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Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Manifold Diseases of Liberalism


Liberalism is a collective swarm of pathologies that exhibit a grand collage of numerous unsavory social attributes. The salient precept and first thrust of liberalism is a flat rejection of any form of morality or human conduct not specifically praised by the left. Here, while issuing their own moral pronouncements upon others with instant judgments, they despise and emotionally wage continual war on the generally-accepted tenets of morality as previously elucidated from thousands of years of history and practice. They must convince their victims that the ‘poor’ and ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘marginalized’ peoples should vote for liberal Democrats in all elections and gratuitous  but generous allowances are made for crimes against humanity, sodomy and incest as an obvious sop.

Apart from a rejection of morality, manifesting itself in a wild array of perverted antics and proposals, the far left must incessantly place absolute blame upon others for poverty, racism, AIDS (concocted by the CIA to murder opponents), misdistribution of wealth and other social maladies as defined by their elites even though these social defects form the very basis of political control by the left. Without poverty, racism and other high-flying social demons they would have no voting audience thus they seek to enhance and stabilize poverty and overt racism because these negative attributes support their system with cash and numerous gratuitous jobs funded by the state and federal tax bases. One can only wonder how many jobs are created by crime and drugs in the US alone just  mention drug counselors, parole officers and others as a few categories.  The healthcare bill is enormous in the cases of drug addicts and those who acquired AIDS by being ‘progressive,’ Stalin’s word [1] for devoted leftists in the US. We spend more money on AIDS research than on heart disease although there are fewer than two million citizens with the affliction and most Americans will die of heart disease. The capitalists are their primary political targets since capitalism provides opportunities for everyone to make money and become financially independent and avoid liberalism and its drug-induced or social hang-ups. We heard all this stale fluff recited ad nauseum during  the Marxian Era and reechoed  in  the late 19th century  Fabian Era by George Bernard Shaw and his radicals and his ‘permeation’ theory of propaganda designed to force or entice the government into confiscating all property and capital in England and serving ‘justice’ by reshuffling the fruits of capitalism  among the populace according to the Fabian Formula. The Fabians were awash with calculations and theories as to how socialism must be the only mechanism of governments. This joke persists even after the demise of the USSR, PRC, and other hilarious socialist-communist-Marxist ‘governments. .

The functional political theory of liberalism is to isolate and divide groups and force social and economic warfare among these factions comprised of honest citizens on one side and the fabricated or imaginary groups that they deliberately create as dedicated opponents. As for racism, the left howl and whine daily about the injustices and insufficient wealth of minorities although they exploit these groups as packs of simpering dupes  and treat them as a broad collection of  properly propagandized ignoramuses to secure and maintain the large fraction of votes they cast in elections. Anyone with brains or a good education would seem to reject liberalism outright, or sooner. Racism is deliberately preserved, nurtured and held as a rabble rouser agenda item to keep certain votes properly corralled in their political camps. Any imbalance in society may be attributed to racism if any minorities are not equal participants in all economic strata. This form of hypocrisy is not noticed by the victims themselves as they have no choice but to believe in liberalism if they are to get freebees from the tax base. The support of liberal racism is further demonstrated by their supple and adamant support of Islamo-Fascism in all matters. There are no instances of any liberal with substantial political power not supporting our enemies and wildly supporting Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez or, in the past, Mao and Ho and Che. They see American military casualties as political pawns in the battle against capitalism.

Religion is criticized as dogmatic although the leftists ‘believe’ in Global Warming and other mystical theories that soar beyond reason and offer no proof—only consensus. We can get a ‘consensus’ about drugs, prostitution and petty crime from any shooting gallery the day after the welfare checks are mailed out

Drug addiction and sloth, which leads to terminal poverty, and sodomy, leading to isolated and marginalized groups, are strong factors in preserving the necessary reality of grinding poverty and maintenance of leftist political power. The theory is to make as many citizens dependent upon the leftist-controlled government for their needs as possible while ignoring the evils of drug addiction, crime and worse. Drugs make th ier victims ‘feel good’ and want to vote Democrat. Depressions of both  mental and economic forms are favourable to their cause. High unemployment is proof that capitalism is a failure. Drugs are celebrated in song, verse and rhyme in public places by all sorts of leftists like Jerry Garcia[2], ‘intellectuals’ like Allen Ginsberg[3], ‘academics’ like Timothy Leary [4], Sean Penn [5],  the Black Panthers [6], and even  ‘scientists” like Carl Sagan. Drugs are mind-expanding and necessary.  Kiddy porn is protected whenever possible as is pedophilia in the Catholic Priesthood and elsewhere as a mere statement of free speech, a right guaranteed by the Constitution that the left would torch in a heartbeat. We wonder if the left have a problem with necrophilia? These folks seem to derive some personal satisfaction in seeing their unwitting followers suffer and die from substance overdoses and attendant diseases as long as there are tears and a bouncy melody to accompany the moans and groans on the way to the polls to vote. Janis Joplin’s death[7] from heroin and alcohol is still a cause célèbre for the radical left. They nod in approval as Jerry Garcia died in rehab for his numerous excesses and drug addiction.

Sexual perversion is a sacred and protected form of Rite of Passage for many leftists so liberal judges are quick to find strange and unusual reasons to lessen or minimize the sentences of convicted criminals. It seems that no act of degeneracy is too disgusting to be hailed as praiseworthy by the sordid left. Pedophilia and incest are particularly admired and honored by radicals probably following Shelley[8] and Byron[9]. One degenerate who sodomized young girls was not sent to prison because he was ‘too short.’ Perhaps the judge was referring to his penile gland.

Violent criminals are considered to be political victims and incarcerated criminals are deemed ‘political prisoners.’ Their circumstances and deeds are ‘forced’ by our capitalist society so their crimes must be excused. Faye Stender [10] wanted to put the system on trialand defend the disgusting Black Panthers and their street crimes and drug sales.  No matter how heinous the crime there is no reason for a liberal to advocate the death penalty except in the case of Nazis although they loudly hail state-funded abortion as another Rite of Passage and becomes yet another cause célèbre and excuse for merrymaking and doing drugs. Angela Davis was acquitted in the Marin County trial when accused of supplying guns for the murder of the judge and others  by the Black Panthers because they did not belileve that she knew what the guns would be used for. Duh?!

Liberalism is a disgusting aspect of our society and has done little good and much harm.  We need better laws to restore morality and restrain these social parasites from perverting our society. We do not need such people in positions of power. Vote accordingly.


[1] Ref Witness by Whitaker Chambers. 

[2] 91995, Garcia's body was discovered on the floor of his room at the rehabilitation clinic at 4:23 a.m.[4][20] The cause of death was a heart attackexacerbated by sleep apnea.[4] Garcia had long struggled with tobaccodrug addiction,[4] weight problems, and sleep apnea,[4] all of which contributed to his physical decline. Phil Lesh, upon hearing of Garcia's death, remarked in his autobiography: "I was struck numb; I had lost my oldest surviving friend, my brother."[10] Senator Patrick Leahy, a longtime Deadhead, stated that he felt as though he had been "kicked in the stomach."[20]

[3] In his poem "America", written on the 17th of January, 1956 in Berkeley, a line reads 'America I used to be a communist when I was a kid I'm not sorry'. Followed directly by 'I smoke marijuana every chance I get'...In 1965 Ginsberg was deported from Cuba for publicly protesting against Cuba's anti-marijuana stance and its penchant for throwing homosexuals in jail, but also for an alleged remark referring to revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara as "cute."

[4] As a 1960s counterculture icon, he is most famous as a proponent of the therapeutic and spiritual benefits of LSD. He coined and popularized the catch phrase "Turn on, tune in, drop out." In Ginsberg's freshman year at Columbia he met fellow undergraduate Lucien Carr, who introduced him to a number of future Beat writers including Jack Kerouac,William S. Burroughs, and John Clellon Holmes

[5] On April 192007, Penn appeared on The Colbert Report and had a "Meta-Free-Phor-All" versus Stephen Colbert that was judged by Robert Pinsky. This stemmed from some of Penn's criticisms of President Bush. His exact quote was "We cower as you point your fingers telling us to support our troops. You and the smarmy pundits in your pocket — those who bathe in the moisture of your soiled and blood-soaked underwear — can take that noise and shove it." He won the contest 10,000,000, to Stephen Colbert's 1. Penn is supporting Ohio CongressmanDennis J. Kucinich for U.S. President in 2008.[14]

[6] The group was founded on the principles of its Ten-Point Program, a document that called for "Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice And Peace," as well as exemption from military service that would utilize African Americans to "fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black people, are being victimized by the White racist government of America."[2]
[7] She overdosed on heroin at the age of 27 while drunk on cocktails she had finished approximately an hour earlier at Barney's Beanery in West Hollywood.

[8] Shelley's major production during this time was Laon and Cythna, a long, narrative poem in which he attacked religion and featured a pair of incestuous lovers. It was hastily withdrawn [ed.  The leading characters  Laon and Cythna were brother and sister in the original manuscript. See  Intellectuals page 35.  after only a few copies were published. It was later edited and reissued as The Revolt of Islam in 1818. Shelley also wrote two revolutionary political tracts under the nom de plume of "The Hermit of Marlowe." Paul Johnson in his book  Intellectuals describes Shelley’s plot to abduct his sisters and have incest with them. He was apparently infatuated with incest.  Reference Harper & Rowe 1988, 1st edition,  page 35 where Shelley  wanted to kidnap his sisters Elizabeth and Helen for incestual sex.

[9] See footnote 8.

[10]  Fay Stender. Stender was a lawyer who took on the case of George Jackson, The Black Panther field Marshal, and that of the Soledad Brothers. You regular readers already know that Jackson started the Black Guerilla Family in the '70s, a prison gang that exists to this day and has spawned other black prison gangs and splinter groups.
According to the literature, Jackson had asked Stender to smuggle him a gun into San Quentin. His plan was to escape, make his way to Angola, build a revolutionary army, invade the U.S. with it and bring down the "system." He was nothing if not ambitious. Not to mention delusional.  Stender, though dedicated to The Cause, was no idiot. She refused to get him a gun. And she began to distance herself from the prison and revolutionary movement. Eventually, she was paid a visit one night by persons unknown, but apparently known to her, and shot five times. She survived but was paralyzed from the waist down. Fearing for her life from the Panthers, she moved to Europe. Broken and disillusioned she eventually committed suicide. Also see Destructive Generation by David Horowitz and Larry Elder for an account of Stender.

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