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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cryptomisoxeny Explained by Theory and Examples.

Cryptomisoxeny Explained by Theory and Examples.

There are several mental afflictions that affect members of our society that are apart from those caused by exogenous germs or drug addiction. We have a host of rehabilitation facilities that deal with these afflictions although the general acceptance of Freudianism has eased a bit since the late 50s. There are other mental aberrations that are deeply embedded in our society and these maladies are responsible for many of our social problems.

Cryptomisoxeny is a mental condition in which a person is compelled to enlist in a valiant crusade to ferret out and squash such human notions such as bigotry, racism and hypocrisy. The person with this disease is completely unaware of its presence and control of his actions and is deluded with the false or reverse notion that his or her conduct is actually the exact opposite from the unacceptable targeted conduct in others. Hence, those who rail and rant and search for bigots frequently use overt bigotry in their sanctimonious quest for the offenders and employ bigotry in its strictest definition to condemn other persons or groups.  All this proceeds unconsciously as the bigots, in this case, believes that they are far above such a social defect and are some form of cleansing device for our society.  Sanctamonicity [1] is the ultimate internal psychosomatic reward as it draws rave reviews and wild applause from peers and others also burdened with this affliction and offers comfort and camaraderie.  The same argument holds for those who chase and attempt to correct racists using overt racism and, of course, this is hypocrisy, but a form of hypocrisy that is buried deeply in the id. [2]

Some examples follow:

Senator Obama said:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not."

"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."[3]

This comment was off-the-cuff [and confidential] and given freely in the apparent safety of liberal friends in California.

Now, this transcends a mere political analysis and identifies Senator Obama as a typical cryptomisoxenist.  Here he creates a general characterization of an entire group of potential voters with predictable group behavior  as harboring a conventional and clinical  bitterness and reflexively directing this frustration toward others of different groups—i.e. not white or lower middle class—but toward immigrants or persons of color.  This is racism. To this, he adds some criticisms in the form of gun addiction or other phallic symbol worship. He ultimately folds in ‘religion’ to a list of symptoms of this group as if this was a palliative that produced mixed results and in no way could change their outlook.  The lower-middle level whites are ignorant and tantalized by their guns and religion.  These must be the ‘average white persons’ he talks about. The implication here is that they have been searching for a quarter century for a solution to their collective ailments and have yet to discover what that might be.

From Jesse Jackson, Jr.  we read from 2003  about the ‘South.’

Every Democrat has known since the civil rights movement that the party was becoming less competitive in the South because of race. Republicans have successfully exploited race (in proportion to black voting strength) since Richard Nixon's "Southern strategy" of 1968, by, among other things, using racial code words: Nixon's "law and order," Reagan's "states' rights" and "welfare queen," and the first George Bush's "Willie Horton."[4]

This comment parallels the views of Senator Obama and shows that ‘race’ is the problem in the South and that the opposition there has exploited racial differences in technical political terms.

From Al Sharpton:

"What’s wrong with denouncing white interlopers?"[5]

 We could inquire: what is wrong with denouncing black interlopers?

From Senator Schumer on the confirmation of judge Southwick:

““When it comes to the area of race and racism, we have to bend over backwards,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“I certainly don’t think he’s [Southwick] a racist,” Schumer added. “His words have to be seen in context. Like it or not when he’s nominated to the Fifth Circuit he’s carrying 200 and some odd years…on his back. That is the issue here.”[6]

So, judge Southwick is not exactly a racist but he carries two centuries of racism into his courtroom and that will guide some of his decisions? What do we do with Schumer’s words in or out of context? Senator Schumer would never consider himself to be a racist, but he employs the trappings of racism to demean a political opponent.

From Bell Hooks in Killing Rage Ending Racism:

I am writing this essay sitting beside an anonymous white
male that I long to murder

From David Duke:

European-Americans now have the National Organization for European American Rights, to actively defend their rights and heritage in the United States.
I don't call myself a white supremacist. I'm a civil rights activist concerned about European-American rights.

So was Huey Newton and George Jackson.

Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests.”[8]

So, we can have an NAACP but the equivalent white group is not allowed. How about the JDL? La Raza?

From Howard Dean:

You know, the Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party. Pretty much, they all behave the same, and they all look the same. ... It's pretty much a white Christian party.'' --speaking about the lack of outreach to minority communities by political parties”[9]

"I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks."

“I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.”[10]

Hypocrisy is a value that I think has been embraced by the Republican Party. We get lectured by people all day long about moral values by people who have their own moral shortcomings.”

No hypocrisy here.

From Ted Kennedy:

"Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police  could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, school children could not be taught about evolution, writers and
artists could be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens of whom the judiciary is — and is often the only —
protector of the individual rights that are at the heart of our democracy."[11]—Ted Kennedy.

From President Truman in 1911

"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n*gger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a ni**er from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America."-- Harry Truman (1911) in a letter to his future wife Bess”[12]

 From Louis Farrakhan a great man in the eyes of Jeremiah Wright:

"Now that nation called Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under his holy and righteous name." -- Louis Farrakhan who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002, 1984

From Donna Brazile, fired by Dukakis for spreading lies:
"I will not let the white boys win in this election." -- Donna Brazile, Al Gore's Campaign Manager on the 2000 election [13]
From Willie Brown
"The old white boys got taken fair and square." -- San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown after winning an election [14]
From USA Today:
"There's no great, white bigot; there's just about 200 million little white bigots out there." -- USA Today columnist Julienne Malveaux[15]
More from Al Sharpton:

"White folks was[sic] in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." -- Rev. Al Sharpton[16]

We can wonder if any of this collection might admit to the press that they are dedicated racists, hypocrites or bigots. There is no way that any form, however limited, of hypocrisy, over racism or bigotry will not be used to gain political power.  Those who think that we are now apart and have risen above racism in the Obama contest suffer from the facts. Senator Obama and his wife both use racism as their prime political attribute. We can hear that we will condemn whites for racism for not voting for a black while our black candidate condemns whites are unsophisticated.

If none of these people will admit to their racism and bias against other groups then we can declare them all to be cryptomisoxenists.

This is the snarl of politics as it now stands.  This is the way our system works and also the way every other political or social system works. We have racism, tribalism, bigotry, elitism and religious bias everywhere on this planet and the politicians will exploit as many of these human attributes as they can to grab power. Facts supported by observation.

Let us get back to reality.  Racism and bigotry and hypocrisy are intrinsic parts of our being.

Vote accordingly.



[1] A new word

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