Voters with Disabilities
Accessibility Policies
ADA Telephone Information Services
City ADA Coordinators
Homeless Services
Laguna Honda Hospital
San Francisco General Hospital
Human Services, Department of
Public Health, Department of
Aging and Adult
Aging & Adult Services, Department of
Office on the Aging
Veterans Affairs Commission
Children and Women
Child Support Services, Department of
Children, Youth and Their Families, Department of
Department on the Status of Women

Local Homeless Coordinating Board
Mayor's Office on Disability
Mental Health Board
Immigrant Rights Commission
No department, agency, commission, officer or employee of the City and County of San Francisco shall use any City funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law or to gather or disseminate information regarding the immigration status of individuals in the City and County of San Francisco unless such assistance is required by federal or State statute, regulation or court decision.
[11] This character was an urban myth in Tulare and Kern Counties in California and stories told to children in bogeyman form. He never existed. But his anti-capitalism and Robin Hood activism appealed to the leftists and Hispanic Supremacists so he was invented and cherished. The liberals believe and make political hay out of such farces and fairy tales.
[14] "The traditional practice of dealing with prostitution as a law and order issue is costly and simply does not work. The Task Force creates a forum in which everyone who is impacted in whatever way by prostitution can sit together and come up with solutions that work for San Francisco
[22] Turner: Global Warming Will Cause Mass Cannibalism, Insurgents Are Patriots.
[24] An anagram. 

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