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Friday, October 12, 2012

Obama Receives the Ultimate Insult: The Swede's Bozo Prize for Leftist Stooges.

Obama Receives the Ultimate Insult: The Swede's Bozo Prize for Leftist Stooges.

Originally published 10.09.2009.

Awash in meddling politics and eternally reeling in shame and remorse from a dozen decades when they instrumented gross horrors of war upon civilians (but which made great business deals that brought prosperity to the inbred Swedes) they recently burnt some sacrificial offerings to one of their Norse deities and received a message: The commandments from the altar have prompted them to absurdly award their coveted ‘prize’ to someone who has done nothing but promise and spend: B. Hussein Obama. Didn’t they play this phony carnival coupon card with Peanut Jimmy Carter too? Have they no shame?

The Swedes must still be worshiping Æsir gods and huddling in the old temple at Uppsala while frantically reading the ancient runes for inspiration as they grope for political and economic reality and, more importantly, money.  Grounded in their ceaseless belief that some tomtar[1] can work the levers of the outer worlds and bring peace and prosperity to those who grovel at the base of their altars, they trundle on with their greedy mission. But, for the record, they have worked their politics wisely (and profitably) such as when they substituted Hitler for one of their Norse Gods and licked his boots for money and profit. They made neat profits selling iron ore to Nazi Germany and allowed free passage across their lands for any German troops from 1940 to 1943.[2] They made a bunch off the Viet Nam war too.[3] The Swedes still apparently honor some mystical quasi-religious duality as they can honk and bang the peace drums and simultaneously run top-shelf war machines industries like Bofors[4] (owned previously by Alfred Nobel, of course). They are still profitably slithering around the world peddling guns and offering bribes to politicians and operating internationally as BAE Systems Bofors and Saab Bofors Dynamics. Isn’t it great to sell weapons while standing up on some rickety kumquat crate and lecturing the world on ‘peace?’ It is difficult to comprehend this tantalizing parcel of arrogance and ensnarled remorse that must drive this mental illness.

Today, in the same manner that Paul Krugman[5][6][7][8] was disgraced by praising his stilted political mangling of our understanding of elementary economics, Le Prix Noble has been again tossed into the dumpster. Meddling in science, politics and ‘peace,’ as autocratically and obscurely defined by the Swedes and their Norwegian lackeys, and waxing internationally for praise and recognition, they  have anointed yet another incompetent with the Mantle of Stooge Award[9] as unwittingly  and humorously defined by the Swedish Academy.[10] Our Afro-Leninist ideological racist[11][12], a consummate liar[13] and a Marxian advocate or stooge[14] and do-nothing promise-everything president Barrack Obama is dishonored with the same drippy socialist sputum as many losers before him. This Academy is besotted with far leftist political choices for prizes.[15]  Perhaps the Academy can find some prize for Jeremiah Wright[16] or William Ayers too.

The prize [le prix d'excréments] is issued according to strict monolithic adherence to leftist dogma and not according to truth, achievement or insight. Ideology to a fault is a proper reason to splash the recipients with this phony glory in the eyes of the far left. But, reeling backward into news and reality, this ‘award’ was not received well around the world.[17]

From Hamas and others in lands where Obama is orchestrating ‘peace’:

"Obama has a long way to go still and lots of work to do before he can deserve a reward," said Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri. "Obama only made promises and did not contribute any substance to world peace. And he has not done anything to ensure justice for the sake of Arab and Muslim causes."[18]

“Issam al-Khazraji, a day laborer in Baghdad, said: "He doesn't deserve this prize. All these problems -- Iraq, Afghanistan -- have not been solved...The man of 'change' hasn't changed anything yet."
Liaqat Baluch, a senior leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami, a conservative religious party in Pakistan, called the award an embarrassing "joke."
But, what does that matter if the drooling Swedes can ‘help’ Obama a bit?
Background on Political Sleaze of the Swedish Variety:

Various ‘prizes’ have been given to these ‘people’ [le papier de toilette pour les pervertis et les perdants]. Look at this sorry list of losers, criminals and worse who got ‘prizes’ from the Ignoble Nobel Circus:

1925: George Bernard Shaw[Fabian, yo-yo, avowed communist, anti-capitalist who called for soldiers to shoot their officers and go home.]
1962: John Steinbeck [drunk, loser]
1973: Henry Kissinger / Le Duc Tho (refused) [Idiot who groveled before the Communists and believed in their lies. Tho had more prestige and honor when he refused this joke of a Nobel Prize]
1971: Willy Brandt [An unwitting stooge of the USSR who kept a pet spy in his government who worked for the Stasi]
1977: Amnesty International [Far left political group who favors terrorism and revolutions.]
1984: Desmond Tutu [Bigot, racist]
1988: United Nations Peacekeeping Forces [Phony group--there never was any peace.]
1990: Mikhail Gorbachev [Drooling Communist who ‘believed’ in Communism.]
1992 Rigoberta Menchú Tum [Liar, some Communist  wrote this fulff.[19][20]]
1993: Nelson Mandela [convicted and confessed terrorist bomber]
1994: Yasser Arafat [terrorist, liar and he took 500 million from his people for himself]
2001:  Kofi Annan [liar and criminal who diverted billions in Iraqi petrodollars.]
2002: Jimmy Carter [Idiot, anti-Semite, Marxist stooge]
2007: Al Gore [flunky, criminal, Marxist Stooge, EcoNazi[21]]

This event has done little other than to move the goal posts a bit farther from reality for president Obama and publicly emphasizes that he has accomplished nothing but shovel out loads of promises he cannot fulfill. If he spends us into another depression maybe the Swedes can conjure another ‘prize’ for him in economics.



[3]My life’s financial progress was calculated after this transaction and my net worth turned out to be about -50 dollars, which included the absence of a car and the salient fact that I had no civilian shoes. I was not getting ahead by participating in this war exercise, my education was behind schedule, and folks were trying to kill me. We barely missed being sunk by some 225 mm coastal guns in the Gulf of Tonkin in some follies known as Sea Dragon Operations, but I did get to see Swedish ships steaming in and out of Hai Phong harbor. I wonder what they were loaded with?”

rycK's Bio: Achieving Prosperity In Spite of the Left Posted by rycK on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:06:28.

[5] Krugman Confuses Bacchus, Baucus and Baloney with the Threshold for Healthcare.  Not Enough Big Government in the Latest Episode

[15]Some economists questioned whether Krugman's politics may have somehow swayed the Swedish Academy. Its selections in the past have been viewed as politically motivated, and Krugman's selection came just weeks before a U.S. presidential election in which Bush's legacy is playing no small role.”

[16]In his first sermon after September 11th, 2001, Reverend Wright said the U.S. had brought on the attacks with its own terrorism.”[16]

We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant?! Because the stuff we have done overseas is not brought back into our front yard? Americans chickens are coming home to roost.” --Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

[20] “[her lies]..was actually written by a French leftist, Elisabeth Burgos-Debray, wife of Marxist Regis Debray, who provided the focostrategy for Che Guevara's failed effort to foment a guerrilla war in Bolivia in the 1960s. Debray's misguided theory got Guevara and an undetermined number of Bolivian peasants killed, and as we shall see is at the root of the tragedies that overwhelmed Menchú and her family.”

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